Chapter 574

"Since you have the ability to sit in this position, you should understand that this kind of contradiction cannot be reconciled artificially."

"Once the fig leaf of the existing law is gone, do you think the sons of the curse will survive?"

"And now, there is only one way to save the world, or are you willing to give up this way and welcome a future where those children have no hope?"

After telling the story, Bai Chen didn't waste any more time, and directly pointed out everything.

However, from another perspective, he left the fate of the world to the Holy Son of Heaven to decide.

This left the Holy Son of Heaven with no choice at all.

After all, if she refused, it would be tantamount to joining forces with people like Tiantong Kikunojo and abandoning those cursed children.

If this is the case, it will lead to the death of children all over the world, and this sense of guilt will definitely break her heart in the future.

The girl grabbed her knees vigorously, her nails cut into the hem of the skirt, and approached her fair skin, pinching out red marks.

The force was so great that blue veins appeared on the back of Sheng Tianzi's hands, and even 933 sweat appeared on his forehead, which shows how intense the psychological struggle is.

For the Holy Son of Heaven.

Bai Chen is right.

It is impossible to achieve the concept that I want the son of the curse to live in harmony with other people.

On the contrary, the more the protection bill is implemented, the more it will arouse the public's resentment.

In the end, Sheng Tianzi sat down on the chair a little bit, and said desolately: "...Do you really think I am wrong?"

"You are right, it is this world that is wrong."

Looking at the holy emperor who looks like a loser at the moment, Bai Chen did not convince himself of the joy of success.

He just spoke in a flat voice.

————The human heart is deceitful above all things, and it is extremely wicked, who can understand it?"

"———What has been, will be again, and what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun."

"When everything is over, I will re-enact the laws of this world and become the god here, and you will be responsible for managing and guarding this law, in the name of the queen.

A clear and transparent voice lingered in the girl's mind.

In front of her eyes, endless light appeared in an instant.

And when she regained consciousness from the trance, all the pictures she saw before disappeared.

Sheng Tianzi didn't speak, just stared at Bai Chen blankly.

"You go and prepare first, I'll go out for a while."

As the voice fell faintly, Bai Chen's figure disappeared from the sight of the Holy Son of Heaven.

At the same time, in the chat group.

Because of the previous scene in the conference room, the group members have already chatted.

Blue Slime: "Is it about to start? The boss is going to destroy the world?"

Railgun: "It's okay to destroy it, but I didn't expect the people there to be so bad! They are dying, and they are still fighting each other!"

The Spirit of Time: "I don't think Bai Chen's purpose is to destroy the world.'

I don't want to see a ghost: "Oh? No? But Mr. Bai Chen told the story of the destruction of Sodom."

Goddess of the Moon: "At least on the surface, Bai Chen's purpose is to destroy the world over there, but we don't know what Mr. Bai Chen is thinking, and I also believe that he is definitely not that An evil god who kills innocent people indiscriminately."

Teacher Loli: "I think so too, but no one will know until the end of the matter. n

Big Bone boiled it into soup: "Is there no other solution? If you can get rid of Gastrea, you don't have to go the worst way."

Teacher Loli: "To be honest, it's hard, you should have heard what Bai Chen said before.

Little White Cat: "Is it something that has already been done and must be done later?"

(cafc) Teacher Loli: "That's right, if you do something once, you will definitely do it a second time in the future. This sentence is not unreasonable, so even if the gastrulation is completely erased

It still can't change people's inherent concept of the cursed son, after all, the human heart is the most elusive. "

As the key to the prison barrier [Nanfu Nayong is well-informed.

Some criminals have absolutely no chance of being worth redemption.

After Bai Chen left, Sheng Tianzi stayed in the meeting room.

At some point, the other officials in the room were surprised that they had regained their freedom.

After a brief silence, they all looked at the Holy Son of Heaven.

The appearance of Bai Chen shattered their original three views.

But what frightened them more than the appearance of supernatural reality was the previous conversation between Bai Chen and the Holy Son of Heaven.

The story of the city of Sodom still lingers in my mind.

In the content, all the unrighteous people were burned to death by the brimstone sky fire, plus the last words Bai Chen said before leaving, they had to think that the strange young man would perform the same crime as in the Bible afterwards. happened.

They who have personally experienced the ability have to believe that the other party has that kind of experience.

They have all used their position and power to do shady things in private.

Take a group of pro-guards as an example. They once drove to the outskirts of Tokyo in private, and shot and killed the son of the curse with a rifle for fun.

By the biblical definition, they were undoubtedly as sinners as the inhabitants of Sodom.

For a while, some cowardly people knelt on the ground, counting their past crimes and begging for forgiveness.

But more high-ranking officials, after knowing that they would not be able to pass the screening, simply broke the pot and smashed it, trying to use the power in their hands to compete with the unknown.

After all, they are radicals who have received modern education, and stories about gods and ghosts are children's stories in their eyes.

Therefore, even after witnessing a corner of glory, they would rather believe that Bai Chen is not that one, but like Zhizi Yingyin, a reformed person who has been strengthened through reformation surgery.

Even after being infected with the gastroenteritis virus, like those children of the curse, they awakened superpowers but did not become monsters.

The desire that was almost suppressed to the limit swelled wildly, which made this group of people have a bold idea.

They ignored the orders of the Holy Son of Heaven and prepared to gather all their strength to deal with Bai Chen.

But for a while, because they couldn't find the trace of Bai Chen, they could only use the Holy Emperor as a means of coercion.

Anyway, in the eyes of senior officials, the Holy Son of Heaven is the vase they support.

Although it has a high reputation among the people, as long as the video clips recorded by the camera are played, an absolute part of the people will definitely side with the government.

After all, no one wants to die. .

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