Chapter 705

Bai Chen, who temporarily quit the chat group and returned to the Godslayer world, looked out the window at the bright sky.

This time, the return from the contract world has been fruitful.

Coupled with the long-lost draw, which originated from the "realm" of the Queen of Halloween, although it did not increase his power, it also made Bai Chen's ability range wider.

In perception, the girls who had encounters with him worked separately.

Therefore, Bai Chen didn't bother them either.

"Let's settle the last problem."

Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

Speaking of which, in this world, even though he has become the strongest godslayer, there is still a problem that has not been resolved.

That is the goddess of fate entrenched in the domain of the gods.

Although there has been no news until now, Bai Chen also knows that, as a goddess born from the concept of "fate", Song, the goddess of fate, is just a T21 person with an empty and lovely body.

And I completely disrupted the direction of fate, and I must have become a thorn in the side of fate.

The reason why he didn't make a move for such a long time may be to accumulate strength.

I hadn't cared about her before, and it was also because I used all the strength of my subordinates to find the hidden Destiny God's Domain.

But things are different today.

After transcending the four universes, his strength went one step further.

In addition, it is easier to use the power of the realm to search for the goddess of fate.

Closing his eyes, Bai Chen's will breaks through the material world, and goes to the realm of life and death—the netherworld.

Afterwards, the consciousness was spread towards the whole world like a fishing net.

For a moment, countless information from the Nether World flooded into Bai Chen's mind.

Tired of the noisy ground, the elves and gods who moved from the human world to the secluded life.

Or it is a half-body Buddha who is sanctified by the flesh but cannot transcend the world, the dead body.

The other is the God of Disobedience who hides his name and lives an idyllic life.

In the originally peaceful secluded world, when Bai Chen's spiritual consciousness spread out, all living beings became panicked.

There are many powerful gods of disobedience among them.

After they felt the breath that oppressed them, they all broke out in cold sweat, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Even though he is in the secluded world, he is not ignorant of the human world.

An extremely powerful godslayer appeared from the outside world.

The god of disobedience and his kindred were all defeated, and he became the first king of Rakshasa who ruled the world in history.

But Bai Chen is not interested in those gods who don't obey.

His consciousness traveled through the secluded world continuously, and finally determined his destination.

next second.

The realm of God's Domain of Destiny overlaps with the space of the human world where Bai Chen lives, just like a frame skipped in a movie, and the black-haired young man appears in God's Domain of Destiny.

It is a space made of woven spindles.

The white weave like a carpet spread to the end of God's Domain.

This is the starting point of all causes and effects of Godslayer.

Whether it is a godslayer or a god of disobedience, their relationship is closely linked by the thread of fate.

In other words, this is the alternative "root" of the Godslayer world.

However, Bai Chen has no interest in the "destiny" that pervades God's Domain.

Destiny sounds absurd, but it's really no big deal.

After all, fate cannot dominate others like the power of domination, it can only give established causes and results, and the outcome depends on human effort.

What's more, Bai Chen's ears can hear the calluses of words like "break fate", "man will conquer nature".

It can be seen that fate is like a weak little girl, who can be bullied by anyone.

Although the goddess of fate here was originally a little girl.

When Bai Chen stepped here, he saw only a petite figure floating in midair.

He looks about seven or eight years old, with no hair on his body [with ten shoulder-length blond hair and milk-white skin.

But it's just such a pink and jade-carved loli, but there is no expression on her face.

It's not because of the lack of three or lack of emotion, but because the goddess of fate here is just a shell, doing things like a machine.

She is the goddess of fate, the management mechanism born from fate.

Whether it is the gods woven out of human beliefs, or the gods break away from mythology and descend to the earth to appear as disobedient gods.

Then, the godslayer who resisted the ravages of the disobedient god was born, and in order to deal with the godslayer, the gods created a brave man who annihilated the demon king.

So repeated, always reincarnated, this is fate.

However, the appearance of Bai Chen broke the reincarnation of the God of Disobedience, the Godslayer and the King of the End, making fate unable to proceed normally.

It's like a computer that is running normally, and a virus is suddenly mixed in.

It not only disrupts the process of the application, but also embezzles administrator privileges.

In time, fate will strike, too.

White is indifferent, but the power of God stays here.

The Goddess of Fate itself is not strong, but she can manipulate fate and summon the God of Disobedience from the past to fight for her.

"Then, let's settle it once and for all now."

The corners of Bai Chen's mouth slowly curled up, revealing a relaxed 157 expression.

And what appeared with the smile was the holy spear that suddenly appeared in the young man's hands, like a burning flame, and the whole body was entwined with golden flames.

Ordinary creatures, even if they just look at this radiance, will feel that their souls will be ignited.

Unfortunately, there was only Goddess of Fate in the audience.

And it's still a doll without a soul.

No longer thinking about it, Bai Chen lifted the holy spear nimbly, made a seemingly useless movement, and threw it towards the goddess of fate.


One second before the consciousness disappeared, the name of Holy Lance appeared in the mind of Goddess of Fate.

Her body was burned by the burst of golden flames, and at the same time, the thread of fate that spread to the end of the earth was completely burned.

The fate of the godslayer world was completely shattered, and the only existence that could resist Bai Chen also perished.

But after that, amidst the blazing golden flames, the figure of the Goddess of Fate reappeared.

But this time, her identity is no longer just the facilitator of fate, but besides this identity, she is also Bai Chen's slave.

After dominating the Goddess of Fate, the corners of Bai Chen's mouth curled up in satisfaction.

However, this is not enough, he still needs more god movers. .

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