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Chapter 697: Kuangsan’S Strong Enemy

Chapter 697

As a girl, Kurumi knew Tobiichi Origami's mood best at the moment.

Compared to Wuhe Kotoli, who is more dependent on his brother, Tobiichi Origami's gaze is almost ready to eat Bai Chen whole.

As long as you don't pay attention, the other party will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

is a rival!

Fortunately, Bai Chen will not stay in this world all the time, otherwise it is really not sure who will win.

Only the girl felt that the sensational reunion didn't last long, and the commission was officially completed at the moment of return, with 24 hours left to stay.

Bai Chen had nothing to do, so he went to the underground laboratory to take a look at the developing spirit crystal.

In about half a year, Yatogami Tohka will hatch, and he plans to come over by then.


In the elevator back to the ground, Tobiichi Origami looked at Bai Chen's back, hesitated to speak.

The overlapping memories of childhood and five years ago made the girl's feelings for Bai Chen go beyond simple gratitude.

Just like Kurumi said.

In Origami's mind, the image of Bai Chen has become something that has haunted her since she was a child.

This meeting was a promise made five years ago.

But what about next time? 160 Who knows if she will have to wait another five years.

So at the very least, we must give this reunion a deep impression on God.

At least the next time we meet again, God will still be able to remember a girl named Tobiichi Origami.

But when Origami plucked up the courage and volunteered to ask Bai Chen for an invitation.

Kurumi rushed to speak ahead of her.

"Mr. Bai Chen, how about we go to Tiangong City next?"

Kuang San clasped his hands together, making a request like a vigorous school girl.

At the same time, the scarlet tip of the tongue crosses the cherry lips, adding a little charm to the innocence that belongs only to the JK period.

Tokisaki Kuangsan.

Except for a slight gaffe when she saw the Siyuan elves, this girl would show the most decent and elegant smile anytime and anywhere.

Although it has something to do with her being the daughter of a rich family before she became an elf, it is more about the influence of thirty years of accumulation.

But the character development is a bit bad.

In the eyes of other people who don't know the nature of Kuangsan and have ordinary relationships, Tokisaki Kurumi is like the superficial young lady (cbeb) in some adult works.

Every move will attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Before Bai Chen traveled through time, he thought that if he could marry Tokisaki Kurumi home, wouldn't he be able to be a groom every night, and unlock countless ways to play.

The fourth bullet can turn back the time of the hit person.

Kekedi can summon himself from the past timeline.

This is also the reason why Kuang San, who had been killed by Takamiya Mana in the past, never died.

Because, the one who was killed was none other than the former Tokisaki Kurumi.

Every day, every minute, even every second of myself.

Tokisaki Kurumi in the normal timeline did not suffer any damage at all.

"Let's go then."

The world's biggest villain is about to fight, the Siyuan elves and DEM both surrender, and the troublesome allies also become his slaves.

Unless there is an alien attack, otherwise, there will be no crisis worth his shot in this world.

"Thank you Mr. Bai Chen!"

Tokisaki Kurumi was quite pleasantly surprised, like a girl in love.

But Bai Chen can clearly read a bit of slyness through the clock pupils that are half covered by the hair.

Apparently the drunken man didn't want to drink.


The scheduled invitation was preempted, and Origami clicked her tongue lightly.

"Origami, you just clicked your tongue, didn't you?"

Wuhe Qinli was standing next to her and could hear clearly.


While Origami denied it, she set Kurumi as the number one love rival in her heart.

"Origami-san, do you want to go together?"

Tokisaki Kurumi turned around and asked with a smile.


Origami nodded immediately.

Although the first battle was lost, at least the purpose was the same.

She still has a chance.

Tokisaki Kurumi was also slightly taken aback by Origami's decisiveness, but soon burst into a charming smile.

"In this case, please take me and Mr. Bai Chen to visit Xintiangong City.

"No problem, I will take responsibility well."

The light blue pupils and the golden red pupils stared at each other, and invisible sparks seemed to burst out in the air.


Itsuwa Kotori sighed.

She has also known Origami for a long time, and naturally understands that Origami's feelings for Bai Chen are far stronger than hers.

Her bedroom alone is covered with portraits painted by herself.

Pillows, beds, walls, and even diaries can be seen everywhere.

It's not that she can't understand, but origami is really crazy.

The most important thing is that the origami on the surface is cold and stern, giving people a meticulous and decent style.

Unexpectedly, it was quite different in private.

ten minutes later.

Xintiangong City Pedestrian Street.

Although DEM has been sanctioned before this, due to the emergence of display devices, many embarrassing problems have been alleviated.

Coupled with the fact that the island country is a grass on the fence, after several battles between the elves and a certain country, they also turned a blind eye to the DEM under their noses.

If Bai Chen didn't give orders to the Siyuan elves, otherwise, thirty years would be enough for him to see a new "Academy City" when he returned.

"Classic" women's clothing store.

When they got here, the group stopped consciously.

Tokisaki Kurumi and Tobiichi Origami looked at each other, and at the same time looked at Bai Chen.

"Go ahead, you can do whatever you want."

No need to guess too much, Bai Chen knew what unfolded.

Tokisaki Kurumi and Tobiichi Origami are both active personalities.

When you meet someone you like, you will not be hesitant like other girls, which will eventually lead to being arrogant and ruining your life.

And the two of them, rather than taking the initiative, it was more like a rogue attack.

Tokizaki Kurumi focuses on charm, while Tobiichi Origami is straightforward, crazily greedy, and even makes coquettish operations such as drugging to stun.

Putting it in an adult work, it is properly unhealthy.

Kurumi and Origami, who were about to start a contest, quickly picked out clothes, and then walked to the changing room.

"Aren't you going to see it?"

Bai Chen looked at Wuhe Qinli who spoke very little along the way.

"I don't need it."

Hearing this, Kotori shook her red twin ponytails and sighed.

"I have no interest in this kind of contest.".

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