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Chapter 516: Wait Until A Thousand Years Later

Chapter 516

Needless to say more about the next plot.

After getting the memory of the previous life, the god ancestor Sita, who harbored resentment, gave his body to Bai Chen.

Regardless of whether it was out of hatred or for whatever reason, Bai Chen did not refuse when he saw the other party offer him to his door.

What's more, it feels good to put a green hat on the enemy who is about to fight together before the battle starts.

After the stormy madness dissipated, the princess snuggled up to Bai Chen Huai Wang.

With a weak posture, she is not like a god ancestor at this moment, but more like an ordinary girl who has been injured.

Bai Chen looked into her beautiful pupils and asked, "You should know that Aisha and I traveled back to the past from the future, right?"


Sita nodded.

"Let's think it's for revenge. Rama, the last king, is the enemy of the goddess. Since my lord is the king of Rakshasa who will be his enemy, "it doesn't matter if I assist you like this.

After a moment of silence.

"My lord, you will be going back soon, right?"

Through the information seen through the spirit vision, Sita knew that Bai Chen and Aisha would not stay in this era 130 for too long.

"Roughly the same."

Bai Chen's intention is just to have a pleasant trip.

Meeting Sita can only be regarded as a windfall.

Although he has a way to stay here, but he obviously can't do it if he abandons the power he has established in the future and those girls just for the sake of a god ancestor.

To a certain extent, he is the same as the last king, Rama, an irresponsible man who eats up women and rubs oil on the soles of his feet.

The only difference is that he will not attack his relatives and friends because of unnecessary responsibilities and fate.

But even so, Bai Chen still felt a little apologetic for so much.

"My lord, don't blame yourself. What I did today is only my voluntary dedication, so you must not feel guilty towards me."

Sita pursed her beautiful lips and outlined a gentle smile.

Even the ancestors of gods will show the playfulness and tenderness of human women.

"You have such a mood, it is already a great honor for the concubine, and you, as a godslayer, still sympathize with the goddess who is the enemy, it is already a great tenderness, I am based on this Only then will I be willing to dedicate myself to you.”

Hearing this, Bai Feng couldn't help showing a helpless smile.

Feeling guilty is also a bit of his conscience as a man.

But since even Sita had said so, he didn't want to continue to dwell on it any longer.

The next few days passed fairly peacefully.

The underground love affair between Bai Chen and Sita also proceeded quietly without Aishia's knowledge.

until one day.

Aisia, who was cooking, ran over in a hurry and called out to Bai Chen: "Master, Power, Power is about to get out of control again!"

Hearing this, Bai Chen was refreshed, and Sita, who was playing the guqin beside him, also froze slightly.

"Take care of yourself."

Sita smiled at Bai Chen, but didn't get up.

And Bai Chen also smiled back, and led Aishia to find the entrance of the cave that could return to modern times.

Until the figures of the two disappeared from the island, although the sound of the piano that spread throughout the forest stopped, the lingering sound lingered.

Bai Chen, who walked out of the cave and set foot on the land, soon realized that he had returned to modern times.

Looking around, I found that this is not the living room when I left, but in a courtyard of the Bronze Black Cross headquarters.

"Phew, it's finally back!"

Aisia patted her plump bust and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I just don't know how Miss Sita was doing in that era?"

Those who travel in the "Fairy Cave" can return from the past to the present in just the blink of an eye.

But for Sita who already lived in history, thousands of years have actually passed.

"You (cafh) go back first, I will go to the Nether World. Right now

Without responding to Asia's call, Bai Chen went to the underworld alone.

Soon, he came to the coordinates where he took Sita to the Nether World for the first time.

I remember when I first came here, it was a barren mountain.

Bai Chen, who came here now, saw a very simple Japanese-style hut standing not far away.

Inside the hut, there was a familiar melody, mixed with a female voice like a lark.

The breath at the source of the sound is no different from that of Sita.

Perhaps sensing the arrival of outsiders, the melody paused and the forest returned to silence.

Bai Chen stepped straight into the manor, opened the door, and saw a pretty figure in twelve singles sitting inside the house.

It is the ancestor Sita.

And when this beautiful princess with glazed eyes saw Bai Chen, the expression on her face was first startled, and then became complicated.

Seeing the slight expression on Sita's face, Bai Chen knew that the girl remembered herself.

He originally thought that the correction power of time would correct the impact caused by his return to the past, but unexpectedly, the correction did not happen.

However, this may also have something to do with what Bai Chen did not have an impact on history.

After all, relatively speaking, Sita is just a small god ancestor who has not shown up for thousands of years, so the historical correction power has not played its due role.

"Sita, long time no see.

Even Bai Chen was a little embarrassed to see his former lover.

After all, he was saying goodbye to Sita one second, and saw Sita again the next second.

But for Sita, she has really waited for a thousand years.

"My lord, you don't need to blame yourself. The concubine said that she was willing to devote herself to you at the beginning, and you have not forgotten the concubine. To me, this is already the best news."

"It's just over a thousand years, which is a bit long."

"In this case, why didn't you meet me when I was looking for Susanoo?"

Bai Chen asked.

Hearing this, Sita just showed a sad look.

"After I heard the news of your appearance, I wanted to look for you, but you didn't recognize me at that time. Only after the incident of "traversing the past" happened, did I dare to meet you, so that I would not be wrong. The causality of time makes an impact."

All right.

The classic time paradox problem.

However, since the matter had already happened, Bai Chen didn't want to delve into such complicated rules.

"In this case, Sita, are you willing to return to the human world with me?"

Bai Chen asked.

Now that he had been a "ruthless" man once, he wanted to make it up to Sita.

Of course, if the other party doesn't want to accept it, then he won't bother anymore, and it's a good thing for both parties to just break up.

Hearing this, Sita raised her bangs and asked.

"My lord, do you still count on the agreement you made before?".

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