Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter Five Hundred And Sixtieth Ix How To Repay

Chapter 569

Misaka Mikoto, who was inexplicably lying on the gun, began to go crazy in the group.

But calm down and think carefully.

Although Limulu doesn't speak human language, this is indeed a way.

Although there will be an impact of the points becoming negative, as long as the gastritis virus on the newcomer's side is cleared, the situation that the points can be used to draw a lottery to become stronger is almost non-existent

Bai Chen: "Don't be so troublesome, I can issue commission points for you, and you can use the points to issue entrustments to me."

Sheng Tianzi: "You...give me points?"

Bai Chen: "Of course, it's not a big deal."

Holy Son of Heaven: "?"

Bai Chen: "The purpose of the chat group is to help each other. Since everyone is a member of the group, it is appropriate to help if there is a problem. What's more, the chat group has no setting to prohibit such matters, and after completing the commission, I also You will be rewarded, and you get a clean world, another win-win."

**F: "..."

The sudden pie surprised Sheng Tianzi.

The cherry lips grow up and cannot be closed for a long time.

After all, she was still worrying about the points problem one second, and 967 directly solved it the next second.

Is this the real boss?

However, apart from the excitement in the girl's heart, there were more points cards for no reason.

After all, the day before, she was still worrying about how to promote the Cursed Sons Protection Act and the increasingly severe problem of gastritis virus. When she joined a chat group that spanned the heavens and worlds, there were many good-talking group friends, and A very approachable boss who is willing to help unconditionally.

Even if she tells others now, she will think that she is an illusion caused by overwork.

While Sheng Tianzi was thinking, she received a red envelope from Bai Chen.

After receiving it, the balance immediately increased by 5,000 points.

After seeing this scene, Sheng Tianzi was inexplicably flattered.

If you want her to exchange it, you have to turn the whole of Tokyo upside down to get it together.

And the boss can take it out casually.

Bai Chen: "Are there enough points for publishing commissions? If not, I have more here."

Sheng Tianzi: ...that's enough, so, what do I need to do now?"

Bai Chen: "Just release the order directly, but it should be late at night for you (cafc), so you can send it after dawn.

Sheng Tianzi: "I see, thank you very much for helping me!"

Bai Chen: "It's just a small matter."

Today's Bai Chen doesn't lack points.

The reason why he chose to help unconditionally is that, as a traveler, he has to change the tragedy that should have happened to some extent.

The world of pitch-black bullets is too hopeless, as long as they are not pure villains, they will definitely have compassion for those cursed children who are bullied.

Saving the world sounds great, but to Bai Chen, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

The second reason is that Bai Chen needs more worlds to spread his "General Army" in order to perfect "Lord of Hosts"

The Spirit of Time: "That's right, everyone is a group of friends, and mutual help is the most basic."

Little White Cat: "That's right."

Little Spider: "Since the big brother agrees to take action, then Miss Shengtianzi can rest assured, whether it is saving the world, changing the world, showing miracles, or fighting monsters imitating the mainland can do it!

Little White Cat: "The teacher is as omnipotent as a certain blue civet cat!"

The Spirit of Time: "Bai ChenA Meng? This code name is pretty good."

Blue Slime: "Big brother, if you say something, you will! I can happily watch the big guy pretending to be aggressive!"

Little Spider: "Oops! I'm running out of Guazi Coke, can anyone give me some relief?"

Blue Slime: "Well, can you share some points?"

Everything in the different world is good, but he is a little disappointed that there is no happy water.

Fortunately, there is an omnipotent chat group.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Sell Guazi Cola at a low price, buy it quickly!"

After Bai Chen decided to go over, the topic of the chat group started to go off track again.

Sheng Tianzi quit the chat group after expressing his thanks to Bai Chen.

Lying on the bed, she stared at the pure white ceiling and was suddenly full of thoughts.

Although Bai Chen said that she didn't want her to take this matter to heart, even so, she was still thinking about how to thank Bai Chen.

If she didn't do anything, it would not only be impolite, but she would also feel bad in her heart.

"How should I repay Mr. Bai Chen?"

The Holy Son of Heaven began to rack his brains on how to repay his kindness.

Gradually, drowsiness hit, and she fell into a deep sleep unconsciously.

The next morning.

Perhaps because of the inexplicable sense of relief from Bai Chen's reply, the Holy Son of Heaven woke up a little later than usual.

However, she would get up early every day, only waking up ten minutes late, and her sleep would not be affected.

After finishing the simple and quick arrangement, and ignoring the hospitality of the captain of the personal guard, Howaki Takuto, the Holy Emperor went to the government building by car.

On the way, she entered the chat group.

Seeing that most of the topics discussed in the group were daily life, Sheng Tianzi showed a comfortable smile.

Although she is the head of state, she is still only a sixteen-year-old girl. If she is not the Holy Son of Heaven and the world has not come to an end, maybe she will be like them chatting about TV dramas and their respective personalities on social platforms Hobby.

The gentle and holy smile was seen by Baowaki Takuto in front of him, making the man's desire to get the Holy Son even stronger.

Sheng Tianzi himself didn't notice Howaki Takuto's fiery eyes, but just paid attention to the chat group.

Sheng Tianzi: "Excuse me, what kind of person is Mr. Bai Chen?"

A girl who is about to meet a god from another world speaks out her thoughts.

Little Spider: "Super strong boss!"

Little White Cat: "The most reliable master!"

Black-haired loli: "The most perfect brother!"

The Spirit of Time: "Ah, what is Miss Shengtianzi asking these for?"

Sheng Tianzi: "I'm curious...that's why I want to ask everyone."

After asking, Sheng Tianzi saw that the comments in the chat group were all positive, and the only worry in his heart gradually dissipated.

The Spirit of Time: "Actually, I also know what you are thinking. For the assistance of Mr. Bai Chen, you don't have to worry about any trouble or harm. Before you joined the group, he helped many of us. It is also a common occurrence for newcomer points, as for the reason, although Mr. Bai Chen didn't say it clearly, we can roughly guess it."

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