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Chapter 810 Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu

Chapter 810

"So what we have to pay attention to is not the lord, but the invasion from outside forces, and the beast of the apocalypse that may be resurrected at any time."

Having said that, Seraph also understood the seriousness of the problem.

Temporarily suppressed the restless emotions, sat back~.

"So what do we do next—what shall we do?"

"Continue to follow the content of the peace agreement-"

Sergex said.

"Of course, it would be great if we can get along well with that lord. Since he appears again, the blame for everything will be shifted to him. We just need to support him behind the scenes."

After finishing speaking, the demon kings were silent for a while.

Seemingly wanting to ease the atmosphere, Sergex changed the subject, looked at Serafulu and said, "Serafulu, I heard that your sister named Cangna seemed to be getting along with that lord before. Pretty close."


Hearing this, Serafulu, as a qualified sister-in-law, immediately reacted.

"what do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything else. It's just that the underworld advocates free love. As a sister, you shouldn't care too much."

"Hmph! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, Cang Na-chan belongs to me alone! And don't you think it's strange to let the devil fall in love with that adult?!"

Seraph showed a vigilant look.

"Besides, I've also heard that your sister named Rias has a very good relationship with that adult, even better than Cang Nachan!"

"Of course I know that."

Sergeks smiled meaningfully.

"Wait, Sergeux, don't you even want to use your sister?"

Even Aqiuka, who has always been calm, changed his expression slightly.

It's no big deal for a devil and an angel to fall in love.

But the opponent is not an angel, but the boss of the heavens, the number one powerhouse in the world.

Even their demon kings have to be careful in contact with them. If they were replaced by other demons, wouldn't they be afraid of being shone by the holy light and wiped out on the spot?

"How could it be used? I'm a very sensible person. I don't object to Lias falling in love with anyone, and... some time ago, my sister kept asking me when Mr. Bai Chen would come back. "

Speaking of this, Sergex couldn't help feeling that Rias had grown up.

I finally learned to find pigs to support myself.

If it is really possible to marry that adult, he will be the first to raise his hand in favor.

Anyway, a peace treaty has been signed, it is better to go to the end in one way.

Set a small goal.

Marry my younger sister to the seventh heaven of heaven.

Mount Sumeru.

In the antique courtyard, a burly figure stood on the extremely high rooftop.

In front of his eyes were the billowing clouds and the red sun disc gradually falling into the horizon.

The figure is tall and tall, wearing a cassock similar to a Buddha's robe, but it is not neatly dressed like the Buddha in the movie, but is casually worn on the body, revealing a strong chest.

The man wore brown glasses, his black hair stood up straight, and a string of fist-sized Buddhist beads hung around his neck.

The man's name is Di Shitian, and he is the leader of the Mount Sumeru gods.

At this moment, he was holding the document submitted by his subordinates just now, and his eyes widened when he saw the information described above.

"It seems that the God of the Bible has revived and descended on a small town in the island country. The four seraphim of the heavens are all dispatched to greet them?"

The intelligence shows only a few words.

But it also proves the theory that the shorter the title, the more explosive the content.

"Hasn't the God of the Bible been dead for more than a thousand years? Why did he suddenly come alive?"

Di Shitian's expression was very strange.

"Are you sure the information is true?"

What Di Shitian asked was the little god beside him.

"No... I don't know, but this is the information I got from the fallen angels."

Xiaoshen wiped his cold sweat, he was just a messenger, how could he know so many things.

"Fallen angels... It seems that even if the peace agreement is signed, there are not a few people who don't like the heavens."

Di Shitian touched his chin.

to be honest.

The resurrection of the God of the Bible really surprised him.

However, as the most powerful god in the world in the past, the strong man who stabilized Shiva, how could he die from exhaustion in a small scene like the three-way battlefield?

The cunning rabbit has three caves, and the only god who created the heaven with one hand is so easy to die.

However, in order to create confusion for the three parties that signed the peace treaty, he sent people to release the news that God was dead not long ago.


But now there is news that the God of the Bible has returned.

Is this too coincidental?

"Maybe God is really dead, and the news this time is just a smoke bomb released by the forces of the Bible?"

I really don't know what's going on.

Di Shitian, who was the Eastern Heavenly Emperor, scratched his head.

"Forget it, continue to spread the news that God is dead. As for whether it is true or not, there will always be someone who will test it before us."


The little god left in a hurry.

On the cloud-shrouded rooftop, only the Heavenly Emperor was left again.

Curry country.

A young man with cinnabar on his brow was sitting quietly on a lotus platform.

Surrounded by endless peaceful lakes, there are occasional dragonflies in the water, or carp swimming with ripples.

Hearing the voice behind him, the young man looked at the two young men with the same cinnabar on their brows and different faces but equally handsome and asked with great interest.

"Brahma, Vishnu, is it really an accident that you two came to me together?"

...the God of the Bible is risen. "

"A message from the three great powers of the Bible."


Hearing this, Shiva slightly opened his eyes and asked with a strange expression.

"Is the source reliable?"

"I don't know. At present, only the Bible forces have news, but whether it is true or not remains to be determined."

Brahma said.

"But no matter what, we all need to be prepared for the truth of the news."

Vishnu nodded.

to be honest.

They were as surprised as Shiva when they first heard the news.

However, they were born almost at the same time as the only god, and they are one of the oldest gods on earth, so it is not surprising that the god of the Bible has a backhand.

But the resurrection of the only god is not a good thing for other gods.

After all, the current situation has exceeded all of their expectations.

The group of disaster, Orpheus and the small actions of the Greek gods.

In addition, it is not yet known whether it is true or not, the only God news.

Even if a global war breaks out in the next second, it is not surprising.

In this way, the attitude of Shiva, who ranks second in strength in the world, becomes very important. .

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