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Chapter 568: Miss Pao Who Was Also Shot While Lying Down

Chapter 568

The topic of the dark bullet world is still being discussed in the chat group.

There are also various ways to come up with, but in Bai Chen's view, they are all ideals rather than reality.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

The end of the world does not necessarily distort people's hearts, but the world of pitch-black bullets must be distorted.

Sheng Tianzi: "Excuse me..."

The Spirit of Time: "You came just in time, have you got the samples of gastroenteritis virus? If there is no basic sample, there is no way to develop an antidote to the virus.

Sheng Tianzi: "I have already entrusted someone to do this matter, and it should be available soon."

What bothered Sheng Tianzi the most was the human rights issue of the Cursed Son.

So, for this aspect, she is quite concerned.

Although it is a recommended vase, it also holds a lot of power in its hands.

Although there is no way to find much valuable things, this little thing can still be done.

Big Bone boiled it into soup: "I'm going to ask Diu Jing to go out for dinner this weekend during the holiday, and I'll find a chance to ask him to help."

Sheng Tianzi: "Thank you very much!"

Big bone made soup: "You're welcome, this is what I should do, after all, it's for those children."

Butterfly Shinobi: "Speaking of children, I really can't think of why the cursed son would live a distorted life.

Sheng Tianzi: "Sorry, I'm still too useless."

Seeing this, the Holy Son of Heaven was saddened.

She has been committed to protecting the human rights of the Cursed Son, but it is difficult for one person to fight against the whole society.

Even if she has a high reputation in the Tokyo area, she can't act arbitrarily in this kind of matter.

Chaos Evil: "It's not Miss Shengtianzi's fault, you don't have to blow yourself up at all!"

The Spirit of Time: "That's right."

I don't want to see a ghost: "You have worked very hard, but you can't do it alone~々 to make the son of the curse who is discriminated against all over the world live a good life~々."

Little Spider: "In other words, it's the world's fault!"

Blue Slime: "No, everything is Tokiomi's fault!"

Little white cat: "?"

Little White Cat: "Sakura is still here."

Black-haired loli: "I don't care, little cat sister, and I have already changed my surname to Bai, so I have nothing to do with that man named Tosaka Tokiomi.

Goddess of the Moon: "There is one thing that has always been difficult for me to understand. If it's other people who discriminate against the cursed children, it's fine. Why do their biological parents treat their children cruelly?"

Artemis couldn't understand it at all.

Although she has never been a mother, as a god, she treats every mortal who joins her family as her own child.

Even if it is a routine adventure to the dungeon, Artemis will feel distressed when he sees them injured.

In her opinion, if she is a mother, she will definitely love her children even more.

According to Bai Chen's description in the group file.

The reason why there are so many displaced children of the curse in the world is because their parents cruelly abandoned them when they were born.

There are even parents who kill their own children with their own hands.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Yeah, it's hard for me to understand, even though my parents sent me to Academy City to live alone, they are still very responsible for me.

I don't want to go to hell: "Well, me too, my parents are very good to me."

Bai Chen: "It's a cliché. Parents are the profession that requires certification the most in the world, so no matter what happens, it's possible."

Bai Chen: "Have you heard of the quokka? When the kangaroo mother is threatened, she will expel her baby from the pouch to give herself time to escape."

Little Spider: "I've read this science popularization!"

Blue Slime: "It's really a sword in the hands of a loving mother, and it's a sword in the hands of a wanderer."

Speaking of this matter, Limulu was suddenly a little rejoiced.

I turned into a slime. Although I lost the most important thing for a man, at least I won't sow seeds everywhere.

Railgun: "I've also read this kind of report, so the quokka has become an endangered species."

Goddess of the Moon: "Is there such an animal?"

Artemis was startled.

As a hunting goddess, why has she never encountered such a strange thing in the wild?

Teacher Loli: "So on the other hand, the race that doesn't cherish the next generation will also become an endangered species like the dwarf kangaroo? So the world on the side of the newcomers...

Bad woman: "Death is only a matter of time, the difference is length."

Bai Chen: "Another reason is that human beings were driven to the corner by gastroenteria to survive, so the son of the curse who was also infected with the virus" became one of the vents of hatred.

Chaos Evil: "...I suddenly felt that it would be better to destroy such a world." 1

Chaos Evil: "Wait, was my thought too extreme?"

Bai Chen: "Gudazi, it's normal for you."

After all, it is a shoulder that even one's own heroic spirit can be sold casually for the sake of drawing cards.

Chaos Evil: "?"

Bai Chen: "Don't worry about these details."

Railgun: "So have you discussed a solution?"

Little Spider: "Boss, can't you just talk? Now, we just need to wait for the newcomers to accumulate enough points to release the entrustment."

Sheng Tianzi: "That... I may not be able to collect enough points in a short time for the question about points."

Chaos Evil: "Something went wrong?"

Sheng Tianzi: "Well, there are currently no gastratus in the Tokyo area, only a small number of corpses in the laboratory, although there are equipment, but (Zhao Liaohao) the number is not enough."

Theoretically speaking, if you can drain the government's old bottom, you can collect some points.

But this kind of thing is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it will also lead to the emptiness of internal defense.

What is the difference between an army without weapons and a tiger without teeth and claws?

Little Spider: "This is difficult. By the way, it's better for newcomers to go for a stroll outside Tokyo. If being attacked by a gastritis is life-threatening, the chat group will automatically issue an emergency request, so that the mainland can pass."

Blue Slime: "Okay! Although I think this is a bad idea, it seems to work, after all, there have been several precedents for Sister Pao before!"

Holy Son of Heaven: "?"

Spirit of Time: "?"

Little white cat: "?"

Luna: "?"

Railgun: "?"

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets. .

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