Chapter 814

"The envoys sent to negotiate, not to mention seeing their Patriarch, didn't even enter the door, and they were rejected directly."

Gabriel said helplessly.

"However, not only our heaven, but also the underworld and fallen angels are treated exactly the same as us. Our past envoys have all returned without success."

After she finished speaking, she also showed a strange expression.

In the past, she had been staying in the heavens, and she had never come into contact with other forces other than the Bible.

Unexpectedly, there is such a stubborn force in the world.

It's just a good thing to sign a peace agreement, with no harm at all, and you don't need to pay anything at all.

"The exorcist family? Aren't those people just a group of freaks living in Tokyo?"

Hei Geyu said angrily.

When I went to Tokyo when I was fleeing in the past, I was almost caught by a group of onmyojis and became a shikigami, but fortunately, she was better at it.

Since then, I have never been to that place in Tokyo.

Until the last time I went to Kyoto with my sister and a group of people, I went there once.

Although nothing went wrong that time, there were quite a few spying sights.

"A group of mortals who don't know good from bad, my lord 487, although I, Xenovia, am a demon now, I am willing to suppress that group of heretics for you again!"

Hearing this, Xenovia, who had been a demon all her life, said indignantly.

Now Bai Chen is her god and everything to her.

Hearing that the envoy of the gods had run into a wall at the five great sects now, naturally he couldn't bear it.

"Don't worry, Xenovia, even Lord God hasn't spoken yet.

Irina grabbed Xenovia and whispered.

"Five Great Families...I seem to have heard this name somewhere.

Rias stroked her chin in thought.

Not long after, he suddenly realized, and subconsciously looked at Akeno Himejima, who was beside him with a livid face.

Her friend Ji.

Himejima Akeno, who has been with him since elementary school, is the heir of the Himejima family, one of the five great clans.

But later, because his background did not conform to the philosophy of the Himejima family, he was always made things difficult for him. Until later, the head of the family even led a team to hunt him down.

At that time, when she happened to meet herself who had left the underworld and was playing in the human world, Rias used the power of the devil to protect Akeno Himejima (cbcj), who was also young at that time, until now.

Although Rias at the time did not ask why.

But whenever he talked about things related to the fallen angels and the five great sects, Zhu Nai seemed to become another person.

His fists were clenched tightly, the veins on his temples were wrinkled, and the emotions he revealed were as cold and awe-inspiring as snowflakes in February.

Just like now.

When he heard the "five great clans", Akeno Himejima's face changed, as if he was about to be unable to suppress the killing intent in his heart, his body trembled slightly.

Worried, she put it on Himejima Akeno's clenched fist, and comforted her with her eyes.

The current situation has involved a level beyond personal grievances, and it is not something that juniors like them can control.

"The five great sects..."

Facing the information given by Michael, Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

He had expected this to be the case.

It was a group of five major families mainly composed of exorcists that existed before the island nation was established.

Tongmen, Kushihashi, Shinra, Himejima and the five families of Hyakki.

They are respectively in charge of the power of the four gods and the five spirit beasts of the yellow dragon.

While maintaining Shintoism, kill demons and eliminate demons, and suppress or eliminate many monsters.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen specifically looked at Akeno Himejima.

In the long-term development process of the five major schools, problems have gradually become prominent.

Old, feudal, regards blood as one of the means to choose family members.

If you can't inherit the power of each faction's family, you will be regarded as an abandoned child by the elders of the clan. Not only will you be made things difficult by the disciples in the clan, but even your parents, brothers and sisters will be implicated and suppressed

Once or twice, even relatives will loathe being with the outcast of the family, and even rise to hatred or hatred.

Not only that, this extremely strict rule for internal inheritance has also spread to the outside world.

All races, mythological forces, even magic, or superpowers that are different from humans, as long as they are connected with them, they will be purged by the forces cultivated by the family as demons and heretics.

Since ancient times, the number of dead children is also difficult to count.

And Akeno Himejima is one of the members of the original Himejima family who was persecuted by the family.

Her mother is a miko from the Himejima family and her father is a cadre of the Fallen Angels.

Born with the blood of fallen angels, in the eyes of the elders of the Jijima family, she is naturally a sinful species whose blood has been polluted by heresy.

Later, in order to protect Akeno, her mother was forced to death by the family, while Akeno Himejima fled alone, and was later taken in by Rias.

Being able to survive the pursuit of Himejima's family was really rare for her who was only a child back then.

"My lord, what should I do next?"

Gabriel asked.

The things in the past are all discussed by the four Seraphs.

But now, naturally, the will of the God of the Bible must prevail.

Hearing this, the corners of Bai Chen's mouth slowly curled up.

"Since you don't want to meet people, then just find a reason to meet them."

Nor does he intend to beat around the bush.

The five major clans, a force that even the cadres of the fallen angels are afraid of, has nothing to design.

"Oh, Lord, are you going to meet them yourself?"

Gabriel looked shocked.

"This kind of thing, obviously, as long as our family members come..."

"The current situation is still worthy of my personal visit.

The news that the God of the Bible has come again has already spread.

Not surprisingly, all the forces have received the corresponding information in the first time, and are currently judging whether it is true or not.

Come forward yourself, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

What's more, as a time traveler, he doesn't bother with his mother-in-law.

Just like what Jibril once said.

There is no need to use your brain to solve things that can be solved with your fists.

"Bai lord."

At this moment, Himejima Akeno spoke.

"Based on what I know about the five major clans, even if you come forward, those fellows probably won't agree."

She has personally experienced the pedantry of the five great schools.

Knowing that negotiating cannot solve the problem at all.

"Don't worry, I'll make them agree."

Bai Chen's tone was relaxed, as if he was talking about something that had already been done. In his speech and demeanor, he never seemed to pay attention to the five great sects.

Rias's heart sank, as if she already knew what would happen next. .

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