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Chapter 759: The Most Shameful Five-Digit Number - Bai Xueji

Chapter 759

Southern district, ground city.

The air on the ground is far more humid than the underground, but it doesn't make people feel sticky.

Compared with the modern rainwater full of various pollutants, the water flowing from the water tree can be directly drunk.

Jiuyuan Asuka looked up at the big tree.

"Heitu, how tall is this tree?"

"It is said that the total length is 500 meters. Although it is not as huge as the boundary wall, it is also a rare size among the sacred trees."

Black Rabbit explained.

"The place we are going to is in the middle of the water tree.

"Can you fly up there?"

Kasukabe Yō had a look of obvious trouble on his face.

"No, no matter what, it's the first time we've met the organizer of the Southern District, so we need to be polite.

The black rabbit shook his head again and again.

"But of course it doesn't take much effort to climb up."

She walked to a wooden box beside her.

"Once inside, just ring the bell inside twice.

The girls walked in, after pulling the bell in doubt.

The water tree burl located above the water tank gushes out water, and a large amount of water flows into another empty tank, and the weight of the downward pressure is used to pull up the passenger's box.

"21 Isn't this the elevator?"

Jiuyuan Asuka complained.

Although the speed is much slower than modern elevators, it is still profitable to have a panoramic view of the city on the way.

The middle of the water tree.

The harvest festival was held, and the leader of the alliance community named "Six Scars" stood on the emerald green lawn and waited with some members of the community.

"Boss, the other party is just Noname, do we need to wait in advance with such fanfare?"

Someone said dissatisfied.

At first they wondered which distinguished guest they were waiting for.

Unexpectedly, the leader's answer was the nameless person from the East District.

Even though the opponent won the first place in the Fire Dragon Birth Festival, it's not enough to show off like this.

Furthermore, it is incomprehensible to set "noname" as a guest invitation.

So far, this is probably the only case in the first court.


She, acting leader, shook her head.

"This time it is not only noname, but also another distinguished guest."

Through the eyeliner arranged in the city, she was able to grasp the whereabouts of Noname and the other person.

And when they boarded the water tank, they ordered people to wait here.

He won the gift game with the Perseus community, and at the same time solved the devil who invaded the northern area, so that the Fire Dragon Birth Festival can be held as scheduled, and there are also rumors that he has a very good personal relationship with Shiraiyasha.

Even if you take 10,000 steps back and guess, it is very likely that it is a big shot who descended from the upper echelons.

But even if not, the feat of defeating the Demon King alone is enough to make people look sideways.

What's more, the stratum ruler in the southern district is now vacant, so she naturally has to be careful when receiving any guests.

In the girl's thoughts, the water tank arrived at the same time as the estimated time.

The members also stopped talking and looked at the visitor curiously.

She also looked up there, and saw a young man with blond hair as bright as the sun walking out elegantly.

Not knowing if it was an illusion, Sarah felt that the nearby light suddenly dimmed a lot.

Especially when meeting the pair of clear pupils, the consciousness appeared momentarily at a loss.

"Those people are here to entertain our organizers, right? It's weird, they're all here, but they don't speak."

Jiuyuan Asuka whispered.

"Perhaps it is a unique ceremony in the Southern District?"


The black rabbit didn't understand what kind of posture this was.

But the master didn't speak, and she couldn't take the initiative to speak.

It wasn't until Sarah regained consciousness from the daze and saw the visitor who had arrived in front of her that she woke up like a dream.

Hastily stretched out his hand: "Hello, it's the first time we meet, you are Lord Bai Chen, right? The noble lady Hakoniwa behind, is it also the first time we meet?"

Bai Chen raised his hand to hold the girl's catkin, and said in a tone of interest: "You know me?"

"I have heard about the story of you defeating the Demon King in the North District and taking him prisoner."

Sarah spoke neither humble nor overbearing, but when her hand was gently held, she felt the warmth of Bai Chen's palm, which made her feel an unprecedented warmth spreading throughout her body.

Qiao's face flushed slightly, and she withdrew her hand a little faster, then quickly opened her mouth to divert her attention.

"It's a great feat, and our southern district welcomes heroes like you very much."

The Demon Lord has a special meaning to Hakoniwa.

It's not that occupying the top of the mountain, causing disasters, or eating a hundred or eighty people can bear the title of "devil king".

That is a violation of the order of Little Garden, and abuse of the sponsor's authority is enough to threaten the existence of Little Garden itself.

From Bai Chen's point of view, the black death spot demon king Pest is a weak chicken, but if it is placed in the southern region, it will definitely cause hundreds of thousands, or even millions of deaths and injuries.

Just like this noisy and spectacular city of water and trees, it may also become a sea of ​​flames.

Although Pester is said to be a five-digit demon king, his power has been specialized through legends. If it is outside, it is enough to set off a plague and demon wind that will destroy the surface of the earth.

It's the strongest of the five-digit numbers.

As for the shameful snake god Bai Xueji, although she is also a five-figure spiritual power, her strength is at the bottom, and she is far from Pest's opponent.

"I see."

Bai Chen nodded at 517.


When Pest was dealt with at that time, the commotion caused was not small.

Moreover, he did not specifically explain to Bai Yasha that the people in the City of Flames would naturally inquire about his information through him.

"Then let me introduce myself formally, my name is Bai Chen."

Bai Chen said lightly.

"Sarah Teldorek, you are welcome.

Sarah nodded and smiled, but compared to the beginning, her eyes were a little cramped.

this woman.


"Huh? Could it be the name?"

Jiu Yuan Asuka behind him couldn't help but speak.

"It seems that you have all met your sister, I am Sandora's older sister, I came to the South District and settled down because of certain things in the early years.

Having said that, Sarah looked at Baisha again.

"Please allow me to express my gratitude to you again, after all, today's "Salamandra" does not have the power to defeat the devil."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

Bai Chen smiled and shook his head.

"Well, I have prepared guest rooms for you all. Of course, if you want to participate in the gift game, you need to wait until the night harvest festival officially starts. I hope that during this period, you can enjoy a lot of the Southern District, which is completely different from other places. atmosphere."

Sarah was smiling. .

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