Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 671: Yula's Butt, Tivat's Soul

Chapter 671

Firefly stated her purpose in the chat group.

Very simple and pure.

He wants to find his missing brother.

Die Die Ren: "It's really hard to lose a loved one, but I wish you success, you will definitely find your brother."

Black-haired loli: "Big sister, please do your best!"

Grandpa is so cute: "Thank you, I will definitely find him."

The comfort from the group members made Ying feel very heartwarming, and it also gave her some motivation.

After all, for the first time here, everything in this world is very strange.

Even Paimon, who "self-proclaimed" as a guide and "self-proclaimed" in front of him after he woke up, did not make Ying fully trust him.

On the contrary, it was the stranger at the other end of the world who was separated by countless dimensions, who greeted her with care like a friend, so that she could let her guard down a little.

However, this may also be due to the fact that the other party is not by his side.

After all, compared to the group members who have not met through the chat group, Paimeng who popped out suddenly is obviously more vigilant.

Thinking of this, Ying 21 glanced in Paimon's direction.

The restaurant has served.

The scones, which are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, are cooked just right, and the meat between the scones also exudes a full fragrance.

The little guy Paimeng couldn't hold back anymore, the corners of his mouth were drooling, and he kept yelling: "Traveler, traveler, the scones are here, let's eat together!"

Although the little guy took the initiative to invite, but his eyes were fixed on the scones all the time, and his two little hands couldn't wait. If he didn't say the meal, Harazi might have left the table.

The more I look at it, the more I feel like a fool.

Perhaps, although Paimon has a human form, his soul is similar to pets such as cats and dogs?

Most likely.

After confirming the identity of Pimon's pet in her heart, Yingying also relaxed a little.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Don't the newcomers talk about the situation over there? If you encounter other problems, we can give you some ideas."

Grandpa is so cute: "In terms of information, I can't provide it for the time being. After all, I don't know what kind of world I came to."

She and her brother are travelers from outside the world and have crossed many worlds.

But as soon as he got here, there was a sudden change.

They were forced to separate when they were attacked by the gods, and everything changed dramatically until they woke up.

Blue Slime: "That is to say, is the newcomer a time traveler like us?"

Grandpa is so cute: ...it should be.

Having said that, Firefly looked at her nickname in the communication group.

Whichever way you look at it, it's pretty weird.

Although it is true that she is cute, she has never had any narcissistic behavior in front of outsiders.

At most, it took a little longer to tidy up the appearance before going out.

Little Spider: "Okay! I've decided that the three of us will be a trio from now on, and I'll be the boss. Do you have any opinions?"

Blue Slime: "Then I will make up the head!"

The Spirit of Time: "Perhaps Mr. Bai Chen knows something."

Grandpa is so cute: "Bai Chen?"

The Spirit of Time: "Mr. Bai Chen is our recognized reasoner."

Grandpa is so cute: "A reasoner? Is it like a detective?"

The Spirit of Time: "Compared to a detective, he is more like a prophet, but Mr. Bai Chen himself always speaks of reasoning, maybe he knows your brother's whereabouts.

Bai Chen: "According to clues, and then deduce complete information, isn't this just reasoning?"

The Spirit of Time: "Yes, yes, so has Mr. Bai Chen "deduced" the information from Ms. Yingying?"

Bai Chen: "I probably have the situation under control. I'll post it to the group, so you can take a look for yourself."

Subsequently, Bai Chen uploaded the general information of Tivat Continent to the group file.

Not much content, just a few pages.

But it is enough to have a general understanding in people's minds.

For example, this world is built in an area called Teyvat.

There are many large and small city-states in the world, but only seven are the most well-known.

Mond City, where Hotaru is located, is one of them.

And the seven countries in this world were all established by the "seven gods" born in the past, and they still exist now, ruling the seven countries in the name of the "seven rulers of the world".

However, Mond established by the wind god Barbatos is an exception.

This is the only country that respects "freedom".

The gods do not intervene in state affairs, but all are managed by the "Knights of the West Wind" composed of humans.

Of course, Fengshen advocates "freedom" in name, but in fact it is the reason why Fengshen only wants to fish all day and all night, and does not want to work.

In the words of Barbatos: I have built Mond, what else do you want from me?

The Spirit of Time: "The world established and ruled by the gods seems very interesting."

Bai Chen: It is indeed interesting, after all, there are many treasures. "

Of course, there are also many girls.

As the saying goes, Yula's buttocks, Tivat's soul, Ganyu's legs, Tivat's water.

If given the chance, Bai Chen doesn't mind bringing his big and small wives from the game to reality.

Ye is so cute: "About my brother."

Bai Chen: "As for your brother, I don't know where he is at the moment, but the only thing that is certain is that his life is not in danger.

Grandpa is so cute: "That's great!"

In fact, Bai Chen knew where her brother was.

The fate of the twins is not the same, one fell into a deep sleep, and the other witnessed the destruction of Kanria, a country established by humans, being destroyed by the alliance of the seven gods, so they decided to help the survivors of Kanria to avenge the seven gods.

He is currently a cadre of the Abyss Religion.

If she told the truth, Yiying's temperament would definitely seek trouble from the Abyssal Order.

It's just that with her current strength, she can deliver food completely.

Bai Chen: "What you have to do now is very simple. It is to visit the Seven Kingdoms and increase your strength during the journey. Of course, rather than increasing combat experience during the journey, I personally recommend drawing prizes in the group."

After all, you don't need to go out and fight the enemy to death, you only need a little hand to become stronger with one click.

Is there anything more comfortable than becoming stronger while lying down?

Of course, the only thing to worry about is the point acquisition problem.

But the method is like milk, there will always be a way to squeeze it.

Grandpa is so cute: "Draw a lottery...I can give it a try."

For the lottery draw function, Yingying is indeed a little moved.

Strength is something that you can't usually use, but when you really need to use it but you don't have it, it's quite embarrassing.

But if she could beat the goddess at that time, how could she be reduced to this level?

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