Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 562: Shocked Holy Son Of Heaven

Chapter 562

Putting these things on an adult may not be able to bear it. For a girl who is only sixteen years old, it is a miracle that she can do this.

Sheng Tianzi was lying on the bed weakly, with his snow-white hair spread behind his head, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Even if he has always shown a decent appearance, the mental haggardness is still inevitable.

Whenever it was night, in the dead of night, she was thinking, if she could wake up overnight and the tragedies caused by gastritis and viruses would no longer exist, or if everything in these years was just a dream, then what should she do? how nice.

But things backfired.

Every time I wake up, the world is still endless.

Just when Sheng Tianzi was depressed and gradually closed her eyes, a prompt popped out of her mind startled her.

Little Spider: "@圣天子, we are good people, don't be afraid."

Strange things popped up again?!

The message that appeared directly in her mind made the girl stand up from the bed reflexively, and her drowsiness disappeared without a trace.

"what happens?"

Sheng Tianzi looked around in a hurry, but the surroundings were extremely calm and there was no change.

Could it be that.……

She calmed down to diverge her consciousness, and suddenly discovered that the "illusion" she thought was caused by her overwork had not disappeared.

And when she opened it, she also found that in the chat box inside, accounts with different nicknames were chatting on the screen.


The Spirit of Time: "Look here for newcomers, I know you may be quite puzzled now, but I have organized the general information about the chat group and put it in the group file, please download and check it yourself, if there is anything you don't understand, Just ask directly in the group.

Seeing this, Sheng Tianzi subconsciously rummaged through the group files, and sure enough, he found a piece of information in it.

After clicking on it, she read it carefully from beginning to end.

At the same time, in her mind, she also had a certain understanding of the current situation.

This is a chat group that can connect different dimensional worlds, and she is one of the lucky ones invited from the heavens and the worlds.

"This kind of thing... actually happened~~?"

As the Son of Heaven who received modern education since he was a child, after he pinched himself and felt pain, he finally confirmed that the chat group was real.

However, this incident also made the girl feel even more outrageous.

This kind of fantasy story that only exists in movies and novels will actually happen to me.

Sheng Tianzi: "Is this really true?"

Little Spider: "Oh! The newcomer finally speaks!"

Blue Slime: "I feel a bit like a girl when I talk."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Come on, I see that you are full of beautiful girls in your mind, so you can imagine everyone as a beautiful girl.

I don't want to see a ghost: "In our place, this kind of mentality will be regarded as an uncle with a wretched mentality." 11

Little spider: "hhhhh."

Blue Slime: "Although you say so, I was indeed an uncle in my previous life."

Bu Baimao: "I understand this attitude very well, but in order to avoid perversion, Mr. Limulu please stop speaking like this, otherwise, you will really be regarded as a pervert

Bai Chen: "That's the truth, it was originally a wretched uncle."

Before dying, the person who did not forget to ask his colleagues to delete all the "study materials" in the company's hard drive is not a wretched uncle, what else could it be?

Sheng Tianzi: "Well... I am indeed a girl, but is there any question?"

Although Sheng Tianzi is already a qualified leader who can not change his face in various meetings, but when she encountered this situation for the first time, she still couldn't help revealing the character of a girl of the same age.

Luo Abao: "No problem, of course no problem!"

Luo Abao: "And newcomers, although there are many good people in the group, you still have to be careful not to be deceived, otherwise, there will be no room for regret."

Seeing this, Sheng Tianzi's heart tightened.

Sheng Tianzi: "Please... what is it?"

Luo Abao: "Of course we have to be careful of someone's "strategy", otherwise, this group will really become someone's harem group in the end!"

Luo Abao: "Unfortunately, there are only me and Dagu in the whole group. Someone is a real man, but most of the girls in the group have been snatched away."

Speaking of this, Bai Chen only felt a little funny.

After all, what he said was true.

But he can bear it, some people can't bear it.

Blue Slime: "Hey! Be careful with the nonsense, what is a real man? I am too, okay?"

Luo Abao: "But you are a slime, slimes have no gender!"

Blue Slime: "I can conjure it!"

Luo Abao: "It's fake, you can't control it.

Chaos Evil: "What is the `conjured...?"

The Spirit of Time: "It's better not to know the good boy."

Seeing the sudden change of topic in the group, Sheng Tianzi was speechless for a while.

Bai Chen: "This group is like this, but everyone is not malicious, just relax.

The Spirit of Time: "If there is anything you don't understand, just ask directly, don't be too formal.

Butterfly Ren: "We will answer everything we know."

In the following period of time, the Holy Son of Heaven asked many questions.

And Tokisaki Kurumi and Butterfly Shinobu also answered one by one, and of course other people's gags were unavoidable.

Finally, Sheng Tianzi accepted the setting of the chat group.

However, as a tentatively qualified politician, she also kept a mind for herself, so that she would not completely trust others and leave herself a very abandoned place.

Little Spider: "Okay! Now that the newcomers have accepted the setting, it's our turn to ask!"

Little Spider: "First of all" (Lee Li Zhao) Electromagnetic Gun: "It was the one who committed the crime of arrogance...a certain birdman."

Non-staff individual: "boring provocation."

Little Spider: "Don't interrupt, what I want to ask is the situation in the newcomer's world, and what kind of troubles they have encountered. If there is any trouble, you can ask Qun Chuan to help solve it by issuing a commission."

Little Spider: "If it's the latter, I highly recommend the super big guy, the price is fair, he's fair to all, and you'll definitely be satisfied!"

Sheng Tianzi: "Is the commission released..."

In the previous inquiry, she did know that one of the most important functions of the chat group-"group entrustment".

Any problems that cannot be solved by oneself can be solved by the group members who receive the commission by posting commissions in the group.

Delegators need to use "points" as compensation.

But now she does have a lot of commissions to issue.

But the question is, where did she get the points?

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