Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter Five Hundred And Sixty First Black Bullet

Chapter 561

A sudden reminder made the group members focus on the trust who just joined the group.

I don't want to see hell: "Here comes the newcomer!"

Goddess of the Moon: "When I first joined the group, there were reminders from the group."

Little Spider: "There are newcomers, group status -1!"

Blue Slime: "The newlyweds' photos, report their measurements, age, personality, hobbies and so on, tell them all!"

The Spirit of Time: "Don't scare the newcomers."

Black-haired loli: "Be careful not to offend a certain god, after all, the newcomer's nickname seems a bit strong, and I don't know if it's male or female."

I don't want to go to hell: "If it's a man... emmmmmm.

Xiao Baimao: "The newcomer's name is easy to remind people of God."

Electromagnetic Gun: ""Holy Son of Heaven", sounds very powerful, I suddenly feel that it has something to do with Richen?"

Teacher Loli: "After all, with the word "Holy", we can't rule out the possibility of being Gods of other worlds.

After all, there is even a moon god in the group, so it would not be too much to have a brand new version of God.

Little Spider: "It sounds a bit domineering."

Blue Slime: "Side leak? What side leak?"

Chaos Evil: "There are newcomers? Doesn't that mean I'm a senior?"

Butterfly Ren: "Have you noticed that there is only one newcomer this time?"

The Spirit of Time: "Shinobu always finds some problems in details.

Butterfly Ren: "No, after all, I'm usually free. I don't have anything else to do except take care of the clinic. The rest of the time is spent on the chat group."

Teacher Loli: "It may be a matter of time, after all, it hasn't been too long since Artemis and the others joined the group last time."

The Elf of Time: "Maybe, but it's not a big problem. Also, have we forgotten something?"

Railgun: "Like?"

Black-haired loli: "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

The Spirit of Time: "Welcome newcomers!"

I don't want to go to hell: "Welcome newcomer!!!"

Little Spider: "@圣天子, look here for newcomers, I have a good one here [Are you interested in coming out to Kangkang?"

The queen who wants to fall in love: "If you want to know the identity of the newcomer, just ask Bai Chen directly, isn't it good?"

The queen who wants to fall in love: "@ Bai Chen, do you have a clue?"

Bai Chen: "I have basically understood it, but out of politeness, let's wait for the newcomers to introduce themselves."

In fact, just looking at the nickname of the newcomer, Bai Chen already had guesses in his heart.

Although the name looks bluffing, in fact, he knows which world he comes from.

It should be "black bullet".

Among them, the leader of the Tokyo region of the island country is code-named "Holy Son of Heaven", but Bai Chen does not know who it is.

After all, each "Holy Son of Heaven" will erase his original name and use this code name until the next one takes over.

Of course, it may not come from "black bullets".

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the newcomer will reveal his identity in a short time.

At that time, based on a few words, it can be determined.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen stopped thinking deeply.

But others, especially Spider and Limuru, these two otherworldly "cute pets" can be said to be a pair of live treasures in the chat group. If there is a dragon king in the chat group, it must be from the competition between the two of them. campaign.

Non-staff individual: "The rookie is also a god species?"

Little Spider: "Newcomers, don't trust the one above, we are good people!"

Non-staff individual: "I admit that I was a little impatient before, but that is also human nature. After all, the world I live in does not allow me to relax my vigilance. If it were you, your performance would definitely not be much better than mine!"

Little Spider: "?"

Blue Slime: "Repented?"

Non-staff individual: "What is repentance? I didn't do anything wrong."

Little Spider: "Sure enough, I still haven't reflected on it! Continue to seal it!"

Before Jibril has completely reformed herself, no one in the group would want to make friends with a guy who is always coveting his head anytime, anywhere.

Even the Isp of Limuru is the same.

Jibril's character is changed to the two-dimensional world. Perhaps this kind of sickly appearance is very likable, but in reality, she is a psychopath.

Non-staff individual: "Shout! Whatever you want, I did nothing wrong anyway!"

This is a precarious world.

In the past, there was a sudden outbreak of a gastrulation virus. The DNA sequence of the virus-infected organisms was rewritten by the virus, and the DNA of the infected person would be fused with the DNA of other organisms, turning them into quite ferocious and terrifying monsters.

Moreover, the more species DNA is mixed, the stronger the monster's strength will be. Human's resistance has had little effect, and the originally proud weapon turned into a mass of scrap iron under the mutated monster.

Until human beings were finally defeated in the final gastrulation war, 80% of the world was reduced to hell, and the rest of the people could only survive surrounded by stone tablets made of "titanium" metal. .

Tokyo area.

After the gastrulation war, the original island government of 393 split into five regions.

Although it used to be the largest city in the island country, the number of people living here is less than one-tenth of what it used to be after the Gastrea ravages.

And people die every day.

The Holy Son of Heaven is the leader of the Tokyo region and the nominal head of the island government.

Normally, she would take a short nap after work.

However, today's scheduled itinerary was disrupted by a sudden strange sound.

The chat group and the information that was similar to the social software interface and appeared directly in the mind, made Sheng Tianzi unacceptable for a while.

"Am I too tired?"

His fingers crossed the snow-white forehead, and he was so beautiful that he looked like a girl who walked out of an oil painting, caressing his forehead.

Compared with usual, it does feel a little hot.

But judging from the current situation, it is normal to be sick.

After she became the emperor, all kinds of complicated affairs in the Tokyo area were thrown on her shoulders.

Every day there is a mountain of paperwork and meetings that she has to deal with personally.

In addition to various frequent livelihood and social problems in the urban area, the defense of the outer peripheral area must not be left behind.

It is normal for a young girl to be overwhelmed by all kinds of tedious affairs and fall ill from exhaustion. .

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