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Chapter 775 What Can I Do If I Am Lustful?

Chapter 775

["Little Spider" enters the live broadcast room]

【"Blue Slime" enters the live broadcast room】

["Super Electromagnetic Gun" enters the live broadcast room]

【"Bai Chen" enters the live broadcast room】

After Qiqi started the live broadcast, the group members who had free time immediately devoted themselves to watching the two live broadcasts.

The expressionless Maki appeared in the center of the camera. It can be seen from the dark and narrow environment that the girl should be in the car.

"Hello everyone."

Although Maki lacks emotion, she is not a savage who lacks common sense.

She has made her debut as an online singer, and with the help of funeral agencies behind the scenes, attending online events can be said to be commonplace.

The only downside is that the facial expressions change too little.

However, there are also many nerds offline who regard it as the cuteness of Mo Qi.

Blue Slime: "Hey! What a beautiful lady, even more beautiful than I imagined!"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Yeah, it's like a doll."

I don't want to go to hell: "Uh...I didn't mean that, sorry!"

Bai Chen: "Don't worry, I pray that she won't take it to heart.

Although the fate of 083 being born as a virus container is unacceptable to ordinary people, Mo Qi doesn't think there is any problem.

Don't talk about this, even if a hundred aunts stand in front of her and spit, Mo Qi's brows will not frown.

To put it bluntly, she didn't care at all.

What's more, the funeral club's promotion of Yuqi as an idol was originally for the purpose of being a tool person, and intentionally attracted more people to join the funeral club.

After all, it is a biological instinct to be close to a beautiful opposite sex, and everyone is no exception.

Little Spider: "@BlueSlime, you Isp, you can't walk when you see a beautiful girl, right?"

Blue Slime: "That's right! Don't you know that looking at beautiful women is good for your physical and mental health?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Bah! Don't use theory as an excuse, you are really horny!"

Blue Slime: "I'm just lustful, so what can I do to you, be confident.jpg."

Immediately afterwards, there was the daily spat in the chat group.

While the group members were "friendly" communicating, the screen in the live broadcast room quickly reversed.

A few minutes later.

The car carrying Miki and a robot pet stopped before the entrance of a (cbff) deserted tunnel.

Mo Qi didn't communicate much with the transportation personnel, and the car left directly after the girl got off.

Standing in front of the cave entrance, Mo Qi silently tapped into the depths of the darkness.

Without thinking too much, I went straight in.

At the same time, the thrush's voice came from the headset.

"Qi, about 200 meters away from the tunnel, there is an abandoned maintenance passageway. After you go in, climb into the second ventilation duct and continue along the duct until you reach the research institute where the key is hidden. The data is sent to the robot, and the journey is smooth!"

After the energetic female voice ended, the silence returned to Mo Qi's ears.

Following thrush's prompt, she smoothly climbed into the ventilation duct.

The metal pipes have been in disrepair for a long time, and some places can make a creaking sound when touched lightly, but fortunately, Qi Qi is light enough, and there is no danger along the way, and finally entered the interior of the research institute.

In the live broadcast room.

Drilling the air ducts isn't much of a picture, so everyone is chatting.

However, Nangong still asked questions that month.

Teacher Loli: "Excuse me, Bai Chen, let me confirm again, the Void Genome should be quite an important item, right?"

Bai Chen: "The special genome that can promote human evolution is naturally of high value."

Teacher Loli: "I remember you said before that Ms. Qiqi is just an ordinary person, so isn't this stealing mission a bit too childish?"

Bai Chen: "Watson, you have discovered your blind spot."

Teacher Loli: "?"

The Spirit of Time: "I also feel a little strange, this kind of thing should be left to a more professional person, it's really strange to let Ms. Qi Qi go alone.

Tokisaki Kurumi himself once sneaked into the DEM company to investigate the data.

Compared with the defense of the DEM, the security measures for keeping the Void Genome can only be called the level of a kindergarten running a house.

Despite her training, Inori is just an ordinary girl after all.

Blue Slime: "Even the company where I used to be a social animal has security patrols every night..."

After all, this is also a military base, and the level of technology is also near the future.

There's no reason for Mo Qi to sneak into the interior so easily.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Hey guy, I said why is it so familiar, isn't this exactly the same as the plot of those popcorn movies?"

Seeing the discussion in the chat group, Bai Chen smiled.

Judging from the plot, it is completely a fantasy in terms of general rationality that Mo Qi could sneak into the research institute and steal the most important "void genome".

The plot of the animation is even more outrageous. The 楪祭 here is at least wearing night clothes that are easy to move, while in the animation, 楪祭 wears a goldfish suit from beginning to end.

However, if you look at the back, you can understand.

The reason why Mo Qi was able to steal the Void Genome so easily was entirely in accordance with the wishes of some people.

The so-called "certain people" are actually the people who hoped that "Adam" would be born.

It is "Sakura Manji".

The virus that fused Sakuraman's real name gave birth to a self-aware "heavy baby".

And Yingmanji is the younger brother of Yingman's real name, so he will naturally want him to have the power of the king and become the "Adam" of the new world

Bai Chen's attention fell back to the live broadcast.

According to the thrush's guidance, Qi Qi avoided all the security systems along the way and approached the warehouse where the Void Genome was kept.

Everything went according to the undertaker's plan.

"Qi, I will temporarily cut off the alarm for three minutes. During this period, all indoor security systems will be temporarily disabled [you should take advantage of this time to quickly evacuate from the route I prepared


Thrush lowered his voice a little.

Whether he can succeed or not depends on Mo Qi himself.


Maki nodded, and then the door in front of him slowly opened under thrush's remote control.

The Void Genome is kept in the foreground.

It is isolated from the outside world with bulletproof glass.

However, under thrush's operation, all protections are in vain.

"That's the one, Maki, take it and leave quickly!"

Thrush's voice was a little anxious.

Afterwards, Mo Qi didn't think much, strode forward to take away the silver suitcase, and fled quickly.

Just before she ran far, the alarm bell of the research institute behind her rang. .

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