Chapter 830

"Because you are strong."

Orpheus said calmly.

"What's the reason?"

Bai Chen laughed out loud.

"If you can help me defeat the Great Red, I can return to the dimensional gap.

The attitude of Orpheus.

Rather than being blunt, putting it on others is a typical scumbag, but Orpheus is not a fool after all, and what she really wants is to return to the dimensional gap and return to peace.

From her instinctive judgment, Bai Chen is stronger than Hades and the others, more sure to defeat the Great Red and fulfill her wish.

"What kind of reason is that?"

The corners of Bai Chen's mouth curled up, and he looked at Orpheus playfully.

"I am not related to you, why should I help you settle the Great Red?"


Bai Chen's rhetorical question caused Orpheus to fall into silence.

After a long time, she just showed a distressed expression.

"I can't beat you."

Good guy, if you dare to fight, you will be forced to be tied to the thief ship that deals with the great red, right?


Orpheus's mind is extremely pure, in her world, apart from the greatness, there are no other enemies to speak of.

There is only the difference between being able to help and not being able to help.

But simple also means easy to deceive.

Otherwise, the Scourge and Hades would not have been able to trick Orpheus into using them as tools so easily.

"I can help you, but relatively, you must promise me a condition."

Bai Chen didn't intend to continue the meaningless conversation with Orpheus, and went straight to the point.

"Become my pet, and I will help you deal with the Great Red."

Hearing this, Orpheus stayed for a few seconds, then shook his head and said, "I just want to go back.

"Accept my conditions, I will not only help you get rid of the Great Red, but you can also return to live in the gap between dimensions. 7"

Bai Chen repeated the second time.

But Orpheus's little face became more and more distressed.

Although she is simple, she is not ignorant of common sense.

The so-called pet, of course she knew what it meant.

And Bai Chen seemed to see her mind and explained patiently.

"You don't have to worry about restricting your freedom. If you promise, you will have enough time to travel between dimensions. All you have to do is come to me when I call you."


Orpheus hesitated.

Although she only wanted to go back to her hometown, Bai Chen's attitude made her undecided.

After all, the attack just now has proved that he can't beat the opponent.

If you insist on resisting, the result will not be a dead end at all.

She was the only one who was injured.

And if she dies, she will not be able to return to her hometown.

"All right."

Like a wronged little girl, Orpheus' voice could vaguely hear a bit of resentment.

"Ju... actually agreed like that!"

Nix, who was watching the battle in the dark, widened his eyes.

It was just a move!

Why did you just surrender?!

You are the infinite dragon god, you have to stand up!

Although the move just now by the God of the Bible is indeed terrifying, but if you can beat it, you have to try it first!

Although Nix wanted to stand up and tell Orpheus not to agree, but Bai Chen's terror forced the goddess of the night to continue to be a little transparent.

Seeing this scene, Gabriel was naturally delighted.

"Hallelujah! Yahweh of hosts, our great God, your might is unrivaled; even the dragon gods will praise your name.

The involuntary prayer made Gabriel show an attitude of incomparable admiration.

You know, in the past, the god of the bible warned them to treat Orpheus, the infinite dragon god, with extreme caution.

Unexpectedly, just a thousand years later, Orpheus became a servant kneeling at the feet of God.

For the heavens, this is undoubtedly great news!

Who else in this world can fight this beast?

Only their exalted God!

On the other side, just after Orpheus agreed, Bai Chen pierced his fingertip with the Holy Spear without giving her any time to think and buffer, and then dripped a drop of bright red blood on Orpheus' face.

The young man looked down at the black pupils, and declared condescendingly.

"From now on, your Lord is only me."

Where the blood dripped, a sacred engraving appeared, like a trace of golden light.

And as the traces gradually dissipated, Orpheus also understood what God had set in her body.

that's the contract...

She will become the god's pet and perform corresponding duties, and accordingly, Bai Chen will help her defeat the great red and regain the dimensional gap.

Although it wasn't what she wanted most, it was the only way to go.

As long as I can go back to my hometown again.

Seeing this scene, Nix finally completely panicked.

The cards she brought not only failed to beat the gods, but also succeeded in countering the tricks of the gods, what is this called?!

But she didn't think much about it.

"Give it to me!"

Secretly issued an order to Ingewell, asking the girl to use her singing to control the evil dragon to create chaos and distract God.

And she also took this opportunity to prepare to escape from this place.

Then, the spiritual energy around the goddess became more and more diffuse, the space was eroded into black, and Nix's figure became thinner and thinner in the dark mist.

Finally disappeared.

"We must bring this news back as soon as possible!"

Looking at the aura surrounding him, Nix gradually relaxed.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

His eyes were full of joy for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

Then, the fog cleared, and just when Nix thought he had escaped, he saw a strange human figure appearing in front of him.

Just when Nix was wondering what was going on, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came slowly.

"Where do you want to go, Miss Nix?"

Bai Chen looked at the petite goddess in front of him with a half-smile.


After a short period of sluggishness, 4.7 Knicks recognized the figure in front of him.

Then, it made a scream like killing a chicken.

The instinctive reaction from her body made her use her divine power to escape again.

But when she emerged from the mist again, it was still the face smiling at her.

Repeatedly, with exactly the same result.

What exactly is going on?!

Didn't she already escape through space transfer?

The number of teleportations just now is enough for her to teleport back to the European continent!

"Unfortunately, Miss Nix, your escape route has been superimposed by me, no matter which direction you flee, the final destination will be in front of me.

Bai Chen looked at the girl in front of him, showing a kind smile.

"So, do you understand?".

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