Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 672 Paimon: I Always Feel That Someone Is Going To Persecute Me

Chapter 672

Points are an issue though.

Ying's concept of money is very weak. If it wasn't for Paimon's stubborn pursuit of Mora, she wouldn't be able to save any money at all.

Of course, there is not much money now.

It is mentioned in the group information that apart from living people, one's belongings can be exchanged.

Paimon is not human.

If you sell her to the chat group, how many points can you exchange for?

Paimon, who was chomping on the cake, felt a chill behind him for no reason.

The little guy with food residue on the corner of his mouth raised his head subconsciously, looked left and right, but there was nothing.

"Huh? Traveler, do you feel that the surrounding temperature has dropped a bit?"

"No? What's the matter?"

"Strange, then why do I feel suddenly chilly?"

Having said that, Paimon suddenly lowered his voice with a serious face.

"Traveler, we need to be more careful, I feel like we are being targeted, after all, we are foreigners, and this city always gives me a strange feeling?

Seeing Paimon eating and talking, the girl resisted the urge to laugh.

If someone wants to attack the two of them, you must be the first to be recruited.

Afterwards, Ying's consciousness returned to the chat group again.

Bai Chen: "Pay attention to the treasures you collect when you go out on adventures, as long as they contain elemental power, they can be exchanged for points."

In the game, the class breakthrough of characters, as well as the refining and strengthening of weapons all require a lot of materials.

But after the game becomes a reality, those settings that only serve the gameplay naturally do not need to exist.

Grandpa is so cute: "I will pay attention, thank you."

Bai Chen: "Also, if my reasoning is correct, a wind demon dragon named Twarin will attack Mond City in the near future. Please pay attention, you can meet the wind god through that dragon. If you can't solve it If so, you can find me~||."

Since there is an opportunity to go to Tivat, Bai Chen will naturally not let it go.

Moreover, besides Yula and Ganyu, Liyue Qiqing's foot is also a special skill of Tevat.

If possible, he would also like to see if Lei Shen's Naixiang's knife is really like the legend, it is easy to make people not nutritious.

Grandpa is so cute: "Goodbye everyone, I will go around the city of Mond first."

The Zephyr Knights, the Wind Demon Dragon Tewarin, and the Wind God Barbatos.

Just coming here to receive so much information, my head can't handle it.

never mind.

First go to the Adventurer's Association and ask about the Wind Demon Dragon.

After all, it was the magic dragon predicted by Bai Chen to attack Mond City in the near future, and this alone was enough to make her pay attention.

After Ying left.

The Spirit of Time: "When you meet a newcomer, you are a little different from me."

Listening to Ying's self-reported experience before, Tokisaki Kurumi also recalled his best friend back then, the girl who was killed by himself.

Although they are not relatives, Tokisaki Kurumi and her have a very close relationship and are close friends who are close to relatives.

If it wasn't for the appearance of the Siyuan Spirit, she would not have lost her friend.

Thinking of this, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help but clenched his fists.

There is absolutely no need for such elves who wantonly deceive others!

It's been a while since I joined the chat group.

Absorbing the lifespan of ghosts allowed her to accumulate millions of years of time, and after Bai Chen reminded her, she specially trained herself to manipulate time.

And his own crazy experiment going back to the past to change the impact of the existing events on the "now".

Tokisaki Kurumi thought about it carefully.

After all this time, maybe it's time to sort out your own affairs.

Thinking of this, Tokisaki Kurumi called Bai Chen in the chat group.

Genie of Time: “@Bai Chen[is still there?”]

Bai Chen: "Not here."

The Spirit of Time: "Ah, Mr. Bai Chen still likes to flirt with girls so much."

Bai Chen: "Are you ready to do something?"

The Spirit of Time: "Yeah."

The Spirit of Time: "But how does Mr. Bai Chen know what I'm going to say? Is it reasoning?"

Bai Chen: "It's not reasoning this time, I just think it's time."

From the beginning of joining the group, Tokisaki Kurumi has been preparing until now.

Although judging from the time span, it is only a few months, but during this time, Kuang San has made enough preparations.

Various time-related experiments emerged one after another, and even the time to flirt with Bai Chen was reduced a lot.

The Spirit of Time: "I didn't expect Mr. Bai Chen to know me so well. I'm really happy."

In reality, Tokisaki Kurumi cupped his cheeks and smiled happily.

With the relationship between her and Bai Chen, this kind of ambiguous dialogue has long been used to, and it is not surprising.

Bai Chen: "So when to do it?"

The Spirit of Time: "Maybe you can wait. Although I can do it at any time, Mr. Bai Chen, you just came back from Ms. Fuxue's side, at least rest for a few days."

Bai Chen:

The Spirit of Time: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I just said?"

Bai Chen: "No, I just think that you, Kuang San, are surprisingly humane. If that's the case, let's set it in two days. After all, there are still some things that need to be carefully considered to ensure that your goal can be achieved."

Spanning time, going back to the past, and changing the past are major events that affect the entire timeline.

Putting it in Hakoniwa distorts the "historical transition period", such as preventing the occurrence of the First World War and World War II, or hindering the spread of Christianity, so that the Christianity of the Cross (King's) cannot be established.

Another example is the world of Godslayers. Mrs. Aisha has the power to go back to the past. She is clearly a Godslayer, but she has never done anything to change history.

But even if a change is made, it will be reversed into a normal historical county by the so-called "historical correction force".

Since Tokisaki Kurumi wants to save his friend, he must stop the Siyuan Spirit.

And the origin elf is the cause of all the stories in the battle world.

Without her, many things would not happen in the future.

So in any case, the possible impact of the "historical correction force" must be taken into account.

The Spirit of Time: "Okay, but even if Mr. Bai Chen wants to rest for a few more days, it doesn't matter. After all, I have been waiting for so many years, and I don't care about waiting for a few more days."

The so-called no worries about debt.

If he had Bai Chen to assist him in this commission, the chance of failure would be very small. .

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