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Chapter 837 You Can't Beat Me

Chapter 837


Orpheus was unmoved.

"I've found help."


Great Red raised his head, and followed Orpheus' line of sight to Bai Chen.

The strong sacred aura made the great red recognize the identity of the young man at a glance.

"The God of the Bible, no... I remember that he was confirmed dead as early as ancient times."

But the existence in front of him is clearly the God of the Bible.

She, who has been taking care of the borders of the world for many years, has also had contact with the God of the Bible, and it is absolutely impossible to admit her mistake.

"Just the words of the God of the Bible are not enough to completely defeat me."

Great Red glanced at Bai Chen.

Having said that, she still has fear in her heart.

After all, the God of the Bible in front of her seemed to be different from the one she knew.

"The Great Red?"

Bai Chen was noncommittal about the evaluation of the great red, and then said with a chuckle.

"I summoned you here. I have no intention of directly conflicting with you. I just want to make a deal with you."

Bai Chen still has some good feelings for the great red.

The reason why she drives Orpheus away from the dimensional gap is because she has been defending against the detection of mechanical life forms in the EXE world.

Using the power of dreams to hide the earth has lasted for thousands of years.

If the God of the Bible who sealed the beast of the apocalypse is the patron saint of mankind, then the great red who has been wandering in the gap between dimensions is the guardian of the earth.

This kind of hard work, yet not understood setting, is a bit like an unsung hero.

After all, he is benevolent and does not want to use violence to directly resolve the dispute between Infinite Dragon God and Great Red.


The great red voice became confused.

"That's right."

Bai Chen smiled.

At the same time, mobilize the strength of the body to release a little bit of the spirit power that has been suppressed.


The great red eyes seemed to be filled with the radiance overflowing from the golden soul.

It is too bright and huge, and it also exudes a huge history that can suck away the soul.

Staring at the invisible golden soul, Great Red tried hard to restrain the restlessness in the depths of her soul.

"This level of power... is even better than those individuals from other worlds`".

"who are you?"

Great Red was at a loss.

It is impossible for the God of the Bible she knew to be so strong.

And for a long time, she has been guarding the dimensional gap of the earth to prevent the prying of life forms from other worlds, but she never thought that when the earth would appear again such monsters.

"A real god."

Bai Chen said.

"So, are you still willing to negotiate terms with me?"

After a few seconds of silence, the huge red dragon nodded slightly.

The reason why she agrees is because she has already recognized the gap between the two parties.

Otherwise, if we start a war here, the only ones who will benefit in the end will be the invaders from the EXE next door.

"Since it's a negotiation, at least you have to show your sincerity."

Bai Chen looked at the dragon head and said.


Great Red frowned, her tone was harsh, and her fangs opened and closed.

"Like Orpheus, such a big body is too much of a hindrance."

Bai Chen said.

"I see."

After understanding Bai Chen's meaning, the body of the great red dragon was wrapped in a dreamlike rainbow light.

Afterwards, the 100-meter-long behemoth shrank rapidly, and turned into a tall and cold Yujie wearing a red dress, with dark red hair and pupils, and a beautiful figure.

But the posture is lying on the ground.

The scene is a bit indecent.

The Great Red stood up, and said coldly: "I'm not very used to this form, four-fix is ​​the most suitable way of action for creatures."

"If you are not used to the human form, you can talk to me on your stomach."

Bai Chen casually said that the great red actually lay back again.

But she soon found that talking to Bai Chen in this way was more uncomfortable, because she had to look up at him all the time. It would be okay if it was in the shape of a dragon, but human necks are not that long

So, the great red stood up again.

The expression is a little unhappy.

"What's your condition?"

The red-haired lady asked.

"First of all, return the dimensional gap and let Orpheus go home."


Just as Bai Chen finished his first sentence, Wei Tianzhihong refused firmly.

So, the expression of Orpheus on the side became angry, and his fists were tightly clenched.

"Bai Chen, let's kill her together!"

Orpheus is very angry now.

The Dimensional Rift is her hometown.

But later, when the great red came, he drove her away and refused to let him go back.

Now that he has found a helper, he still looks so superior, which makes Orpheus really angry.

"I'm not afraid of you."

Red flames rose all over the body of Great Red, and the power of dreams interfered with reality.

Even if she is at a disadvantage, she will not shrink back because of fear.

"If you don't listen to people, I will beat you two up first, and then take you home to let you give birth to a litter of dragons.

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes and threatened.

Sure enough, the hostility between Orpheus and the Great Red has eased a lot.

But there is still an attitude of dissatisfaction with anyone.

But to be honest, now Bai Chen really has the idea of ​​wanting the two of them to fight.

In this way, he can also fulfill his promise and take the two female dragons to heaven and lock them up.

After all, he still wanted to be a dragon knight.

"Okay, let's get down to business, the dimensional gap must be returned to Orpheus, this is the prerequisite for me to continue negotiating terms with you."

Bai Chen spoke in a cold voice, swearing at the words.

But he also knew the responsibilities of Great Red (Zhao Wang), so when she was about to refuse again, he said: "Of course, in exchange, I will help you deal with the enemies in the EXE world, so that the earth will never have this trouble again."

Hearing this, the great Hongxiu frowned.

"Why should I trust you?"

"You can't beat me."

Bai Chen gave a positive answer.

The power of the great red is better than that of Orpheus, but it is still at the end of the four-digit level.

The mechanical gods in the EXE world, although there are several mechanical gods who are stronger than the great red, they are also limited to four digits.

After all, if the strength is to be able to reach three digits, how can the great red survive until now without being discovered.

What's more, even if it is really a three-digit number, Bai Chen is not without a hole card to win.

Of course, the probability of the EXE mechanical god being a three-digit number is too small, so small that it is almost negligible. .

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