Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 587 The Nature Of The Lottery Has Changed

Chapter 587

Irregular white-haired loli: "@ Bai Chen, come out and explain!"

Shiroyasha was gearing up secretly.

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Could it be that you secretly adjusted the probability?"

Bai Chen: "Outrageous! If I could adjust the probability, I would have already become a super boss who can beat the heavens and the world, okay?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Then what's the result of the lottery?"

Bai Chen: "You are so wrong, that's all, I know you want to draw it out to try after seeing that your spirit is also in the prize pool, but if a two-digit spirit can have such an easy If it is drawn out, how can it be possible to only need five thousand points for one ten consecutive rounds?"

Seeing Bai Chen's words, Bai Yesha stabilized his emotions, and felt that there were several reasons.

He was right.

The spiritual power mentioned by Tiandong is one of the most powerful spiritual powers even if you look at the entire Hakoniwa.

During the dawn of Hakoniwa, when she was fighting with the gods, she was invincible. Even Sakyamuni and other ten gods did not dare to confront her head-on.

In the end, relying on the history of 20 human beings that Hakoniba relies on, to liberate human minds and deny the theory of the earth center, this weakens Bai Ye's strength as the demon king of the theory of heaven and earth.

If she used a five-digit godhead to withdraw her two-digit spirituality, wouldn't that mean she was cheap?

After figuring it out, Bai Yasha opened the chat group again.

Irregular white-haired loli: "You are right, but are you sure that the prize pool can really be drawn?"

You don't need to participate in difficult gift games, and you don't need to go through the influence of human history to draw powerful abilities instantly. Who in this world doesn't like to get something for nothing?

Bai Chen: "Maybe you'll have it if you smoke a few more times."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Okay then, I'll try again."

After finishing speaking, Bai Yasha began to rummage through his inventory, looking for any valuable treasures.

Little Spider: "How many more pumps? One more pump? Millions more pumps!"

Blue Slime: "This line looks familiar."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Isn't this the unified rhetoric of those unscrupulous game manufacturers? Draw a few more times, maybe you will hit it?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "If you open more than 100 million packs, you will be able to open them by just a few hundred million points."

Little White Cat: "I suddenly remembered the bitter tears I used to draw when I was playing games."

I don't want to go to hell: "Damn capitalists!"

And when the group members were joking with each other, prompts suddenly sounded one after another.

And basically it will beep every one or two minutes.

[Group reminder: Group member "Indecent White-haired Lolita" made a redemption and got 2233 points. 】

[Group reminder: Group member "Indecent White-haired Lolita" made a redemption and got 4399 points. 】

[Group reminder: The group member "Indecent White-haired Lolita" made a redemption and got 1145 points. 】

[Group reminder: Group member "Indecent White-haired Lolita" makes a redemption and gets 2200 points. 】

[Group reminder: Group member "Indecent White-haired Lolita" made a redemption and got 2333 points. 】

Group notifications kept coming out, and the group fell silent for a while.

No one spoke until it lasted about ten times and finally stopped ringing.

Chaos Evil: "Let me ask you weakly, what's the situation now?"

I don't want to go to hell: "Second."

The queen who wants a relationship: "Second."

Electromagnetic Gun: "This kind of battle, shouldn't it be...!"

Little Spider: "A lot of points! And there are thousands of points, and there are more than a dozen times!"

The Spirit of Time: "Looks like Misaka-san thinks so."

Blue Slime: "Miss White Yasha has won the lottery!"

Little White Cat: "Not only is it on the top, but you didn't notice that she didn't even post a screenshot in the group?"

Butterfly Shinobi: "It seems to be a little bit over the top."

I don't want to see the hell: "I've seen this kind of situation a lot in my school and online forums, because they are too involved in playing games, they spend all their money on mobile game card draws, and some people even The living expenses have been thrown into it, and I can only live by eating rice with soy sauce."

Chaos Evil: "This is too miserable."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "It's just a fictional game lottery, is it really necessary to do that?"

It would be understandable if it was a chat group lottery draw, after all, there would be a real report, but it would be difficult to understand if all the net worth was invested in a virtual online game lottery draw.

Little White Cat: "Maybe it's a collector's habit. If I don't have the props I want but can't get, I feel very irritable, but if it affects my life, it's still a bit out of line.

Although Tacheng Kitten is a house girl, her daily reward as a devil is enough for her to spend a lot of money on her hobbies.

Moon Goddess: "Miss Baiyasha has already invested 40,000 points."

Little Spider: "Add to that the first two ten rounds, and there will be a total of ten rounds.

Blue Slime: "There has been no bubbles after contacting again. Doesn't this mean that Miss Shiraiyasha has been sinking and has never stopped?!"

Railgun: "Is that reasonable?!"

Non-staff individual: "This Joan of Arc is reasonable."

Bai Chen: "Ten times and ten times in a row, you can't even get a SR?"

Bad luck can't be so bad, not even a single SR is too much.

The 840 Spirit of Time: "Maybe it's because I didn't get what I wanted? After all, Mr. Bai Chen, you also said that what Bai Yasha wants is a two-digit spiritual status.

Although I don't know what the level of a double-digit spirit is, but the SSR should not have escaped.

Ten shipwrecks are understandable.

And the other side.

Bai Yasha, who is usually leisurely and carefree, now looks at the pile of props in front of him, and a slight change has taken place.

There must be something wrong with this!


Tiandong said the devil king!

The thousand-eyed cadre, the ruler of the lower class, the original protoss! Obviously I just want an SR, why can't I get it!

Even if there is only one SR!

She watched it ten times and ten consecutive times, but it was the result of the standard blue sky and white clouds. Bai Yasha gritted his teeth and ruthlessly threw the teacup in his hand to the ground.

Shiraiyasha originally intended to test the authenticity of the high-level rewards in the prize pool.

After Bai Chen's explanation just now, she also knows that it is impossible to draw out two or three digit spiritual status, solar sovereignty, simulated star creation map and so on.

Therefore, the second best thing in my heart, a four-digit spiritual or divine equipment is not impossible.

But now...

The purpose of her lottery has changed. .

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