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Chapter 523 Who Is The Eggplant

Chapter 523

Humanistic Survival Guarantee Organization - Chaldea.

The only remaining staff members are facing various three-dimensional screens, making the final preparations before the transfer of spirit particles.

It didn't take long to check it out.

"Spirit transfer, preparations are complete!"

"Transfers are available at any time."

Following the voices of the staff one after another, both Fujimaru Tachika and Mash entered into the machine for spirit seed transfer.

Little Spider: "What a sci-fi place, the organization that Li Xiangjiang belongs to can actually go through a second time."

Looking at the scene in Chaldea that is indistinguishable from a sci-fi movie, the spider sighed.

Railgun: "What will happen if the transfer of spirit particles fails?"

Bai Chen: "Probably like in some sci-fi movies, only half of the body will pass through."

"Zero Four Three" Chaos Evil: "Don't say it so scary, okay?! I'm starting to worry again!"

Bai Chen: "Just kidding, have a good trip."

Bai Chen: "Even if something happened to you, I can't just sit and watch something happen to the eggplant, right?"

Chaos evil: "Who is the color eggplant?"

Fujimaru Tachika was a little puzzled.

Now there are only twenty or thirty people left in Chaldea, and she knows them all.

And this sounds like a weird nickname, it can't be called Da Vinci or Doctor Romani, right?

It's even more impossible for her.

Bai Chen: "I don't even know the color eggplant, it's the elementary school girl Matthew."

Although it is a character that only appears in fgo, its popularity among players is not much lower than that of other main characters.

After all, Matthew is the only one who stays with the protagonist of the game from beginning to end.

Not only that, but his personality is also very soft, and he obeys the words of the protagonist of the game.

And Bai Chen still remembers that in a vr game produced by fgo company, when other female servants change clothes, the protagonist will avoid it, only Matthew will not.

Both can fight and listen.

So who would refuse such a Mash?

Chaos Evil: "?"

Chaos Evil: "When did Matthew have such a nickname?"

Bai Chen: "You will know after you try it."

Matthew belongs to the typical type of person who says no but is very honest.

She has a soft and cute personality and is sullen at the same time.

Chaos Evil: "Okay, I have time to try."

Hearing what Bai Chen said, Tachika Fujimaru couldn't help becoming interested.

After all, Matthew is usually a very serious school girl character. If she can really see another side of her, even if she pays some price, it will be worth it.

And at this time, Matthew, for some reason, suddenly shuddered.

Blue Slime: "Well, the girl next to Lixiang is really cute."

The Spirit of Time: "It's true that it's cute, but is it really okay to just ignore Li Xiangjiang himself?"

Butterfly Shinobi: "That's right, Lixiang sauce is also very beautiful."

Little White Cat: "It gives people a neutral feeling. If you put on men's clothing, it should have a different temperament."

I don't want to see a ghost: "When you say that, I suddenly want to watch it."

Chaos evil: "I don't have a hobby of transvestites."

Seeing the group chattering about herself, Fujimaru Tatsuka didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

It's not that she doesn't know how much she weighs.

Whether it is magic aptitude, or appearance and figure, they are all mediocre.

In a daze, he was elected as the Master, thus obtaining the qualification to make a contract with Mash.

If it weren't for Professor Leif's betrayal, she might only be a small employee in Chaldea. 【

Bai Chen: "Don't underestimate yourself so much. Although you are not as cute as eggplant, you are the savior who saves humanity, so you have to have some confidence in yourself."

Although I don't know why the topic is talking about appearance, but Bai Chen also knows that Fujimaru Tachika's person is set in the Xingyue world view of "Fighting Immortals". In terms of appearance alone, she is not very outstanding, but she is undoubtedly special .

Knowing good intentions can do evil deeds,

Being good can tolerate evil,

Being tortured by evil can penetrate good hearts.

And the luck is very good, otherwise, it would not be possible to save the day from danger many times in the plot, and make a lot of followers who are willing to follow Gudazi.

In addition, the name of the oldest evil of mankind is not for nothing.

Maybe there is really a "devil" hidden in Gudazi's heart.

Chaos evil: "Although I was comforted by the boss, what's the matter with not being happy at all?"

Little Spider: "I know this feeling, it's like being sent a good person card by the person you confessed to!"

Cannon: "Pfft! I'm heartbroken..0"

Chaos evil: "Let's not talk about it, my side is going to start transferring."

Hearing Dr. Romani's voice, Gu Dazi quickly put himself into a pose.

"Spirit transfer, activate!"

The speed of the spirit transfer is very fast.

When Gu Dazi opened his eyes, he found himself in a new environment.

Surrounded by green grasslands, extending to the end of the horizon.

The breeze blowing on the face brought an aroma mixed with the fragrance of the earth. Compared with the environment of Chaldea, this place is undoubtedly quite a good place.

Little Spider: "Wuhu! Take off!"

No matter how many times I watch it, Spider thinks the live broadcast function is really great.

In the crypt, apart from fighting monsters and upgrading, there are no recreational activities.

However, after joining the group chat, she can usually use the live broadcast to pass the time, and every time she will turn on the recording function, aiming to relive it repeatedly when there is no live broadcast.

Chaos Evil: "This place is much better than Fuyuki City last time."

As soon as the singularity F was mentioned last time, Gu Dazi couldn't help but sweat coldly all over his body.

There are walking skeletons and shadowy monsters everywhere.

Coupled with the burning flames and the city turned into 1.6 ruins, everything is so depressing.

Bai Chen: "But the difficulty has also increased, this time you have to deal with more than one servant.

The Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon took place during the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France.

The specific time is that three days after Joan was burned to death by the church trial, caster Gildrey made a wish to the Holy Grail leading to the birth of Joan of Arc.

Chaos Evil: "I will be careful!"

Although there are a group of friends staring around, she doesn't want to trouble others with everything.

More importantly, she also wants to prove that she is not mediocre.

Bai Chen: "Go ahead, just be careful."

After finishing speaking, Bai Chen planned to continue watching the live broadcast to pass the time, but to his surprise, someone attacked him at this time. .

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