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Chapter 838 Just Because You Can't Do It, Doesn't Mean I Can't Do It

Chapter 838

After a fierce psychological struggle, the Great Red had no choice but to succumb.

After all, Bai Chen was right.

With her strength, there is no way to defeat Bai Chen.

What's more, the reason why she guards the dimensional gap is to resist the invasion of the EXE world.

If Bai Chen can really crush the aggression from another dimension, it doesn't matter if the dimensional gap is returned to Orpheus.

"Remember your promise, if you break your promise, even if I try my best to blow myself up, I won't let you go."

The red-haired Yujie spoke coldly.

"Relax, if you can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it.

Facing Great Red's attitude, Bai Chen smiled lightly and opened his mouth.

Hearing this, the woman's complexion suddenly turned black.

But the facts were in front of her eyes, and she couldn't refute them at all.

"Remove the barrier."

Bai Chen did not continue to tease the great red.

"By the way, let me tell you one thing. In fact, the invaders from EXE have already detected the earth. No matter how well you disguise it with dreams, they will attack the earth thirty years later."


Facing the information given by Bai Chen, the great red showed a look of astonishment.

"let's start."

Bai Chen smiled without explaining more.

In the track of the original work, the Great Red and the EXE Mechanic God faced each other with a 410 pillar, but died in the hands of the opponent in a few rounds, even their heads were cut off, and the death was quite miserable.

Seeing that Bai Chen didn't say any more, the great red suppressed many doubts in his heart, and in the rainbow light, he turned back to the crimson-eared dragon exuding dreamlike brilliance.

She burrowed into the dimensional rift that opened, and iridescent light spread across the chaotic world.

The lives of the whole world are at this moment, as if hearing a "click".

It was as if some kind of lock had been opened.

Without the isolation of the power of dreams, the space information of the earth can flow in the dimensional gap.


Outside the dimensional gap.

"Drip! Drip!"

Two mechanical prompts representing the discovery of new world coordinates sounded in a rather sci-fi spaceship bridge.

The total length of the ship is three kilometers, and the outer armor is painted silver.

With the current technological level of human beings, and even the major gods of the earth, it is impossible to create a space battleship of this scale.

It's like a scene from a sci-fi movie.

"Lord Regavazel, the radar has captured the signal response of the planet code-named DXD in the database.


In the wide bridge, a mechanical giant with a height of about seven meters was sitting on the captain's seat.

It has thick and metallic limbs, the body is based on black and purple, and there are four mechanical eyes on the left and right sides of the humanoid head.

In addition, there is a mechanical eyeball shining with golden light on the forehead.

Hearing the voice from his subordinates, he fell into a short thought.

"It seems that I have heard this code name somewhere, and compared it with the database of my country to see what it is.

The mechanical giant named Regal Zewa is a mechanical life form from the EXE world.

One of the three pillar gods with the highest status, the "Baxie Ghost God".

This time, the task of the fleet he led was to suppress the world code-named FXF, completely conquer that planet, and destroy all flesh and blood creatures.

However, from Regalzel's point of view, the resistance of the FXF world is getting weaker and weaker, and it is only a matter of time before the flesh and blood life on that planet is completely destroyed.

What's more, the life on that planet is so weak that he doesn't even have the interest to let him take action.

At this time, when he heard the news that his subordinates had a new world, he naturally left the FXF matter behind.

"The result came out. The planet code-named DXD was first discovered by the evil god Lord Melbazoa. According to the data comparison of his own country, the fleet of Lord Melbazoa is preparing for the conquest. It is expected that Lord Melbazoa's fleet will attack DXD in ten years."

"This kind of awkward code name is indeed the style of Melbazoa's brother."

Regalzewa smiled.

"So, Melbazoa's family has already launched an investigation on that new planet?" (cbca)

While saying this, Regalzewa turned his gaze to the depths of the bridge.

"Let's talk about it, Deputy Chief of Staff, Luo Qiyue King Haius"

The figure shouted by the tyrant ghosts and gods was only two meters tall, and was still wearing a metal robe.

"Yes, Lord Regalzewa."

The mechanical body named Haz knelt on the ground respectfully.

"Lord Melvazoa has sent scouts to analyze and investigate the planet and dimension, but the progress of the investigation has not yet been completed, and the team has been staying in the country until the investigation data is sent back to the country before finalizing the attack plan.

Depending on the resources on that planet and the attitude of intelligent life, decide whether to carry out genocide.

This preparation, they have done hundreds of times.

There are hundreds of civilizations destroyed in their hands.

While listening to Haz's report, Regal Zewa looked at the information sent to him by his subordinates.

After seeing the dimension code-named DXD, which was discovered thousands of years ago, he suddenly opened his mouth with some doubts.

"The coordinates of the new dimension were discovered more than 3,000 years ago. Why do we need 30 years of preparation now? I understand..."

Tyrannical ghosts and ghosts sneered like a leak.

"It seems that Brother Melvazoa is in trouble."


Haz replied respectfully.

"In that world, there is a creature named "Great Red", which is the strongest creature that transcends divinity. It uses unknown power to block the coordinates of DXD and the space-time tunnel, so that Lord Melvazoa cannot send more scouts into the interior to perform tasks."

"In addition to the great red, there are several powerful beings, one of which is named Orpheus, which is called "Infinity" on that planet.

"It is said that Infinity and Great Red are both flesh and blood creatures called giant dragons. On that planet, they are the strongest species beyond gods.

"A creature of flesh and blood beyond the gods?"

Hearing this, Regal Zewa's five mechanical eyes enhanced the brightness of the brilliance.

As the most militant existence among the three pillar gods, Garzewa and his followers are a group of war machines who want to fight against the strong.

Hearing Haz's information at this moment, Regal Zewa immediately decided to start the engine of the spaceship and gave the order to go to the new world.

"Next, I'm going to play with the dragon named Great Red and Orpheus. All the Tyrant Demons and Gods will obey orders and prepare for the battle to conquer DXD."

"Huh? But... that's the goal of Lord Melvazoa, and Lord Regalzewa, your mission this time is to suppress the FXF world, and the suppression operation is only halfway through at this time...

As a member of the Melvazoa faction, when he heard that Regalzewa was going to attack his master's target world, he gave a tactful reminder. .

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