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Chapter 850 Just Kidding, Do You Take It Seriously?

Chapter 850

Not long after, the elf mother goddess who was captured before was brought up.

Blonde hair, great figure.

There are emerald green rhombus crystals dotted between the eyebrows, with faint wavy curls, and she is wearing white sheets similar to ancient Greece.

Although it is a monotonous dress, it has a different kind of beauty when worn on her body.

Needless to say about her appearance, as the highest elf god, her appearance is not much inferior to that of Gabriel.

Even better than that in some respects.

Especially the scale of the armor before Yuexiong seems to be stronger than the most advanced relative transfer armor of mechanical civilization.

Even Bai Chen couldn't help but take a few extra glances.

Because they are elves, the only difference in appearance from humans is their pointed ears.

"This image...looks familiar?"

Bai Chen looked at the woman in the special restraint of "Seven Nine Zero", and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Soon, he thought of the source of the impression.

It's a bit like the queen of the elf kingdom in a certain beast.

The white one.

Think again about what happened to the elves.

The country was also destroyed, and the supreme leader was captured.

Good guy, if it wasn't for the fact that it was the mechanical civilization that captured her, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been unfolded.

"Where did you catch her?"

According to the setting, the Elven Mother God should not be caught.

"Reporting to my lord, we set up a trap, falsely claiming that there were survivors of the elves somewhere, and then this elf fell into the trap."

Serra Selbeth said respectfully.

"Originally, it was planned to conduct experiments on it to study the body structure and advantages of the elf mother god, but due to a special defense mechanism, it was delayed.

"That's it..."

Bai Chen responded calmly while flipping through the experiment records.

"The study of the neural network of the elf mother god, the resistance of the mother god to various weapons, the reproductive system of the god, and the speculation on whether it is possible to transform the god into a semi-mechanical creature after giving birth to offspring..."

"Good guy, you guys are having a good time."

Seeing the inhuman experiment that was going to be carried out on the elf mother goddess, Bai Chen felt that the time was really right.

If there are a few more nights, maybe when the elf mother is found, I am afraid that the classic .avi will start.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Regal Zewa's electronic eyes flickered slightly.

"It's not a compliment."

Bai Chen restrained his smile.

"Subordinates should die!"

Hearing this, Regal Zewa knelt on the ground in fear, begging for forgiveness.


Both Serra Selbeth and Melvazoa cursed their brother's stupidity in their hearts.

Sure enough, the core is covered with weapons and armor, and I can't even tell the simple meaning of my lord.

"Wake her up."

Bai Chen said.

Sara Selbeth stepped forward to release the restraint device, and the plasma in the container that was eroding the Mother Goddess' defense slowly disappeared, and finally disappeared completely.

With the sound of steam being discharged, the glass cover of the container is slowly opened.

The elf mother goddess slowly opened her eyelids.

When she woke up and saw the three mechanical masters who were grinning ferociously and staring at her, she almost fainted from fright.

After all, one is fine, but three at a time, isn't this deliberately stimulating nerves?

Could it be that... I am about to usher in the final judgment?

Thinking of this, the Elven Mother Goddess felt a little pathetic.

Obviously hundreds of years ago, the only member of the elves was destroyed by the mechanical civilization, leaving only myself, the supreme god, lingering.

But not long ago, she still had hope for the suspected surviving clansman, and went to the place that was obviously a trap.

Then, the people of the tribe did not see her, but she was captured by the demon god Serra Selbeth instead.

It seems that today is the day of her death, and also the day when the elves and gods are completely extinct.

Worth remembering.

Premonitioning her own doom, the elf mother simply closed her eyes.

"look at me."

A short voice made the elf mother subconsciously open her eyes.

Crisp and magnetic, not like the thick electronic sound of the machine rod life body.


There was a little helplessness in this voice.

After all, even if a mechanical giant with a height of seven meters is kneeling, it is much taller than him.

The Elven Goddess looked down, "Sure enough, I saw a black-haired young man standing in front of her.

black hair?



Flesh creature?

Where did the flesh and blood creatures come from in the mechanical empire?

"Who are you?"

The elf mother asked questions with doubts and vigilance...

A flesh and blood creature appeared in the mechanical empire, obviously there is a big problem.

"Stupid question, this is our great God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Armies! A mere lowly elf god, won't you bow down to our Lord?!"

Serra Selbeth raised her voice in warning.


It has begun to smell like dog legs.


Bai Chen waved his hand to stop the three of them.

The three former mechanical masters suddenly fell silent.

Seeing this scene, the Elven Mother God stared straight at her eyes.

what's going on?!

Behind the mechanical civilization, there is actually a supreme ruler of flesh and blood creatures?!

Could it be that demons, ghosts and evil gods are all dependents created by this man?!

Everything is not a clearing of civilization at all, but just an idea of ​​a person?

The head of the elf mother goddess was muddled.

Too surreal information, has exceeded her imagination.

"It's not what you think it is."

Looking at the expression of the Elven Mother Goddess, Bai Chen knew what he was thinking.

"I have enslaved the mechanical civilization, and they are nothing more than my subordinates. As for you...

Bai Chen thought for a while, looked at the elf mother god, and said something mysteriously.

"Do you want to expand the scale of Elven Protoss 5.0?"

"Scale up?"

Mother God is puzzled.

"The combination of God and God should not be difficult to understand.

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't agree."

After a long time.

"I would like to..."

The Elven Mother Goddess spoke resolutely, and then looked at Bai Chen seriously.

"But the premise is that you can prove to me that you defeated the mechanical civilization and prevented the expansion of these war machines."


This time it was Bai Chen's turn to be puzzled.

Just kidding, do you take it seriously?

The goddess agreed so simply.

But if you think about it carefully, it's understandable.

War can drive people crazy, let alone a god who has lost all his dependents and harbors hatred for mechanical civilization. This little effort is not considered a reward at all. .

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