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Chapter 811: The Calculations Of The Lords Of Hell

Chapter 811

After all, in this world, Shiva may be the only one who can be compared with that one.

If the news of the God of the Bible is true, it is quite detrimental to the development of the Indian pantheon.

After all, even if the God of the Bible has not appeared for more than a thousand years, the world's largest religion is still Christianity.

Although his status is slightly shaken, there is no doubt that he is a giant.

At that time, when the God of the Bible was walking on the earth and expanding the influence of Christianity, there was a very intense conflict with other gods.

As a result, the gods were annexed, and even the main god was reduced to a vassal.

Later, some gods, after the expansion of Christianity into their own territory, did not dare to give a fart, and directly handed over their own territory.

After the "870s", the God of the Bible set foot in the land of the three-phase god of Indian mythology.

It was already a tense relationship, but because of the awakening of the beast of the apocalypse and the chaos of the fallen angels and demons, the expansion of Christianity failed to continue in this land.

Otherwise, as early as in the past, a battle of the century would have erupted.

Faced with Vishnu's question, Shiva shook his head: "Whether it is true or not, we must be prepared, and even if it is true, the God of the Bible was hurt so badly at the beginning, and it is not too serious after all these years." It may be completely restored, otherwise, it will not dominate the alliance of Bible forces.

"So Shiva you mean to do nothing?"

Brahma was surprised.

"Naturally, you don't need to do anything, just practice with peace of mind."

Shiva Ten nodded.

"The world has changed, and now even the God of the Bible is thinking about peace, we just need to be optimistic about our own family."

Hearing this, Brahma and Vishnu looked at each other.

They didn't expect that Shiva, who led the destruction, would be indifferent after hearing the news.

But as the same race, they couldn't say anything else, so they had no choice but to leave.

Brahma, after leaving.

Shiva looked at the peaceful lake and couldn't help laughing.

As one of the oldest gods, he has witnessed the changes of all ages.

Compared with the chaotic past, there have been an endless stream of strong players from various mythological forces recently.

Especially humans.

Their physical bodies are inferior to those of other races. With the help of the artifacts bestowed by the God of the Bible, some of them even have the power to rival the Demon King and Kailong.

"But this level alone is far from enough to face that world..."

That's right.

Shiva, who is the second strongest person in the world, has also seen those special beings from different worlds.

It is completely different from the existing life, just any visitor from another world like a scout can have the power to rival the power of a superior demon.

If it's just that, that's fine.

Not to mention the composition and origin, no one knows even the scale.

Shiva was very curious about the other world.

But he also knew that Lian Sheng had to be careful on the other side, so naturally he couldn't take it lightly.

Right now, the only important thing is to break through as soon as possible.

At least, the level of the God of the Great Bible is also required.

I hope that the great red in the gap between dimensions can last a little longer.

The world where demons and fallen angels live - the underworld.

And deeper than this, there is Hades, one of the three pillar gods of Olympus, dominated by Hades.

This is where the souls of the dead reside.

And a layer deeper than this is the hell called "Cocytus" Ice Hell.

right here.

After receiving the news from the forces of the Bible, the main gods of hell held a remote meeting as quickly as possible.

Several dark figures surrounded the round table, watching the two physical figures on the main seat together.

Wearing a gorgeous robe, holding a scepter inlaid with gems, his naked body is all pale bones, only two groups of dark flames are burning where the eyeballs were originally.

He is Hades, the god of the underworld.

And not far from him, there was a figure in the same gorgeous clothes.

"Oh, I didn't expect the old man to be revived, so let's disband here and don't do anything! After all, that lord is very scary~

A middle-aged man with long silver hair, a beard, and extremely frivolous behavior said, dancing...

He is Li Zeweimu.

The son of the first Lucifer who has disappeared since the civil war in the underworld.

This sentence dissatisfied the other members of the alliance of hell lords who had been established for some time.

"Stop joking, Li Zevim, it's still not sure if it's true news or not."

Hades made a steady voice.

"God is dead, which is something that all our main gods know. To declare the return of God at this juncture is somewhat guilty of guilt.

"But what if it's true? You must know that the old man is quite scary, and everyone here is not enough for him to hit with one hand."

Li Zevim said some unpleasant words.

"Li Zevim, which side are you on?"

At this time, a long-haired woman in a black and white color scheme, like a dress, stared at Li Zevim dissatisfied and spoke.

She is Nyx, the goddess of the night in Greek mythology.

"That's right, Li Zevim, the current situation is complicated, don't make a conclusion so early, not to mention that even if it is true, with the strength of our alliance, we don't have to be afraid of the one with the power of the Bible."

A handsome man spoke next.

His name is Erebus, and in mythology, he and 5.9 Knicks are husband and wife.

However, in this world, he is just the older brother of Knicks.

"That's right, my lord brother."

The Knicks fit the bill.

"Okay, okay, I admit that there is a little chance of winning."

Speaking of the terrifying Li Zeweimu, there was still a frivolous smile on his face.

Everyone was very upset, but there was no other way.

After all, Li Zevim currently holds the sealed place in the Apocalypse.

That is the real trump card that can fight against the gods. As long as the seal is lifted, the whole world will be the world of their hell alliance.

What's more, the Infinity Dragon God who left Tokyo earlier was also found by them again.

Now, it seems, is the time to be useful. .

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