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Chapter 698 Young People Don't Talk About Martial Arts

Chapter 698

As the voice fell, Wuhe Qinli seemed to realize that what he said just now was somewhat ambiguous, and said quickly: "I don't mean I'm not interested in you, no... It's not that I'm not as interested as them, it's not right... In short, ...not that crazy.

Young Muai.

The same applies to girls.

In their life trajectory, it is not that they have not come into contact with other opposite sexes.

But none of them can compare with Bai Chen.

Although Wuhe Qinli firmly believes that she only has longing and admiration for her elders for Bai Chen, but how can the arrogant girl admit that she has such unspeakable thoughts.

In other words, even she herself didn't know it well.

"You are indeed different from Origami."

Bai Chen showed a gentle smile.

With her head down, Kotori peeked at Bai Chen's side face, seeing that he didn't mean to laugh at her, she was a little relieved.

Sure enough, the feeling was as reassuring as it was five years ago.

"Thanks to the hair tie you gave me."

Itsuka Kotori pointed to the black ribbon tied around the ponytail.

Even in the past five years, the headband that Bai Feng gave to the girl is still as brand new.

"Without her, there are some problems that cannot be solved by me alone, so I really appreciate you.

The girl who is not very old next year shows a nostalgic expression.

But the fire five years ago was indeed a memorable experience for her.

It is also because of this that she chooses to join the DEM club, the purpose is to meet the young people she met once again when she was a child.

Faced with Kotori's statement and the sincerity in his words, Bai Chen did not show much.

After all, when he decided to contact Kotori, it was just a random decision at the time.

As for the ribbon he gave, it was completely different from the ordinary hairband that Wuhe Shidou gave Kotori in the original track.

God's words are the truth, and the words spoken are the spirit of words.

Therefore, the ribbon does contain the power of "sense". Once worn, the holder's sanity will always dominate, and will not be affected by other aspects. After taking it off, it will recover as is.

This is why Wuhe Qinli will be quieter than others after seeing Bai Chen again.

Just when Bai Chen was thinking about whether Wuhe Kotori should take off the black hairband to reveal her original cute side, a sound came from the fitting room next to her almost at the same time.

"Mr. Bai Chen, do you think this type of clothes will suit me?"

Opening the curtain, Tokisaki Kurumi who came into view had already shed the original K-shaped attire, replaced by a girl dressed in gothic lolita style.

The original double ponytails no longer diverge left and right, but stick to both sides of the temples and hang straight down.

The top is a long-sleeved coat that resembles a dress, with a black pleated bow tie on the neck, which is exactly on the same level as the black and red rose-style hairband hanging on the shoulders

The lower body is a pure black skirt, just below the knees, and the skirt is dotted with light gray ruffles.

A pair of slender but plump jade legs are tightly wrapped in the black pantyhose that seems to reflect luster.

The shoes are also small black leather shoes as a whole. At this time, Kuang San presents a dark and ascetic style of painting.

"not bad."

Bai Chen looked up and down and commented.

"Then...how about this?"

Hearing Bai Chen's comment, Tokisaki Kurumi smiled slightly, then lightly pinched the hem of the skirt with his fingertips, and slowly lifted it up.

up to mid-thigh.

It is obviously a pure and dark style, but it can give Tokisaki Kurumi an astringent style of painting.

In this regard, Bai Chen looked at the pair of legs that were just right, and clicked on Kuangsan's private chat in the group.

"More time later."

Anyway, the relationship between him and Kuang San has long been familiar, not to mention the frequent teasing in the past, so there is no need to hide it if it is only between the two of them.

Seeing the conversation in the private chat, Tokisaki Kurumi blinked his eyes, his attitude was obvious.

The Spirit of Time: "White Eyes.jpg.

Although I was secretly happy in my heart, I still had to be reserved.

"grown ups..."

At this time, Origami's soft voice called from the side.

"Can I come in?"

"What is the problem?"

Bai Chen asked strangely.

Although he can know what happened inside through enlightenment, one of the joys of life is to explore the unknown.

...asking for flowers...

"I've changed my clothes, but it's not convenient to go out, so can you please come in?"

Having said that, Bai Chen didn't think too much, and walked in through the crack in the door opened by Origami.

He thought that there would be classic plots such as "The zipper of my underwear can't be zipped, can you please help me?", but he didn't expect that "The scene in front of me was beyond Shiratori's expectations.

The main reason is that he never thought that Tobiichi Origami would be so bold.

Tobiichi Origami, who was wearing a lace cover, stood there timidly. Even the naked eyes of ordinary people could easily see through the tulle. The white skin inside was in stark contrast to the black lace.


At the same time, the girl held the untied lining with one hand, while the other hand hung limply on the side of her leg.

At this time, as long as you move your gaze down slightly, you can see that the garter stockings that seem to be one size smaller on purpose are oppressing the soft area of ​​the thigh.

The slender white legs were close together, the bare feet stood on the ground, and the jade fingers were slightly bent.

"My lord, look... do you like this kind of attire?"

She tilted her head slightly, and the bold outfit made Tobiichi Origami's cheeks turn pink with shame, and even her whole body glowed with a faint cherry color.

But she is also looking forward to Bai Chen's evaluation.

She saw Kuang San's attire through the tiny pinhole camera just now, and quickly realized that she had no chance of winning.

Therefore, she simply overturned all the plans and directly won this "competition" in the simplest way

have to say.

Compared with Kuangsan's obsequiousness, the origami in front of him is also eye-catching, and he is worthy of being the "strategy master" in the original work.

If he was dating the male lead, he might have been unable to hold back in the first episode and had such an active girl in his bag.

At this time, a black mist appeared on the wall of the changing room, and then Kuang San stuck out his head.

Seeing Origami's attire at this time, she complained: "You're playing dirty, aren't you?"

Even she would not be so bold the first time.

At least gradually.

How could she have imagined that Tobiichi Origami would be so straightforward, not talking about Taketokumaru at all. .

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