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Chapter 704: The Emperor’S New Clothes Conceived By Shiraiyasha

Chapter 704

Grandpa is so cute: "Thank you very much!"

The reason why she didn't directly refuse just now is because she really needs help now.

Inexplicably wandering in another world, and was caught off guard by the goddess, causing the siblings to be separated.

She had already made up her mind that she would leave this world immediately after finding her brother.

But...the way to leave the world, she also forgot.

Therefore, she will place her hope of reuniting with her relatives on the gods.

This approach is quite risky, but at the moment she can only think of this method.

Butterfly Shinobu: "Speaking of which, where is Miss White Yasha?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Could it be that he ran away after seeing Bai Chen's delivery?"

Little Spider: "Big brother ran away carrying the train overnight."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Are you kidding me? We are the White Night King. How could "Four Nine Three" run away because they lost a bet? They look down on us too much! We were just avoiding the nagging clerk, Let me see what you've got."

After sending this sentence, Bai Yasha looked at the screenshot.

"Heart of rock attribute god, what is this?"

Seeing the unfamiliar name, Bai Yasha frowned slightly.

And when she moved her gaze to the second SSR, the frown that was originally slightly frowned deepened.

"Boundary...a very familiar name, huh? Wait a minute, isn't this skill belonged to that stinky woman?!"

The smelly woman in Bai Yasha's mouth, looking at the entire Little Garden, only the "star spirit of gold and realm" can bear this title

— Queen of Halloween.

Three digits, an exceptional existence in the realm of omnipotence, is a protoss born from the sun in the realm of life and death.

Although there are many gifts related to "realms" in Little Garden, the only one who can make the most of the realms is the Halloween Queen.

In addition, Bai Yasha and the Queen of Halloween are long-standing enemies, and when they see the "realm", they naturally have a reasonable association.

If it's fake, that's fine.

If it is true, I really have to feel that this guy's luck is so good.

Although the Queen of Halloween is a three-digit protoss, her strength is comparable to that of the Plenipotentiary Domain.

The reason is her gift "realm".

The realm of life and death, the realm of cold and heat, the realm of thickness and thinness...

In addition, the Halloween Queen is also one of the few existences in Little Garden who can directly interfere with human history in Little Garden.

This is something that can only be achieved by relying on the "power of the realm".

While Bai Yasha lamented Bai Chen's good luck, the latter also sorted out his harvest after the lottery draw.

Although the creation of Warcraft is a god-killing tool, it is of little use to him, and he has already mastered the phylogenetic tree left by the God of the Bible in the Demon High School. As long as he is given time and materials, he can make a god-killing tool. It's not difficult.

Passing the God Extinguisher, Bai Chen looked at the rock attribute God's Heart.

This is a crystal that exudes an earthy yellow halo, and its shape is similar to the "rook" in chess.

The principle is somewhat crystallized.

It is the high-level external magic organ of Morax, the rock king in the original god world.

As the name suggests, it is an "organ" that can use magic power.

If human beings want to use extraordinary power, they must guide elemental power through this organ.

This is the "eye of God".

The God's Heart is a special version higher than the God's Eye, which can resonate with the "Sky Island" where the "Tianli" is located in the original God's world, and then release a more powerful power than the God's Eye.

The rock attribute God's Heart in Bai Chen's hand contains very powerful rock attribute power.

But after getting it, Shiratori could feel that the elemental power contained in it was slowly draining.

After all, this kind of thing is just a prop for guiding elemental power.

What is powerful is not the heart of God, but the rock god Morax himself.

For example, Mond's Wind God Barbatos has been idle since the end of the Demon God War. He eats, drinks and has fun all day long, and never does business. All the time singing and drinking.

The power of his God's Heart is close to nothing.

So much so that at the end of the prologue, he was attacked by the executive officer "Madam" of the Fools and forcibly took away the heart of God.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Barbatos took the initiative to release the water.

After all, no matter how you say it, he is the winner of the Demon God War, and has been holding the position of Fengshen until now.

No matter how weak one is, it is impossible to be beaten down by a mortal.

It may also be a really weak chicken...


Even if the elemental power of the rock attribute is lost, it’s nothing. If it is used up, it can just transform the heart of God, and at the same time as Tivat flows out, a country that believes in him will be established.

After putting away the Heart of God, Bai Chen looked at the last reward.


At first glance, there is nothing special about it, but it is an SSR after all, and the rarity speaks for itself.

Without thinking too much, Baifeng directly fused this experience

next second.

The slightly shining light particles merged into his body, and Bai Chen also understood the specific usage of this ability.

Boundary does not simply refer to space.

Cold and hot, high and low, positive and negative, past and present, present and future...there is a "state".

And this ability can control various substances and even conceptual realms.

The most basic thing is to move, and it is shorter and faster than space movement, and it is difficult to detect.

For another example, it is possible to turn cold water in a cup into hot water, hot water into cold water, and so on.

It can be said to be quite mysterious.

Overall, this lottery draw after many days, the harvest is pretty good.

Bai Chen: "@非世亲白毛罗利, how do you say [Yasha?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Huh! I'm willing to accept the bet, and it doesn't matter if we owe you one!"

Bai Yasha immediately agreed.

She, Bai Yasha, is not a villain who goes back and forth.

0.6 Even if it is a bet mentioned casually, it will be taken seriously.

It's just a pity for the black rabbit.

If she wins this time, she must let the rabbit try on her new clothes, especially the clothes she named "Emperor's New Clothes", it will look great on the rabbit!

Unfortunately, she lost.

Everything is gone.

Crack! Joy is gone!

Bai Chen: "I will go to Little Garden later, and I will ask Leticia to tell Black Rabbit to stay with you for a few days.

It can be said that it is a big profit to get Bai Yasha's favor.

But Bai Chen is not the kind of idiot who gets cheap and acts obediently, in order to maintain the harmonious friendship with Bai Yasha.

Black Rabbit, just sacrifice a little bit for this.

At the same time, in the Hakoniwa world in another dimension, the black rabbit who was working in the garden suddenly sneezed. .

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