Chapter 831

Nix certainly didn't understand what it meant.

All she knows now is that she can't run away.

There was no way, she was driven to a dead end, dark flames swelled up all over her body, and the divine power gathered in her hands to form a light cluster, which was launched towards Bai Chen.

A full blow at the level of a demon king can easily destroy the town under his feet.

Compared to Kokabile who attacked Rias and Chitori Sona, Nix's strength is far superior to Zheng Zheng.

But Bai Chen blocked it with one hand, like a gust of wind blowing, he ignored the energy that could destroy the town.

Knicks was completely dumbfounded.

Just as she was about to attack again in a hurry, a voice entered her mind.

"Just now, it was just preferential treatment for the captives. If I'm not honest, I won't have such patience."

Bai Chen looked at her with a smile.

Knicks knew he couldn't resist, and tried hard to suppress the fear in his heart.

It's just a trembling delicate body, but it shows that her heart is not peaceful.

"Don't worry, as long as you cooperate honestly, I won't do anything to you."

Bai Chen smiled.

"Hugh... don't get any information from me! I can't say a word!"

No matter how scared 21 is, Knicks is more or less a goddess, and she still has backbone.

"I don't need any information."

Looking at the goddess who seemed to have gathered courage, Bai Chen smiled even more.

Then, he held out the evidence.

"You...what are you going to do? Don't...don't come here! Help!!!"

Looking at the approaching figure, Nix called for help without hesitation.

Bai Chen has black lines all over his head.

"Anyway, she's a goddess, how about paying more attention to her image? What's more, the whole space is sealed off by me. Even if you scream, no one will come to rescue you."

"Broken...broken throat!"

Nix, who seemed to have lost his mind, cried out without thinking.

Orpheus on the side looked at Bai Chen with strange eyes.

In addition, Nix's voice was loud and clear, together with Gabriel, Rias and Zhu Nai, all the girls could hear clearly.

"Little...little cat, is Mr. Bai Chen such a person?"

It seemed that some concepts were shattered, and Liya opened her mouth.

"Well, it's sort of...but the teacher is a very good person, and some aspects are strange and understandable."

Tacheng Kitty nodded.

"That's true."

Thinking of her brother's childish behavior in private, and Seraflu's usual strange behavior, Rias also gradually accepted the reality.

"So...does God also have that kind of appeal?"

Zhu Nai secretly remembered it in his heart.

If this is the case, now that the mother's revenge has been repaid, maybe she can really promise her with her body.

"Ah... my merciful lord, do you like this kind of game? I am willing to give you everything!"

Xenovia's eyes grew wilder.

"Oh! My head hurts!"

But in the next second, the punishment from the heavenly system made Xenovia hold her head and screamed on the ground.

"Really, I told you not to make some weird prayers casually."

Wisteria Irina laughed angrily and squatted on the ground stroking her companion's back.

However, Nix's scream just now did change her impression of God.

It's not that the image has collapsed, but it's a little close.

Moreover, although she verbally said that Xenovia should not be disrespectful to God, Wisteria Irina herself gradually deteriorated in her "filial piety".

in the chat group.

Elegant lady: "How do I feel... the current situation is a bit weird."

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "Yes, it's a bit strange."

Lord is so cute: "If you don't know the cause and effect, now Mr. Bai Chen looks a bit like a bad guy, and Shi Zhongkes looks like an innocent person.

Railgun: "Indeed!"

Butterfly Ren: "'s too easy to mislead people, but having said that, the psychological quality of this goddess seems a bit fragile."

Blue Slime: "Let go of that goddess! Let me do it! Doghead.jpg."

The Spirit of Time: "Bai Chen-kun actually enjoys this process a little bit, bullying girls or something, but Bai Chen-kun is good at it (in various senses).

With no time to watch the discussions in the chat group, Bai Chen released pressure and forced Knicks to calm down.

At this moment, the Goddess of the Night was even more afraid of him, especially as she was still clutching the skirt of her dress tightly, as if she was afraid that Bai Chen would do something to her.

It's not that Bai Chen is not interested in her, it's just that now is not the time.

"I won't say anything!"

Seeing Bai Chen look over, she emphasized again.

"If you don't tell me, I will know who sent you here."

Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"The League of Hell Leaders, an organization headed by Hades, which is related to darkness, hell, hell, and death, and you are the most ignorant one in it.

" brains?"

Nix, who was suddenly scolded, felt aggrieved.

"Isn't it? Because Orpheus is in hand, they came to challenge me in a hurry. Hades and the others should have promised rewards that are beneficial to you, such as handing over the management of Orpheus to you.

Bai Chen's eyes fell on the Knicks' proud moon.

"But why do you think they handed Orpheus over to you, a little goddess, for nothing? Isn't it because they don't want to do it themselves, and want to test my depth, so they send you as cannon fodder.

Typical Yuexiong is big and brainless.

" did you know 857?"

"Because I am a god."


Knicks felt that his question just now was stupid.

God is omniscient and omnipotent, and can do everything.

Although everyone is a god, in fact, the gods of other pantheons will default to being one level lower than the God of the Bible.

Maybe, as he said, he was deceived?

Think back to the beginning.

The task assignment was indeed too smooth.

Not long after he found Ingewell, Hades gave her command of the evil dragon and Orpheus.

What's more, even her elder brother Erebus persuaded herself to agree.

Could it be... my brother sold her together with Hades?!

Thinking about it carefully, there are indeed many doubts.

Nix's complexion also became extremely ugly in an instant.

Unexpectedly, she, the majestic goddess of the night, would become someone else's pawn.

Noticing the change in the expression on Nix's face, Bai Chen guessed that the unlucky goddess had finally reacted.


However, he did not pay attention to the psychological changes of the goddess.

"What orders, my lord?"

"The follow-up treatment of Juwang Town will be left to you. By the way, the girl who can control the dragon will be recovered safely. Don't hurt her."

Since she is a singer, Bai Chen also intends to take Ingewell away when the incident is over. .

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