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Chapter 758 Gudazi, It’S Not Your Turn To Rest Yet

Chapter 758

Toothaches are not caused by fear.

Bai Chen's current strength has a three-digit level, plus the main god's spear and realm power, the spirit is weaker than the queen.

But not being afraid doesn't mean not being troublesome.

Although Bai Chen doesn't know the Queen yet, there are fragments of memories that describe the Halloween Queen as quite troublesome.

Furthermore, someone who can make White Yasha extremely annoying must have quite troublesome places.

He came to Little Garden just to use the center of Little Garden to improve his strength, not to make enemies.

It must be troublesome if you really want to be targeted by the Queen.

But Bai Chen didn't take this idea to the surface.

But if the queen really came to make trouble in the future, he wouldn't hide around, and just confront her head-on.

Putting aside the problem for the time being, Richen continued to visit the local scenery with Leticia. "Four One Press"

Chat group.

Chaos Evil: "What a beautiful place! It's even more spectacular than the previous East and North districts, and it's beautiful!"

The City of Flames in the North District, although unique, still gives the impression of a man-made landscape.

The towering water tree with a height of 500 meters, as well as the underground city and water city built around the water tree, really bring people the uncanny workmanship of nature.

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Huh! We need to talk about it a few times! The scenery in the East District is no worse than that in the North District! It’s just that the live broadcast didn’t capture it there before! Let’s show it to you in person on a live broadcast some other day.” !"

Seeing that the group of friends praised the Southern District as better than the Eastern District under his jurisdiction, Bai Yasha immediately refuted it.

Chaos Evil: "Well! Then I'm looking forward to Miss Bai Yasha's live broadcast!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "I really want to go out and play! But, there are three children who need to be taken care of at home! Can anyone be more miserable than me?"

Little Spider: "That must be Ben Spider!"

Blue Slime: "No no no, meetings all day are driving me crazy."

Chaos evil: "When the saving of humanity is over, I will definitely ask for a good vacation!"

Seeing this sentence, Bai Chen couldn't help grinning.

I wanted to rest after beating Getia, and it was too good to think about it.

Seeing that the group was half envious and half complaining, Bai Chen couldn't help but take care of all the funeral affairs of the godslayer by himself, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to travel back and forth between different worlds like he is now.

Back to reality.

The underground city of Underwood is dug into the ground in a spiral shape.

If you want to go to a high place, you need to go around the city in a circle before you can go to the water tree.

Although the height is only about a few tens of meters, there is still quite a distance to walk up slowly along the wall.

But neither Bai Chen, Leticia, nor Pest showed an expression of boredom.

The street is full of stalls, and at the same time, there is an attractive food aroma.

Bai Chen held a scone in his hand, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, baked just right.

Just then, a familiar voice came from ahead.

"Ah, Black Rabbit sells freshly baked cheese!"

"No! We've wasted too much time, now we have to pay our respects to the "organiser"!"

A majestic yet cute voice came from the bunny girl's mouth.

The black rabbit with straight ears was holding Kasukabe with his left hand and Asuka Kuen with his right hand, and shouted loudly.

"But, it's delicious!"

"Huh? When did you two go shopping!"

Asuka didn't care about Hei Tucao's complaints at all, and savored the hot cheese that drove the elf to buy.

The steaming cheese has the aroma and taste of freshly baked food, and it will not feel greasy even if it is eaten alone.

Just don't eat too much sweets, otherwise it will easily affect your body shape.

Kasukabe looked at Kurotu: "Any news?"

"Smell? Normally, you should ask "Do you want to eat it?" But you asked me if I want to smell it?!"

The black rabbit was puzzled.

"Well, because I ate it.

Kasukabe Yō said truthfully.

"Do you actually want me to smell the lingering fragrance? What kind of prank game are you playing!"

Ignoring Hei Tucao's complaints, the short-haired girl silently licked her fingers.

At this time.

They found Bai Chen and his party standing behind them.

"Master Bai Chen, Master Leticia."

The black rabbit stopped the desire to complain, the rabbit's ears drooped slightly, and he saluted subconsciously, but his hands held tighter.

"Hello, we meet again."

Kasukabe nodded politely.

"Hi there."

Jiuyuan Asuka blushed, showing an embarrassing expression like when he was caught.

She is obviously the eldest lady, but Bai Chen saw the posture of being caught by the black rabbit, it was embarrassing...

"Would you like to meet with the host of the Harvest Festival next?"

Bai Chen asked with a smile.

Shopping is not his strong point, it is enough to experience the charm of it.

Bai Chen really can't do that kind of shopping for a whole day.

"Yes, because noname is a special invitation, so you need to greet the organizer here before you can move freely.

Black Rabbit nodded seriously.

"Just go together, let's go together."

Bai Chen said.

"Will Master Bai Chen also accompany us?"

Hearing this, the black rabbit showed surprise.

For some reason, Black Rabbit feels more at ease when he is with Bai Chen.

In addition, this is the first time noname has been invited, so I am naturally nervous.

With Bai Chen and Leticia present, she can rest assured.

"Let's take a look, don't you mind?"

Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Of course I don't mind!"

The black rabbit agreed immediately.

Hearing this, Leticia reminded: "Master, His Royal Highness Alger is still outside.

When Bai Chen turned his head, he happened to find Alger's petite figure disappearing from the crowd.

Unlike Bai Chen who is not interested in shopping, Alger can't stop for a moment except for maintenance and sleeping.

Originally, because they were all shopping, Alger was still able to settle down a bit, but now seeing Bai Chen’s 2.8 desire to stop, he immediately became vigilant, and while Bai Chen was talking to Heitu, he moved silently to distance himself .

Perhaps he wanted to make up for the boredom that had been sealed for hundreds of years. When Bai Chen looked back, he was like a fish swimming in the ocean, slipping quickly with oil on his feet.

So much so that Bai Chen didn't even have time to call her.

Good guy, the rabbit can't run as fast as you.

After finally experiencing the hard work of raising a child, Bai Chen shook his head helplessly, and told Leticia: "Go and take care of her.

Leticia nodded, and then started to keep up with Alger.

By the way, let Pest go with her.

After all, from the beginning to the end, her curiosity never fell behind, and because of her loyalty to Bai Chen, she did not indulge like Alger.

Hearing what he said, Pest bowed to Bai Chen, and impatiently followed. .

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