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Chapter 691 Are You Sure You Want To Sing Majesticly?

Chapter 691

"I always feel that Mr. Bai Chen treats me like an idiot."

Tokisaki Kurumi shrugged his shoulders, and his milk-white skin was stained with cherry color.

"Don't overthink it."

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

"It's over? I thought you'd stay until the evening."

At the beginning, I planned to do this, but after trying all kinds of methods, it suddenly became boring. "

Tokisaki Kurumi sighed, as if pretending that Bai Chen was not there, just sitting casually on the edge of the bath.

The calf, which is more fleshy and less fleshy, is slightly thinner. It flows through the pool water again and again, and the roundness interweaves and passes through sleep again and again, driving the water droplets that emit heat and throwing arcs in the air with the jade toe. Wire.

Coupled with the steaming heat, it is like a fairy in the fairyland Yaochi.

This quiet and natural beauty is really rare for Karisan.

Perhaps because he noticed Bai Chen's gaze, Kuang San slightly swayed his calf in mid-air, and crystal water droplets dripped from his slender calf.

If it were any other woman, she would feel restless in this situation, but if it was Tokisaki Kurumi, such behavior can only be said to be commonplace.

No matter how ashamed she is in her heart, she will pretend to be a mature sister, leisurely and casually.

Shyness with the intention of molesting is Kuang San's state of mind at this time.

But Kurumi chose the wrong opponent.

If the man in the bathroom at this moment is an innocent virgin who has never even touched a girl's hand, he will definitely be played by Tokisaki Kurumi at will in the palm of his hand.

If it were Bai Chen's first crossing, Tokisaki Kurumi's active "attack" method would definitely make him overwhelmed, but now.

The young man looked at the jade legs that were deliberately showing off in front of his eyes, and when Tokisaki Kuumou swayed in front of him again intentionally or unintentionally, he reached out and grabbed it directly.


The girl who was suddenly attacked made a cute voice.

"You... what are you doing?"

I thought this kind of molesting was still within the control range, but I didn't expect Bai Chen to play cards out of common sense at all.

"Since you want to pursue excitement, then follow through to the end."

Looking at Kuang San with a slightly flustered expression, Bai Chen said while playing with the soft meat.

"This sentence always feels like I have heard it somewhere."

Hearing the slightly familiar lines, Kuang San sighed helplessly.

She thought of where she had heard this sentence before.

When I was bored chatting in the group before, the spider who likes to play tricks told Limulu.

And this sentence has the next line.

Although there is a kind of curse intention, but it is quite similar to her description?

Kuang San was a little dumbfounded, and after shaking it lightly to no avail, he slid his calf out of Bai Chen's hand with a little force.

Then he untied the towel and entered the water with a calm expression.

The smooth skin can be broken by blowing.

Although Kuang San usually looks quite thin and can be blown down by a gust of wind, he is actually quite plump.

They are completely different from when they are wearing clothes.

At the same time, those pairs of different-colored pupils and the natural expression also added a bit of beauty of different styles to the Kuangsan at the moment.

The only regret is that Kuang San was still wearing a swimsuit, and did not want to meet him boldly and frankly as Bai Chen thought.

But this is also normal.

Although Tokisaki Kurumi is quite "astringent", she is still an ordinary girl in essence.

The reason why she can develop the temperament of a mature sister is because her mental age is about 30 years old than her appearance.

Strictly speaking, Bai Chen's age is only about half that of Kuang San at this time.

"I always feel that Mr. Bai Chen is thinking of something very rude."

The woman's sixth sense made Kuang San look at Bai Chen maliciously, and when he heard the other party's denial, he snorted softly.

Afterwards, the girl opened her mouth to change the subject on her own initiative.

"I remember before, Mr. Bai Chen said that after the commission was completed, he wanted me to sing? Can you tell me now?"

"Here, are you sure you really want to sing?"

Hearing Kuang San mention it, Bai Chen also remembered that he seemed to want Kuang San to sing to him majesticly.

"Why do you show that expression? Although I'm not very good at singing, I'm quite confident in my voice. Bring the lyrics and composition, and I'll practice hard before you come back."

Looking at the hesitant look on Bai Chen's face, Kuang San thought that the other party didn't trust him.

"Okay, I'll send it to you privately through the chat group."

After finishing speaking, Bai Chen sent the majestic whole set of music to Kurumi.

After the girl clicked to confirm acceptance in her mind, she closed her eyes and read the lyrics above.

After a few seconds.

Although he didn't speak, Kuang San's originally fair face turned red like a boiled crab.

"No...I didn't expect Mr. Bai Chen to use this method."

When he came back to his senses, Kuang San's expression was a little embarrassed.

She thought it was just an ordinary song, but she never expected it to be a "love" song.

Even Tokisaki Kurumi himself felt that the explicit meaning of the lyrics was too open.

If she still sings...

"It's fine if you're reluctant, I'll let you sing another song."

Although majestic and majestic has become another 193-level character song for Tokisaki Kurumi, but for the battle itself, there is still an exclusive character song for each elf.

Hearing this, Kuang San suddenly raised his head and refused, clenching his teeth and saying.

"No, that's all. I'll practice as soon as possible and sing it to you face to face!"

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Seeing that Kuangsan was so determined, Rijing didn't say any more.

And then, it seems that in order to repay Bai Chen for solving the matter of Siyuan Spirit, Tokisaki Kurumi offered to provide Bai Chen with back rubbing service.

There is no reason to refuse at all.

During the bath, Kuangsan stuck to his back intentionally or unintentionally.

Could this guy do it on purpose?

Sensing a slight change, Bai Chen's expression became subtle.

It's a pity that he also knows that Kuang San is not fully prepared yet, and if things come to fruition, he may not know what will happen.

Then, Bai Chen took over what Kuang San had done before.

The girl was stubborn, so she had to accept it obediently.

Bai Chen, who has always been rigorous and careful, is meticulous in everything he does, so he washes very seriously, but the process is also a big profit.

Afterwards, the two left one after another.

The Siwon elf sitting in the living room glanced at the blushing Kuang San, and subconsciously turned around, obviously having a psychological shadow on the Kuang San who had "tortured" her. .

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