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Chapter 663: King Of The Deep Sea

Chapter 663

Next, Fubuki saw the tip of the iceberg of Bai Chen's strength.

When no one was aware of the abnormality, all the staff of the TV station were dominated.

If it is used elsewhere, the power to control people's hearts alone is extremely terrifying.

"The second preparation is complete."

Bai Chen didn't care so much.

Then, he looked at the girl beside him.

"It's almost time, Fubuki, I will leave for a while."

"Please feel free, but where are you going? The Heroes Association?"

"No, it's the deep sea."

Seeing Fuxue's thoughtful expression, Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

"There are definite numbers and variables in the development of everything in the world. A small change may affect the development of things. This is the butterfly effect. What I want to do is to bring the countless futures together and make the variable a definite number. Anchoring the future."

After the voice fell, Bai Chen's figure disappeared.

It seemed that the voice of the young man who seemed to be smiling was still echoing in Chuuxue's ears.

"Is this your way..."

Recalling that when Bai Chen730 told her that she had the ability to realize her wish, Fuxue understood the truth.

At the same time, I also felt a little fear of Bai Chen's so-called "anchoring the future".

The creator of the story becomes the creator of reality.

And everyone except the creator feels that the "story" proceeds naturally.

Fubuki couldn't help but hugged her arms, and looked at the busy world through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the building.

It is really great to be able to become "friends" with such an existence.

Long before coming here, Bai Chen had already drawn up a plan in his mind.

Through the "live broadcast" method on the Internet, it is the fastest way to show Fubuki to the world.

For a more perfect performance, Bai Chen intends to make the "actor" who is about to speak more perfect.

——— King of the Deep Sea.

Appeared in the One Punch Man animation, the villain who lived three episodes in a row.

Although it is officially determined that the strength is only ghosts, but when he appeared on the stage, he pulled his expressive power to the extreme.

Not only defeated the S-level heroic prisoner, but even the legendary Genos was defeated by it.

Of course, starting from the facts, the strength of the Deep Sea King is no more than a ghost.

As an important actor, his strength is still a bit weak.

"Oh, have you reached the sea yet?"

Bai Chen, who had reached the top of the ocean before he knew it, didn't think much about it anymore.

Close your eyes and expand your perception.

Not long after, Bai Chen discovered the deep sea tribe gathered together.

Then dive into the sea.

the other side.

Sitting on the throne of the reef, watching the restless subordinates discussing excitedly, the deep sea king squinted his eyes in a slightly satisfied way after they conquered the world.

They are deep-sea tribes dormant in the ocean, and have suffered from humans for a long time.

And now, it is time to punish those humans and let the deep-sea people rule the world and become great again.

The only thing worth noting is how to deal with the relationship with the underground king and the sky king after the deep sea tribe occupies the ground.

The strength of the two weirdo kings was not much different from his own, and after he captured the ground, he would definitely lose some troops.

At that time, if those two guys call, there will definitely be some trouble.

do not care.

Just kill them all.

The Deep Sea King thought with a sneer in his heart.

The ocean occupies 70% of the world, and their deep-sea tribe must be the most powerful one.


When the King of the Deep Sea was thinking about how to eat people more deliciously, the flow of the surrounding sea water made him subconsciously look forward.

But there is nothing in front of him except those subordinates who are still discussing.

I must have thought too much.

Deep Sea King shook his head (cbah) and stopped thinking about it.

And at this moment.

A huge force imprisoned its body, and the unreasonable strange force made the Deep Sea King suspect that his body would be crushed like twists and turns in the next second.

But at this moment, a subtle but clear syllable sounded.

"look at me."

A pair of golden pupils that were slightly dark in the deep sea came into view.

The strange eyes appeared only for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

And the King of the Deep Sea, who was originally struggling with strange power, also sat on the throne with blank eyes.

The memory just now faded slowly like a clear spring, drifting away bit by bit.

When consciousness and reason were condensed in the fierce eyes of the Deep Sea King, he had already forgotten everything that happened a few seconds ago.

The ferocious shouts of his subordinates were heard again.

Originally, the Deep Sea King planned to launch another attack tomorrow, but now he doesn't want to stay for even a second.

Uncontrollable mania and anger quickly grew in the bottom of my heart.

The human beings on the ground are extremely weak, but why can they establish a civilization that is more convenient than the deep-sea people, and reproduce so many people?

And every moment, human beings are plundering the resources in the ocean.

This is the wealth that belongs only to their deep sea race!

The human beings on the earth do not deserve to live in this world at all!

Why not launch a general attack now, destroy the human beings living on the ground, destroy their civilization, and make the whole world a country of the deep sea race!

A terrifying gasp came from the depths of the Deep Sea King's throat, which sounded like the roar of an abyss giant beast.

The gas ejected from the nostrils blows the water flow, bringing up countless bubbles.

The turbid blood red stained the original orange eyeballs of the Deep Sea King, and the uncontrollable animal nature overwhelmed its only rationality.

Then, he issued an order to his subordinates.

Fight! Destroy! Destroy everything!

Although the subordinates of the Deep Sea Clan didn't know why the Deep Sea King was so anxious all of a sudden.

But the desire to devour blood and kill was already high, so without thinking too much, he marched towards the land in a mighty way.

the other side.

Bai Chen, who had already returned to the surface of the sea, looked at the king of the deep sea who was leading his tribe forward, his body was bigger and more distorted than before, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised a happy arc.

If it is said that the power he bestowed on Fubuki before was a divine race, it was an opportunity for mortals to become angels.

Then what he did just now was to transplant the "devil" seed to the Deep Sea King.

Let this original strength only have ghosts, and directly leapfrog to the level of dragons.

"That should do the trick."

Looking at the Deep Sea King strengthened by him, Bai Chen nodded in satisfaction.

In this way, the next performance will be even better.

The stage and actors are all ready.

Then just wait for the Hero Association to issue a notice. .

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