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Chapter 836 Fortunately, You Are A Goddess

Chapter 836

"Teacher, you are back."

The Tacheng kitten saw Bai Chen suddenly appearing in the room, and got up to greet him.

Not long after Bai Chen left, the underworld sent people to Juwang Town, and together with the angels brought by Gabriel, they dealt with the disaster in Juwang Town.

And Rias and Zhu Nai came to the residence where the kitten was to rest.

When all the girls saw Bai Chen, they all subconsciously stood up.

"Sit down, you should be tired from the previous battle."

Bai Chen doesn't stick to red tape.

Especially the girls who might give him monkeys in the future.

"Mr. Bai Chen, regarding your matter...how is it handled?"

Rias asked softly.

Just now they have heard about what Bai Chen is going to do from the kitten.

Although Bai Chen is the God of the Bible in their cognition, it is still a bit worrying to find trouble with Hades alone.

Even if he defeated and captured the infinite dragon god Orpheus.

21 "Everyone is honored to be a member of my general army. In addition... Li Zevim and the beast of the apocalypse have also been resolved smoothly."

Bai Chen said bluntly.

"Ah this..."

It was said that, except for the kitten, all the girls who knew a little about this matter were all a little confused.

It was only thirty minutes before and after.

Has Hades, the Lord God of Hades, and even Lizvim, who made his brother Sergex suffer a lot, and the legendary King Beast have all been dealt with?

The situation changed too quickly, and the time of day made them a little unacceptable.

After all, in the period before, the three forces searched for Li Zevim's location all over the world, making it look like a world war was coming.

Who would have thought that Bai Chen would kill the biggest villain in the girls' impression after only coming for one day.

It feels a little unrealistic.

"How could it be so fast?!"

Tied aside, Nix, who was watched by Orpheus, screamed in disbelief.

Hades is at least one of the top ten gods in the world.

Plus Li Zeweim, the transcendent.

And the alliance of the gods of hell.

Basically, all of them are strong at the level of a demon king.

Even if it is killing pigs, it is not so fast.

Could it be that this guy showed mercy before?

The kind of power that can defeat Orpheus can be regarded as being merciful?

Thinking of this speculation, Nixon immediately gave up the idea of ​​escaping in the future.

The souls of the gods of hell that Bai Chen then showed to them also completely confirmed Nix's conjecture.

"I knew you were so strong, why would I come here to die?!"

The Knicks, who felt outrageous about this matter, couldn't help complaining.

"You should be glad, Miss Nix."

At this time, the Tacheng kitten looked in Nix's direction.

"If you don't come, maybe you will end up like Hades and the others. After all, the teacher won't notice you at that time, even if you are a beautiful goddess."

Or... you should be more grateful that you are a goddess, if you were a male god, you might have already...

"Ahem, okay, little cat, don't say any more."

Bai Chen looked at the kitten with strange eyes.

Could it be that he has become this image in the eyes of the group members?

Nix was also too frightened by what the kitten said before.

At the same time, I really secretly rejoice that I am a goddess with outstanding appearance.

After all, compared to the souls of other hell gods being taken away, giving birth to a monkey to a god is not a particularly bad ending.

At this time, Orpheus, who was staying aside, came up.

She raised her head and stared at Bai Chen with black pupils.

"Defeat the Great Red and let me return to my hometown...this is a contract."

"Don't worry, I won't break my promise."

Bai Chen nodded with a smile.

"But we have one more thing to do before we can fulfill your wish."

"other things?"

Orpheus tilted his head.

She was so preoccupied with going back to her hometown that she couldn't think of anything else.

"Teacher, is it related to the EXE world?"

asked the kitten.

"EXE world?"

Hearing the new term, Rias and the others looked puzzled.

"A parallel time and space adjacent to the current world will invade the earth in a few decades, destroy organic life, and seize all resources on the earth.

Bai Chen briefly explained.

"It seems like a setting in a sci-fi movie..."

After listening, Hei Ge said while leaning on his fingers.

"It can also be explained in this way. You should have seen all science fiction movies. You just need to make the plot of aliens invade the earth a reality."

After finishing speaking, Baifeng began to search for the trace of the great red in the dimensional gap in the moving realm.

At the same time, it also gives the girls time to digest.

"found it."

A few minutes later, Bai Chen got his wish.

Accompanied by the vibration of the space and the clouds, a huge gap opened in the sky above Juwang Town, which had just returned to calm.

Then, accompanied by a resonant dragon chant, the huge, crimson western dragon that was burning like a flame broke through the dimensional gap and the realm of reality, and forcibly descended into reality.

The whole field is more than 100 meters long, which is comparable in size to the beast of the apocalypse.

The angels and demons who are dealing with the aftermath in Juwang Town, the fallen angels opened their mouths wide in surprise.

673 No matter what, they never expected that the legendary Great Red would suddenly appear here.

What about traveling in the gap between dimensions?

"My lord, the Great Red has appeared."

Gabriel's voice came to Bai Chen's ears through prayer, with a slightly shocked tone.

"Don't worry, it was summoned by me.


"It's nothing serious, Tian wants to tell the gatekeeper a little bit."

Bai Chen finished speaking with a smile, and then brought Orpheus, who seemed a little impatient, to the front of the Great Red.

"Great Red, I finally see you again!"

Orpheus, whose expression hadn't changed much all this time, showed a humanized look of anger for the first time on his immature cheeks.

She was very dissatisfied with this great red who drove her out of her hometown and refused to let her go back. Once she stepped into the dimensional gap, she would come and beat her up.

"Today, I will completely knock you down! Take back the silence!"

The girl in loli form aimed at the great red and gestured for a pistol, making a shooting motion.

Originally, he was still wondering who was calling his great red, but when he saw Orpheus, he seemed to understand something.

She waved her gigantic wings in response to Orpheus' provocation.

"As long as I live, you will never have peace, Orpheus."

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