Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Fifth Rich Woman Begging For Support

Chapter 585

Bai Chen: "Yes."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Is it really that magical?"

Although the appearance of the chat group surprised her enough, it was not beyond her imagination after all.

After all, compared to the chat group, Hakoniwa's mechanism is almost similar, but if the lottery function is really as described in the group file, it will be unbelievable.

Little Spider: "Of course, in my opinion, the most valuable thing in the chat group is the lottery draw function and commissioning function. As long as you have points, you can get anything!"

Blue Slime: "Want top-quality props? I put all the treasures in the prize pool!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Anything is fine?"

The Spirit of Time: "Not all, the scope of the prize pool only includes the world where the members of the group are located.

Chaos evil: "I didn't believe it at first, but after I got the prize, I changed my mind."

Bai Chen: "All the things that can be drawn are in the prize pool list, if you don't believe me, go check it out.

Seeing the discussions among the group members, Bai Yasha dubiously clicked on the lucky draw column.

Sure enough, there is a list of rewards that can be drawn in the resident pool.

After clicking on it, the data is swiped down like a waterfall.

And at the top, several rows of rewards are shining brightly.

Shiraiyasha also saw several familiar words.

The simulated star creation map-Xuxing Taisui, the simulated star creation map-Avesta, the light wheel of the overlord, and even the twenty-four suns are all vividly visible.

Even, in the lower row, Bai Yasha even discovered the existence of "Tiandong Shuo Lingjia" and "Double Goddess Lingjia".


Bai Yasha was stunned for a few seconds and then yelled outrageously.

If these are true, wouldn't it mean that the entire Little Garden has been copied into the small prize pool?!

The spiritual power I had since I was born, and the power that those gods have acquired after a long period of development, here I just need to simply turn the lottery button, and I can get it at once?

If it is true, Bai Yasha retracts his previous evaluation of the chat group.

This is not only more precious than the simulated star creation map.

The simulated star map is not even worthy of carrying shoes for the chat group!

"What the hell is this?"

Something beyond Bai Yasha's imagination made her scream.

"Master Shiroyasha, is something wrong?"

At this time, a ponytailed woman in white opened the Japanese-style wooden door, and asked a girl rolling on the tatami.

She is the clerk of this Thousand Eyes branch, and is responsible for assisting Shiraiyasha's work.

"Ahem...it's nothing, it's just sand blowing into my eyes."

Seeing his ugly appearance by his subordinates, Bai Yasha immediately regained consciousness and sat upright.

"Since there is nothing else, the subordinate will leave first."

The clerk glanced at Bai Yasha, bowed and left.

Naturally, he did not forget to close the door before leaving.

After the clerk left, Shiraiyasha looked at the lottery pool and began to drool.

This thing is much more fun than Hakoniwa's gift game.

You don't need to risk your life, but you need strength, wisdom and courage.

As long as you turn your little hand gently, you can decide the future.

As for the difficulty of obtaining points, compared with the gift game, it is no different from giving away points for nothing!

"If I had the strength of Decadent Wind back then, or a random two-digit spiritual status...

Thinking of his past, Bai Yasha still brooded in his heart.

If it was his own victory, what would Hakoniwa look like now?

Little Spider: "It's been two minutes, and the newcomer hasn't appeared yet..."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Probably the same reaction as before, drooling while looking at the prize pool."

Little White Cat: "Rich woman!"

Railgun: "?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "I've been so hard, you still call me that."

Little Spider: "Good guy, don't think that we don't know that you are cheap and good-looking. You just sold a few magic books and got SR. You haven't even finished writing a fraction of it." 17

Teacher Loli: "After all, there are 103,000 magic books."

Blue Slime: "A rich woman asks for support?"

Moon Goddess: "After what you said, I suddenly envy Misaka."

Railgun: "What is there to envy! As an old man in the group, I'm the last one to get SR!"

ask for flowers

Luo Abao: "The last one? Then where did you put me? Where did you put the big bone!?"

The big bone boiled into soup: "Please don't take me with you, and my name is, forget it, do whatever you want.

For his behavior of correcting his name every time, Dagu expressed his heart tired.

Why did the chat group give him such a strange name when he first joined the group?

Irregular white-haired loli: "I'm back, and I've decided to draw a lottery!"

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "Draw a lottery so soon?"

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Seeing so many rewards in the prize pool, is it a lie to say that you are not tempted?"

Although I was shocked by the dazzling array of prize pools, I decided to draw a lottery. Apart from curiosity, I wanted to verify whether the rewards inside were real.


After all, the newcomer rewards her for drawing something, which is a gadget that can be seen everywhere.

This stuff is also fairly simple to make.

Butterfly Shinobi: "The lottery draw requires points, has the problem of points been solved by Ms. Hiyayasha?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Adding a lady sounds weird... Forget it, if you get points, just exchange them with valuable items or abilities."

As for the definition of "valuable", it is probably similar to Hakoniwa's definition of gifts.

The rewards that can be used as gift competitions can also be exchanged for points.

And after so many years of accumulation, Bai Yasha naturally has a lot of good things in his hands.

Including godhead, and all kinds of strange props and so on.

So, just when the group friends were curious about how Bai Yasha would draw the lottery, a series of group redemption prompts flashed past their eyes.

[Group reminder: Group member "Indecent White-haired Lolita" made a redemption and got +4396 points. 】

[Group reminder: Group member "Indecent White-haired Lolita" makes a redemption and gets +114 points. 】

[Group reminder: Group member "Indecent White-haired Lolita" makes a redemption and gets +514 points. 】

[Group reminder: Group member "Indecent White-haired Lolita" makes a redemption and gets +2233 points. 】

Only in a few seconds.

Several swiping prompts swiped past the eyes of the group members. .

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