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Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Sixth Xuan Does Not Save Fei, Krypton Does Not Change Fate

Chapter 586

After several more rounds of exchanges, Bai Yasha also got two points for ordinary resident pool draws.

A little over ten thousand.

"At least two times of ten games can draw a lot of good things.

Although she has collected a lot over the years, it is still a bit painful to directly exchange a godhead.

Fortunately, the button that has turned green and is no longer gray has restored Shirayasha's melancholy.

If you only pay the price of a godhead, you can get higher-level spiritual ranks or gifts, or even simulate star creation charts, spiritual ranks and weapons in the realm of full power or omnipotence, isn't that a lot of money!?

Of course, before starting to draw, Bai Yasha still had to ask the elders in the group.

Irregular white-haired loli: "@ Bai Chen, is there anything else to do before the lottery draw?"

Bai Chen: "No, the normal lottery draw is fine."

The little spider "Three One Three" Spider: "Is this the legendary rich woman?! The first draw is 10,000!"

Blue Slime: "The new rich woman is here, boss, do you still lack leg accessories? I can be cute and warm the bed!"

Chaos evil: "I am a turtle, is this the background of a rich woman?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "It's just average, it's not a big deal, there are more people in Little Garden who are richer than me.

After all, she is just one person, not to mention that Qianyan is a commercial community alliance, let alone her, even the twin goddesses can't make the decision.

Therefore, when he held the position of class ruler, he didn't get much money.

Most of them are her participation in gift games, as well as the spoils she collected from the small treasury by defeating those gods in the past.

In terms of wealth, those veteran gods are truly rich.

Especially the Halloween queen who was a problem child like her in the past and now forms a community.

As long as there is a treasure that she can fancy, it will basically appear in her hands the next day, and her personality is quite domineering and tough.

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Let's not talk about this, if all the rewards in the prize pool are real "then why do you need 5,000 points for one draw of ten consecutive draws? Are there no other traps?"

Bai Chen: "Of course the prize pool is real. After all, everyone is a group of friends and will not lie to you. As for why, you will know what is going on once you draw it once.

Irregular white-haired loli: "Okay, let me try."

Anyway, the points have been redeemed, and there is no place to regret it.

Bai Yasha is not such a mother-in-law, lock on the ten companies in the ten company's resident pool, and start drawing!

Butterfly Shinobu: "Miss White Yasha's nature seems very high."

I don't want to see a ghost: "After all, he is a krypton gold boss, and he is different from ordinary people like us."

Little Spider: "What do you think White Yasha will draw?"

Blue Slime: "I don't know, after all, everything is possible before the result comes out.

Chaos Evil: "But I know it after thinking about it, it's for the SSR."

Railgun: "Hmph! It's just a thought (is it so easy to get SSRE?"

So far, except for Bai Chen, other people have only drawn SR-level rewards, which shows how low the probability of SSR shipments is.

Coupled with the previous experience in non-chiefs, it is almost impossible to get SSR.

The Spirit of Time: "Luck is something that no one can tell. Although the shipment rate of SSR is very low, if there are two ten consecutive times, there is a high probability that there will be a guarantee of SR.

The queen who wants to fall in love: "It would be great if I could get an SR."

Chaos Evil: "Have you noticed that one minute has passed? Why hasn't Miss Hiyaka come out yet?"

Blue Slime: "Masaka!"

the other side.

Bai Yasha looked at the first Shilian in front of him, feeling a little unhappy.

Let alone the blue sky, there is only green water and white clouds left.

There are very few R-ranks, and there is no shadow of SR.

But it doesn't matter, everything is difficult at the beginning.

Shiroyasha comforted himself like this.

Didn't Sakyamuni Bald Donkey and the Twin Goddesses both say that creating something from scratch is the most difficult thing?

As long as you get through the first time, the rest will be easy!


The second ten consecutive draw!

I saw the halo that appeared once before turning around in front of my eyes, and Shiroyasha, who was in a slightly anxious mood, directly clicked to skip the cutscene.

Afterwards, the light on the ten cards gradually faded away.

"Thank you for your patronage!"

"Thank you for your patronage!"

"Rusty iron swords, rusty fruit knives, sharp blades..."

White Yasha: "..."

Looking at the pile of scrap iron in front of him, Shiraiyasha said that his emotions are very normal, and the problem is not serious..0

But thank you for your patronage, what the hell is going on!

Bai Yasha quickly reflected the screenshot in the chat group.

Is not serious Baimaololai "@ Bai Chen's no trap? Thank you for your patronage, what's going on?"

Little Spider: "Pfft!"

The Spirit of Time: "Pfft!"

Railgun: "Pfft!"

Blue Slime: "Pfft!"

I don't want to go to hell: "Break formation!"

After seeing the eye-catching "Thank you for your patronage" in the screenshot of Bai Yasha, everyone including Bai Chen couldn't hold back.

Bai Chen: "What kind of luck are you doing?"

Thank you for your patronage. What is it, he has never seen it in the prize pool.

Little Spider: "Crooked sun! You can even draw out thank you for your patronage, it's so hard to get it!"

The Spirit of Time: "Is there really such a thing in the prize pool?"

Tokisaki Kurumi expressed doubts about this.

Butterfly Ninja: "Since it can be drawn out, it means there is it."

I don't want to go to hell: "But why haven't we ever met before?"

Railgun: "Is it possible that the reason we haven't seen it is because no one has ever drawn it?"

Little White Cat: "In other words, Ms. Bai Yasha is very lucky."

Blue Slime: "No, no, I think I can draw something that even Mr. Bai Chen hasn't drawn. Luck 2.0 can be said to be quite explosive."

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "A negative teaching material, right?"

Although it is indeed pitiful that the ships of the ten companies sank twice, no one would have imagined that Bai Yasha's luck would not be so bad.

Irregular white-haired loli: "What the hell is going on?! Why haven't I even seen an SR?"

Bai Yasha wants to cry but has no tears.

She was a little depressed.

It would be nice to at least give one that works, but it's all rubbish.

The five-figure godhead was just in vain.

Goddess of the Moon: "My condolences."

Artemis knows how difficult it is to obtain points, and the rookie must feel uncomfortable when the ship sinks twice.

Non-staff individual: "hhhhhhhh."

Jibril laughed heartlessly.

So what if the strength is strong? Not a non-chief yet!.

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