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Chapter 692: Bai Chen Becomes Light Again

Chapter 692

After that, things are much easier to do.

First of all, Bai Chen explained some necessary things about the Siyuan elves, and asked her to shape the elves in a way that no one would be killed in the next thirty years. In this way, the future of the birth of elves will continue as usual.

Although this process may be different, it is understandable for now.

After explaining to the Siyuan elves, Tokisaki Kurumi ran to meet with his good friend Santasha from this era.

As for the Kuang San of this era, she was temporarily hypnotized by her and placed in a safe area, and he replaced his past self and got along with his friend who was killed by himself for nearly a week.

Because after becoming an elf, her body seemed to have stopped growing, so even the life of thirty years ago can be easily integrated into it.

Friends and family are the existence that Tokisaki Kurumi attaches great importance to.

In the past, after becoming an elf, she voluntarily left home to avoid being traced by the DEM agency. For thirty years, she only dared to meet her parents secretly

But now that history has been changed, she can finally accompany her family in a fair and honest way, enjoy the time on campus with her friends, and return to the "peace" that was only a luxury in the past.

And within a week, Bai Chen also found what he wanted from the Siyuan Elf.

It is very similar to the Kabbalah system he followed, but it has a somewhat different "phylogenetic tree".

The reason why the Shiyuan elf is stronger than the other ten elves is that from the perspective of Kabbalah, she is the original "tree of life", and the spirit crystal representing the "mass point" is the fruit of the tree of life. fruit.

From the point of view of nature, although the fruit and the fruit tree are different, there is a difference in height in the actual sense.

The tree of life bears fruit.

This point has a very similar meaning to the "House of God" that flows outward where the supreme God is.

Although in terms of personality, the existence of the Siyuan elves cannot be compared with the only god in Hakoniwa, but the system that is almost completely consistent with Kabbalah shows that the Siyuan elves are about to step into the "God's Place". exist.

In the description of the Kabbalah system, there are four levels that constitute the most important tree of life.

The natural world in which human beings live—the "material world".

The domain of the human soul - "the world of formation".

The Realm of Spirit and Soul "The World Where the Extraordinary Lives——"The World of Creation"

And the last one, the highest and most perfect world, the world where the "primitives" and the highest demons live----"the archetype world".

Previously, Bai Chen initially stepped into the "prototype" fourth world by understanding the Bible system in the Devil's High School.

Afterwards, no further understanding was gained from the study of Kabbalah.

However, this time, the secret obtained from the Siyuan elf opened up the way forward for Bai Chen who had been standing still for a long time.

He felt himself turned into light again.

Like an infinite rise, but also like an infinite fall.

The five senses possessed by most creatures are all useless at this moment.

But even with the loss of those external organs, Bai Chen can still feel every change in himself.

His body became more and more "pure".

The soul and body are like being endlessly peeled off, forged, refined, and finally turned into pure "light".

At this moment, Bai Chen felt extremely relaxed.

It was as if a heavy burden that had been weighing on my body suddenly disappeared, and a feeling that was difficult to describe in words spread to myself who had turned into "light".

At this moment, the "original sin" on Bai Chen was completely erased.

And Bai Chen gradually understood everything.

No matter which world, the basis of "existence" is from nothing to shield.

When a human being born with original sin walks up from the bottom of the tree of life, and finally reaches the original singularity, his existence itself will go back to the "prototype" and become a real sinless person .

From the point of view of the moon, the apex of the tree of Kabbalah is similar to the root.

Thinking about it this way, the process of the magicians of Xingyue pursuing the root is not the process of the man of original sin going against the tree of Kabbalah.

Therefore, the apex of the tree of Karabar, apart from the most perfect "prototype world" in theory, is where the "primordial singularity" is located.

Because it is the "primary" and the cause of all beginnings, it neither has any concept nor exists any concept.

After all, this "singularity" itself is the outflow of everything.

As for Bai Chen who turned into light, I don't know how long it has passed.

It may be thousands of years, ten thousand years, or it may be only a moment.

But the only thing that can be felt is that he is only one step away from breaking through the door of the "prototype world".

As long as he can push open the door and maintain himself, he can touch the outflow."

In Bai Chen's view, there are only two changes left in the world at the moment: "outflow" and "outflow of divinity".

Although there are only a few words, but the gap is very different.

These are two completely different definitions.

The door is right in front of you.

Bai Chen didn't hesitate, seized this opportunity, and directly attacked the "door".

I don't know how many times it has passed, just when Bai Chen thought he was about to fail.


The door in front of him was pushed open.

Endless information is pounding Bai Chen's consciousness, if he relaxes a bit, the existence itself will be completely submerged.

But in the end he succeeded.

After breaking through the "prototype world", the most intuitive feeling brought to Bai Chen is that the five senses that were lost before have returned.

At the same time, he felt that there was almost "infinite" power in his body.

Of course, he also understands that this is not true infinity.

Although Bai Chen, who is against the Tree of Kabbalah, has broken through (Zhao Haohao) four levels, he has not directly become the "primitive" as he thought before.

The current him is at best a tributary of the "outflow".

But even so, the changes between the present and the past are earth-shaking.

As one of the branches, I got a concept similar to a perpetual motion machine from "everything is only for a reason".

Since then, there is no concept of "consumption" of his power.

However, it should be noted that there is no "consumption", but it does not mean that there is no upper limit.

Of course, this is also normal, after all, he is not far from the real outflow.

"It's about the same level."

Breaking through the shackles that have existed for a long time, Bai Chen is quite satisfied.

The current self, in terms of Hakoniwa's rank, may already have the qualifications to become a three-digit number.

Of course, he who doesn't have the corresponding spiritual status should be regarded as a four-digit exception strictly speaking. .

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