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Chapter 662: Fubuki Group’S Brain Supplement

Chapter 662

"Huh? Who is that person?"

Before leaving, he glanced at the situation and found that his eyelashes and brows were slightly wrinkled.

"Am I mistaken?"

Take another look.

That's weird.

Why did the eldest sister come out of the room with a red face?

When did that person go in?

And looking at the relationship, no matter how you look at it, it looks very unusual!

At this time, other people also found the strange young man beside Fuuxue.

When I saw the obviously extraordinary relationship between my proprietress and that gentleman, my heart suddenly couldn't hold back.

"Hey! Lily, what's going on here?"

A burly man with a somewhat vicious appearance asked hurriedly.

The Lily he was talking about was a young girl with a ponytail and light blue hair.

As a B-level hero who voluntarily joined the Fubuki group because of his admiration for Fuyuki, he was quite confused when he saw this situation.

"By the way, have any of you heard about Fubuki-sama's purchase of a luxury car for traveling a while ago?"

Fubuki before, in order to act as a facade, rented a luxury car every time he traveled.

However, it is inconvenient to rent someone else's car, so Fuxue proposed that the Fuxue team should have their own car.


As if thinking of something, Lily's face showed panic.

"Could it be that Fubuki-sama did some strange things in order to make money to buy a luxury car?"

"For example, being favored by rich people, and without them knowing, Ms. Fubuki was recruited by the other party, or other strange things!"

"Why...how is this! Fubuki-sama is willing to do that for the sake of the Fubuki group!"

"Damn! Blame us for being so useless!"

"Master Fubuki!"

The members of the Fuxue team on this side were still roaring angrily, while Bai Chen and Fuxue on the other side had already left the hotel.

Although it is a city full of weirdos, the life order of the people has unexpectedly not changed much.

Among them, the Heroes Association played a big role.

"The man in black in the building opposite is a member of the Fuxue team, right?"

Bai Chen asked, pointing to the building across the street.


Chuuxue was slightly taken aback, and then followed the direction of Bai Chen's finger to see a few people lying by the window crying and howling.

Eyelashes, Mountain Ape, Lily.....

Familiar faces came into view, but they were so close to the glass that their faces were deformed, which made her, the leader of the Fuxue group, feel uncomfortable.

"...I don't know each other, let's go."

He really didn't want to meet such an embarrassing subordinate in front of Bai Chen, so Fubuki lied subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, in order to change the subject, she proposed to Bai Chen.

"Mr. Bai Chen, since this is your first time here, let me be your tour guide and take you around here?"


Bai Chen laughed at Chuuxue's petty thoughts.

"Hey, did you see that one, it's that one."

"I see, I see, the number one B-level hero, Fubuki from hell, I didn't expect, the real person is even more beautiful than the newspaper, what a beauty."

"She also has a sister who is the second-ranked hero in the S class."

"Although the ranking is quite different, it is a complete victory in other aspects, but who is the man next to her?"

"I don't know, maybe someone from the Fubuki group?"

"It doesn't look like it. The man next to him doesn't look like a subordinate just by looking at it. Could it be that kind of development?"

"Huh? No way?"

Although the public doesn't care much about heroes below B-level, the number one B-level and Fubuki's own charm make her somewhat well-known among the people.

Especially in the male group, it has a fairly good popularity.

As for the reason, there is no need to guess.

"It's surprisingly safe here."

With a drink in hand, Bai Chen walked side by side with Fubuki.

"It's quite safe when there are no weirdos, but no one knows where the weirdos will appear from. Even the headquarters of the Heroes Association has been attacked by weirdos more than once."

Fubuki explained.

"But fortunately, it can be resolved safely every time."

Peace as a foundation is nothing more than an illusion.

The attack by weirdos notified by the Heroes Association can be settled quickly.

But there are still many strange people hiding in the dark.

Once ordinary people encounter them, there is only one dead end.

Bai Chen also understands this truth.

Don't look at the scenes of many people dying in the One Punch Man animation.

But just judging from the destroyed city when those strange people appeared, it is enough to see that part of the picture is just not portrayed.

But this is also understandable.

Otherwise, if a picture of a large number of people dying is drawn, it will directly become a dark healing manga.

Fuxue on the side peeped at the relaxed Bai Chen from the corner of his eye from time to time, hesitating to speak.

Although this feeling of gaining great power for no reason is great, Fubuki doesn't feel at ease about it.

The points are awarded by Bai Chen, and the power is also given by Bai Chen, and she will also ascend to the position of S-class hero in the plan arranged by Bai Chen.

On the other hand, I didn't pay anything at all.

This feeling of gaining but not giving made Fubuki a little uncomfortable.

But after careful consideration, I don't know what I should use to repay the other party.

After all, even if it is an investment, there must be a return.

But this level of investment, even if you sell yourself, you can't afford it.

Fuxue suddenly recalled Bai Chen's words of admiration for himself at first.

Immediately afterwards, that delicate and pretty face was quickly dyed crimson.

But before she could think too much, Fubuki's fantasies were broken by Bai Chuan's voice.

(Good money). This is the biggest TV station in the area, right?"

Bai Chen looked at the majestic building in front of him and walked in.

"What are you doing here?"

Fubuki hurriedly followed up with the inquiry.

"About your promotion, the most indispensable thing is the audience, maybe your sister also saw your active figure on the Internet.

Bai Chen smiled lightly.

Can I be seen by my sister?

Thinking of this, Fubuki couldn't help looking forward to the next development.

After becoming stronger, she will defeat the weirdo gorgeously and simply, and let her sister see that she is no longer the little girl who needs to be protected by others everywhere!

Then let my sister see with her own eyes how super she is bit by bit!

Then, the form is reversed!

Use the attitude that my sister usually treats her, and treat my sister in reverse.

Thinking about it, a feeling called "pleasure" was born in Fubuki's heart. .

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