Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Five Hundred And Twentieth Chapters Decomposition To Keep Safe

Chapter 522

Little Spider: "Thick line! Special lines for the beluga!"

Luo Abao: "It doesn't work, break it down."

Railgun: "My suggestion is to break it down to keep it safe.

The Spirit of Time: "Enough is enough, if you continue to deceive Li Xiangjiang like this, you will be punished by God."

Chaos Evil: "Even if you guys ask me to disassemble, it seems that there is no option to disassemble.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Then sell it to the chat group for recycling."

Blue Slime: "Is this the so-called good meal before death?"

Railgun: "Before the war, there must be supplies.

Chaos Evil: "What the hell? I'm just going to the singularity, and didn't the boss just say that the singularity I'm going to is not dangerous?-"

Little Spider: "You have to know, that's only for the boss, but you are the protagonist there.

Chaos Evil: "Ah, this..."

The "kind" condolences from the group members made Gudazi feel uneasy again.

Bai Chen: "Don't listen to their nonsense, just be careful, there will be no danger."

The strength of the second singularity is quite low. Even the bottom boss, Joan of Arc, is at the mid-lower level among all the heroic spirits.

It's just that in the game, the fishiness is good.

If you really want to look at it according to the setting, it's just that Joan of Arc, who was born from a rotting corpse, is far inferior to Joan of Arc in strength.

Chaos Evil: "I understand!"

Gu Dazi also realized that those guys in the group like to boo, very bad!

Chaos evil: "Boss, is this pumpkin fort useful? The name sounds strange."

Bai Chen: "A very strong Teigu is quite suitable for you now. It can transform the mental energy of the holder into a shock wave and shoot it out from the muzzle of the gun, and the higher the danger of falling into crisis , the power will be stronger, and if used properly, it is possible to kill followers in one shot."

In the original animation, Ma Yin used this Teigu to die with General Budd.

Bai Chen: "In addition, you have also drawn the superpower of space movement, even if you are discovered by the enemy, you can escape quickly."

It has to be said that this super power and this Teigu can be said to be a perfect match.

After all, the most dangerous thing for a sniper is to be close by the enemy.

Moreover, the romantic fort has a setting that the more dangerous the owner is, the stronger the power will be. Cooperating with the space movement, it can completely change the place with one shot.

Bai Chen: "The only shortcoming is that it is not as convenient as other Teigu, but the chat group has the function of temporarily storing materials, so this shortcoming can be regarded as gone."

Chaos Evil: "So it can still be used like this? Well... I understand a little bit why everyone thinks you have a sense of security."

Bai Chen: "Relax, you are the savior who will save humanity in the future, nothing will happen."

Chaos Evil: "Thank you!"

After thanking him, Fujimaru Tatsuya withdrew from the chat group.

Then, look at the props and abilities temporarily stored in the chat group props.

Since even Bai Chen said so, she still has nothing to hesitate.

She touched her nose, and then clicked on the option to use with excitement.

Then, the "space movement" extracted as "ability" turned into white light particles and merged into her body.

Gudazi immediately felt that his head became more flexible than before, his thinking became clearer, and he gained a lot of understanding and knowledge of three-dimensional space.

Now Gudazi clearly feels that he can easily move to any place in the room.


She who was still on the bed appeared at the window.

It was the first time for her to use superpowers, and she looked at her hands in disbelief.

You can easily and instantly move to another location without the need for speech, magic power, or the power of props.

This is no longer magic, but a miracle that can be called "magic"!

But the shortcomings are also obvious.

The limit range of ability to move is 81.5 meters, and the mass is 130.7 kilograms.

Fortunately, she weighs less than half, even if she carries a school girl to teleport, it is more than enough.

Of course, the premise is that Matthew doesn't have her heavy armor and shield on board.

Afterwards, Gudazi manifested the romantic fort again.

0 looking for flowers...

As Bai Chen said, the advantages and disadvantages of this Teigu are very obvious, and it is very powerful. With this weapon, defeating a follower in a one-on-one fight is not a dream. Although it is dangerous to be close, the power is doubled.

Besides, she can move instantly.

What's more, according to the experience of chatting in chat groups in the past, superpowers can continue to grow.

If it can evolve to Iv5, it may be stronger than those ordinary servants.

It's just that if you want to increase the level of superpowers, to be honest, the probability is too low.

Its difficulty is no less than that of single-handedly fighting Getia.

Blue Slime: "@暴暴恶, Miss Lixiang, when you go to the singularity to take risks, let's start a live broadcast of the whole process, so that I can also relieve boredom...cough cough, it can solve your problems, provide Some useful advice."

Little Spider: "It's hard to disagree."

The Spirit of Time: "That's right, after all, this is Li Xiangjiang's second mission. With us here, I can feel a little more at ease."

Die Die Ren: "Kang San is right.

Little White Cat: "Yes, yes, yes."

Electromagnetic Gun: "@BlueSlime Don't think I just want to join in the fun without knowing you!"

The queen who wants to fall in love: "I really want to see how strong those servants are."

Chaos Evil: "I know."

In fact, there is no need for others to say, Gu Dazi decided to start the live broadcast before departure.

After all, the live broadcast camera can see more than her eyes, and there are even close-up shots. If there is any danger, the group can also issue an early notice.

What's more, there are big bosses sitting in the battle.

What are you afraid of?!

Thinking of this, after Gudazi silently cheered himself on, he heard the sound of a school girl knocking on the door.

"Senior, are you ready to go?"


Gu Dazi put away the Teigu, walked over to open the door confidently.

From now on, she won't be hiding behind Matthew all the time!


Matthew, who was wearing Chaldean overalls, looked at the Master in front of her, and always felt that she was a bit different today from yesterday.

Is it an illusion four?.

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