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Chapter 573: Sodom And Gomorrah

Chapter 573

Bai Chen glimpsed the quietly changing expression of the Holy Son from the corner of his eye, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"It's just my discussion before handling the commission."


The Holy Son nodded slightly.

Both parties have communicated in the chat group, so naturally there is no need to be too polite.

The most important thing today is to address gastrulation.

"As a leader who came to power in a hurry, you've done a decent job so far, but you're still a bit too Madonna in nature."

"...Holy, Holy Mother?"

The Holy Son of Heaven never imagined that he could hear such a description from Bai Chen.

"Don't rush to reflect, the Holy Mother is not derogatory. According to the rules of the inheritance system, you will become the Holy Son of Heaven at the age of twenty, but the spread of the original enterovirus and the death of your mother made you rush to power. 11

Bai Chen said.

"For a head of state, all kinds of commands and policies at the end of the world are quite good, and he even sympathizes with the children of the curse who have suffered from social discrimination, and promulgates laws to protect their personal rights. Isn't that true? Isn't it the performance of the Virgin?"

As long as there are people who have experienced the gastritis war, few will have a good impression of the son of the curse.

Even if there is, it happens only between initiator and facilitator.

But no one else has ever taken practical actions in addition to being sympathetic like the Holy Son of Heaven.

Among all the fishing boats against the son of the curse in society, it is really commendable that Sheng Tianzi, as the supreme leader, can stand up.

For the vast majority of people, the most they can do is to clean up their own doorsteps.


The so-called Holy Son of Heaven lowered his head, his eyes resting on his hands resting on his knees.

Ask yourself, doesn't she have these reasons?

If she follows the public opinion and ignores those cursed children, she will definitely gain a higher reputation.

But even so, she still chose to go upstream.

Let her give up those children of the curse who are already homeless, she can't do it.

But the Holy Son of Heaven must also admit it.

In my own "reverse~`reverse", there was also a series of backlashes.

Tendo Kikunojo, who also holds a lot of power, has been obstructing her actions in secret.

Especially the loss of the "Seven Star Legacy" this time.

If the fifth stage is called, judging from the current strength of the Tokyo area, one can imagine what will happen afterwards.

After all, the magnetic field of the monolith is completely ineffective for stage five.

"You are a good leader, but you were born in the wrong era."

Bai Chen said gently.

Is not it?

When the whole society is full of voices against the son of the curse, only Sheng Tianzi dares to speak out publicly and try his best to provide shelter for the son of the curse.

But even so, the prestige of the Holy Son of Heaven among the people remains high.

It can be seen that it is general.

If it were someone else, they would have already stepped down amid various voices of opposition.

...then what do you mean?"

In front of Bai Chen, Sheng Tianzi almost lost his mind.


Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

Afterwards, the sound of clarity that sounded like the sound of heaven slowly sounded to the Son of Heaven.

"Let me tell you an interesting story first, a story that happened in another world."

"It was a city called Sodom. The city was prosperous and self-sufficient, but this was just an appearance. The people in the city were addicted to sex and prostitution day in and day out. Pulled into the abyss by local residents, unable to escape."

"The residents of Sodom ignored the wishes of the outsiders and forcefully forced them to do anything. Those who resisted them all died, and the others assimilated and joined forces."

"So one day, the gods in the sky knew about this and sent two angels to destroy this sinful city."

"However, the gods were persuaded by a good man Rhodes. If there were ten noble people in the city, Sodom would not be destroyed."

"Then the two angels turned into human beings and lived in Rhode's house, but not long after, men, women and children in the city surrounded Rhode's house and asked him to hand over the outsiders and let them do whatever they wanted. I voluntarily offered my young daughter to them, but was rejected, and I must have those two angels."

"Then, men, women and children in the city stormed the door of Rhodes' house, trying to break through the door and take away the angels to enjoy."

"Of course, mortals can't be compared with angels. They were all held by angels, and angels took Rhodes' family outside the city. Finally, brimstone fire fell from the sky, destroying the city and the people inside."

"What do you think of this story?"

After finishing speaking, Bai Chen looked at the Holy Son of Heaven.

At this time, the girl who was born in a political family was completely stunned.

Although she is not a believer, she has also heard various stories in the Bible.

And she is no fool.

I heard the discussions of the group members in the chat group before, and combined with the reality, I can hear Bai Chen's voice-over.

Judging by your expression, you should know what I will do, right?"

Bai Chen said slowly.

"Do you want to destroy the whole world as in the story?"

Sheng Tianzi's azure blue eyes widened instantly, and his tone became stuttering.

With her ingenuity, she never guessed what Baifeng's daughter-in-law was doing.

Seeing that Bai Chen didn't answer, but just looked at him with a smile, Sheng Tianzi suddenly stood up and spoke more emphatically.

"No! This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed! Even if the world is distorted, I will not agree to destroying the world!"

The Holy Son of Heaven refused Daodong.

However, Zhao, who didn't even know herself, found that her refusal was not firm.

"Destroy the world? No, no, no, I won't do such a shameless thing."

Although today's Bai Chen is fully capable of destroying the earth, Bai Chen never intended to do so from the very beginning.

"If all problems can be solved with violence, then there won't be so many problems in the world. On the contrary, what I will do is not destruction, but salvation which is the complete opposite.

...This world is not the same as Sodom. Although the villains are in power, there are still many kind-hearted groups like you, and you must be clear, Miss Shengtianzi, that your wish to let the cursed son integrate into society will never be possible Achieved.

Bai Chen spoke at a leisurely pace.

"People who survived from the old generation have incompatible contradictions with the original enterovirus, not to mention that in the eyes of those people, the son of the curse can no longer be regarded as a "human" mouth."

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