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Chapter 824: The God Of Mechanical Civilization

Chapter 824

Blue Slime: "I dare say, Sister Pao is very envious now!"

Railgun: "Nonsense! How could I envy that kind of thing?!"

Railgun: "It will not only increase the wind resistance when fighting, but also tire your shoulders when walking. It's just a pile of useless fat!"

Misaka Mikoto said it was nothing more than that.

But having said that, the picture presented in the picture is still too conspicuous.

That's weird, take another look!

Are there really people that big in the world?

Even Shokuhou Misaki is not on the same level as the woman in the picture.

The only thing that could give her some comfort was Tacheng-Kitten, who was as ordinary as her.

Blue Slime: "?"

Blue Slime: "Suddenly talking so much, it's a bit unlike you."

Little Spider: "By the way, I remember that Mr. Bai Chen once suggested that Sister Pao use electrical stimulation? Let me ask a friend of mine, is it useful?"

Big bones boiled into soup: "Make friends out of thin air?"

Little Spider: "Mr. Big Bone, I didn't expect you to be so gossip!"

Railgun: "Fakenews!

Speaking of this, she became angry.

Up to now, Sister Pao is already at the beginning. Bai Chen was just teasing himself.

It's a pity that she was as innocent as her back then, but she actually believed in his evil!

The old man is very bad!

Big bone boiled into soup: "...

I don't want to go to hell: "It's so big, isn't it really troublesome? I feel that my daily life is already troublesome enough."

Fubuki of Hell: "I think it's okay, it's just that there are a little more places to clean when taking a shower."

Fuxue looked at the woman in the photo, and then looked down at herself.

Deep frustration with the blond woman.

Blue Slime: "A very serious question, does Inger like girls with better figures?"

Luo Abao: "Generally speaking, men like older girls, right?"

Big bone boiled into soup: "Well, me too.

Luo Abao: "?"

Seeing this question, the girls in the group who have a crush on Bai Chen are somewhat concerned about the next answer.

Bai Chen: "Personally, I don't particularly care about it. If it's not good, it won't be a burden to fight. It can effectively reduce wind resistance, and it's good and useful.

Such an answer somewhat reassured some nervous girls.

However, is it of great use?

What's the meaning?

Blue Slime: "Useful? I know! The big elf sister in the tavern is very useful!"

After being exposed, Limulu has let herself go.

After all, she can't count on the weeds in the group.

Black-haired loli: "What is a brain pad wave?"

Elegant lady: "Children don't need to know the answer to this kind of question!"

Black-haired Lolita: "So sister Tohsaka Rin knows the answer?"

Elegant young lady: "I... how could I know?"

Elegant lady: "Is there no group leader in this group? Ban the guy who spoils the children!"

Butterfly Ren: "There is no group leader."

Grandpa is so cute: ""

As a child, she decided not to participate in this very unfriendly topic for girls.


Miss Yula's place is indeed much stronger than her own.

If it wasn't because of his background, he would have become quite popular in Mond like Captain Qin.

The Spirit of Time: "Oh? Can Mr. Bai Chen talk about it in detail, how useful it is?"

It's not because of jealousy, booing is one of Kuang San's instincts.

Also, it's fun to tease Bai Chen occasionally like this.

Bai Chen: "I can tell you very clearly that the so-called great benefits are not the brain pad waves of a 30-year-old social animal finger, but the benefits that can affect the kitten world itself.

Bai Chen: "It's similar to "Pretty Girl Saves the World"."

Spirit of Time: "???"

Railgun: "???"

Elegant lady: "???"

Bai Chen: "To put it simply, the earth where the kitten lives is the DXD world, and there is another world called EXE. In the EXE world, there is a "breast god" god. The better the body in the DXD world, the more you can connect with that god."

Bai Chen: "The better the figure, the higher the probability of successful contact."

Little Spider: "Outrageous!"

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "Off the scale!"

Little White Cat: "It's outrageous!"

The elegant and decent lady: "Why is this setting so inexplicable?"

Bai Chen: "The world is so big, there are no surprises, let alone chat groups, this kind of setting is also very normal, at least from the perspective of God, there is indeed such a possibility."

Some mythological systems even have reproductive worship and even sexual gods.

If you want to summon that type of god, you must also hold a corresponding summoning ceremony.

Compared with the setting of the devil's high school, some myths and legends are particularly outrageous.

What's more, Devil's High School itself is a harem comedy, and it's normal to have such an unscrupulous setting.

The Spirit of Time: "So, Mr. Bai Chen intends to use this setting to contact the god in the EXE world?"

Bai Chen: "There is such a plan, but the method may be more direct, at least clear up all the problems in the kitten world first."

His idea is simple.

Starting from DXD, after solving the troublesome enemies, go to the EXE world for a walk.

This is not only to ensure the safety of Tacheng Kittens and the others, but also to make plans for Bai Chen himself.

The evil god of EXE is the god system that develops mechanical civilization.

This particular civilization interested him very much.

The Spirit of Time: "Since this is the case, Mr. Bai Chen can deal with the kitten's affairs with peace of mind. After all, there are two worlds that need to be resolved."

I don't want to see a ghost: "Third Sister Kuang is so considerate!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Bai Chen is like that, what problems can he encounter?"

Bai Chen: "...The problem is really coming."

Railgun: "???"

Bai Chen withdrew his thoughts from the chat group, glanced at the girls who seemed to be chatting happily, and gave the kitten a reassuring look before turning his gaze into the distance.

The young man's sight passed through the wall, then transcended space, and went to Juwang Town hundreds of kilometers away.

There, two uninvited guests disembarked from the landing plane.

It's two black long straight loli.

One of them, with the breath of God. .

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