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Chapter 776: The Shock Of The Girls

Chapter 776

After being discovered, Mo Qi fled towards the predetermined location as quickly as possible.

However, just a few hundred meters away from the base transportation tunnel, two GHQ's latest battle robots, Ultimate Roar, caught up.

Although it was still within the range of the base, the Ultimate Roar at the front was still aiming at the position of Miqi, and then the cannons mounted on the shoulders began to straf.


The power of the machine gun directly smashed the cement and shot through the ceiling above Yuqi's head. The shock wave sent him flying, but fortunately he was not injured.

It was deliberately missed.

After all, the Void Genome is still in the hands of Qi Qi, and the elves received by the soldiers only prevent the other party from leaving.


Glancing at the blue arm, Miki put on optical camouflage and ran into the tunnel that was only big enough for humans to enter and exit.

The two Ultimate Roarers stopped at the gate and chose another route to continue the pursuit.

the other side.

Tsugumi confirmed her location through the sending device on Uki.

But at the same time, I also saw two Ultimate Roars chasing after them.

"It's not good, Ayase, two robots are targeting Qi."

"What about Qi? Is there anything wrong?"

"It's fine for the time being, but according to calculations, when you exit the entrance and exit of the tunnel, you will be overtaken by the other party."

"It doesn't matter, I will hold them back and give Qi enough time to evacuate."

Ayase answered in a low voice.

She used the camera to stare at the direction of the tunnel, and it didn't take long before a bright light approached in the darkness.

It's Inori and her robot pet.

It's just that before Ayase was happy, the two Ultimate Roarers chased up one after the other.

The GHQ robot's shoulder cannon fires at Uki.


The shell exploded not far in front of Maki, deliberately preventing the girl from leaving.

While the girl was stunned for a moment, Ultimate Roar rushed forward at the fastest speed, and the two mechanical arms made a metal-based vibrato.

But in the middle of the journey, it stopped in place as if hitting a wall.

"I'll hold it back, Qiqi, you go first!"

The optical camouflage is gradually fading, and what stops GHQ from chasing troops is the first-generation ultimate roaring Jumeau "Jumo doll", which has been eliminated by various countries.

Army green paint, old appearance and armor, confronting the pursuers.

The GHQ driver, on the other hand, smiled dismissively when he saw Jumeau.

"Hmph, second-hand goods."

Afterwards, the two airframes fought, and the GHQ pilot quickly suppressed Jumeau by virtue of the airframe's performance. Ayase also knew the performance gap between the two airframes, so he kept the opponent's actions close to him.

"Troublesome mouse."

Seeing the target running farther and farther away, the driver became anxious. Regardless of disobeying the order, he opened the missile launcher on the back of Ultimate Roar, and the four missiles dragged the flames and rushed towards Qi Qi quickly.

"It's over!"

Ayase was shocked.

She also didn't expect that the other party would directly attack people regardless of the integrity of the void genome.

At the same time, in the chat group.

Group reminder (private): It is detected that the life of a group member "Dieqi" is in danger. In order to protect the rights and interests of group members, the prepayment function is automatically activated. 】

[Group reminder (private): The group member "Dieqi" issued a commission to expel GHQ and reward 5,000 points for solving the Apocalypse virus. 】

[Group reminder (private): Your entrustment has been received by group member "Bai Chen", who has come to your world. 】

The missile with its tail flame flew straight towards it.

The missile exploded near the girl, and the hurricane and shock wave caused a shock to Miki's five senses.

The metal fragments produced by the explosion also scatter like celestial maidens scattering flowers. No matter how strong ordinary people exercise their bodies, they cannot stop the power of the missiles.

But Maki didn't feel the pain as expected.

When she opened her eyes, an incredible scene appeared in front of the girl.

The scattered flames and metal debris stagnated in the air, like a movie with the pause button pressed.

In a trance, the girl's line of sight flickered like a frame skipped in a movie.

Then, a black-haired figure appeared beside her, revealing a handsome profile.

Bai Chen, who changed her hair back to black, looked at the pink-haired girl beside her with fluctuating eyes, and then stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Biaoqi.

"We met for the first time, sister Qi... no, Miss Qiqi."

"Are you...Mr. Bai Chen?"

After being dazed for a few seconds, Mo Qi looked at the familiar but unfamiliar young man in front of him and asked.

...asking for flowers...


Bai Chen nodded.

"The chat group has a pre-payment function of entrusted points, but this function will only be activated by the chat group itself when the group members are physically threatened, so according to the previous agreement, I will come here."

"Feel sorry.

Mizuki lowered his head.


"It's okay, it's just a difference of first come first come later, and the safety of the group members is naturally the most important.

Bai Chen smiled.

"The situation just now..."

Mo Qi quickly recovered and looked around suspiciously.

"It's just a pause in time, a trick.

"little tricks..."

Although the lack of emotion will not cause the pupils to quake, but she also knows that the young man in front of her is a special existence beyond the common sense she has learned.


If that's the case... her request will be completed.

Bai Chen resumed the flow of time, and the flames from the missile explosion engulfed the two of them.


Ayase, who was blocking the pursuers, shouted in panic.

Inori's death was not in the plan at all.

But in the next second, Ayase and Tsugumi heard Uki's voice through the headset.

"I'm fine."



The disconnection between reality and imagination caused the thinking of the two women to lag for a moment.

And when they saw through Jumeau, who was unharmed from the dissipated flames, they showed surprise at the same time.

How on earth did she survive the missile attack?

"Miss Ayase, look at the man next to Inori."

"Huh? Who is that person?"

Too many questions filled the brains of the two women for a while.

All kinds of unexpected events happened at the same time, which made the two of them start to feel confused.

But the next scene made everyone even more stupefied.

Feeling the weakening of Jumeau's resistance, the pilot of GHQ was about to take advantage of the victory to chase after him, but suddenly found that he could not control the movement of the body.

In the eyes of Ayase and Tsugumi, the latest ultimate roar of this GHQ disintegrated automatically like a collapsed building block.

In just a moment, it was broken down into the most basic parts seven. .

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