Chapter 855

The next morning, Bai Chen left the room early.

Come to the living room.

"God... Lord God, good morning!"

When Asia, dressed as a cook, saw Bai Chen, her body stiffened reflexively.

Although Bai Chen has said many times that he doesn't need to care about his identity, the awe of faith in the girl's heart still overshadows other thoughts.

"Good morning, Asia."

Just saying hello casually, this little nun seemed to faint from happiness.

It was Linali who supported her from behind.

The Great Red and Orpheus have appeared in the living room.

They sat on both sides of the sofa, with their backs facing each other, and no one was in love with the other.

Even if everything is resolved, the two female dragons are still enemies.


At this time, the kitten came over head-on. "190" "Sister, and ministers..."

"With me, don't worry.

Bai Chen spoke bluntly.

After all, this isn't the first time he's done something like this.

Ever since he made the change in Godslayer, Bai Chen has found that his integrity value is getting lower and lower.

But that's not a bad thing.

In the past, he was just an ordinary person. He suddenly joined the chat group. After killing the gods, he gained the powerful power to control the world. He is already very restrained without becoming a native of the motherland.

Hearing this, the kitten had such an expression as expected.

However, even though she had expected everything, she still couldn't avoid a slander.

"Teacher, it's really H!"

While complaining, there is also a bit of loss and lack of ministers.

After all, she actually wanted to go there with her sister Hei Ge last night.

But as soon as he went out, he ran into Xenovia who was also preparing to attack at night, so the kitten had to give up this rare opportunity.

Because it was the first time, she was not used to having too many people.

Even if they are companions who get along day and night.

"Actually, I'm also a little disappointed, after all, I didn't see you, Kitty.

On such an occasion, even an ordinary harem male lead would find it difficult to speak at this time.

But instead, Bai Chen stroked the kitten's hair and spoke and teased him.

"If the teacher said that to a girl, it would be easy to be regarded as a pervert.

Having said that.

But the kitten's ears and tail swayed from side to side visible to the naked eye.

"But since you are a teacher, you can come here often in the future."

"If you have time, you will come over, if you really can't, you can come to my side with Hei Ge.

Bai Chen showed a happy smile.

"I'll leave in the evening, and after dinner, let's go to the city for a stroll."

Although Bai Chen decided to go farther and farther on the road of fraternity, he still took care of the feelings of those girls to some extent.

This is a matter of attitude.

"Very good!"

The opening of the kitten's eyes.

"I happened to see a new game on sale from the website!"

The next period of time should be spent smoothly.

It just so happened that she could also relax.

"Then let's hurry up and clear another game before the others wake up."

Bai Chen's proposal was readily accepted by the kitten.

after breakfast.

Rias and Zhu Nai, who were "tired" from playing, came to the living room one after another. They were neatly dressed and sat in different positions with their heads down, as if deliberately drawing a line.

Accidentally looking at Bai Chen, they look away instantly like a student who accidentally looks at the head teacher in class.

But Junai and Lias are the only ones who are guilty, while Hei Ge and Xenovia are very happy.

I was even worried that I didn't get the trick, and I was thinking in my heart when I should be there next time.

Afterwards, Bai Chen fulfilled his promise and took a group of girls to the city center of Juwang Town.

"My lord, I hope to return to Kyoto temporarily.

While walking, Himejima Suzaku said so.

"Alright, I just took advantage of this opportunity to integrate the five major families. The five of you have been separated for so long, so it's time to choose a person to talk about."

Bai Chen nodded and said.

"I will ask Gabriel to support you, and Zhu Nai will also go back with you."


Akeno Himejima, who was picking clothes nearby, only heard the second half of the sentence.

His eyes suddenly moved to Suzaku and Bai Chen, his face flushed red: "It's not...unacceptable to be with... and cousin Suzaku."

"Oh? So Akeno, you think so?"

Bai Chen showed an unexpected expression...

"...It's not what you think, Zhu Nai."

Suzaku shook his head helplessly.

Of course, she didn't care about that kind of thing.

"Aunt Huang Quanguo's affairs will be settled in the near future, Zhu Nai, you want to be the first to see her too, don't you?"


Zhu Nai's face turned red when he realized it, but he also nodded profoundly.

"But what to do when you find your soul?"

"Don't worry about that."

Bai Chen said with a smile.

"I have given the Holy Grail taken away by Li Zevim to Michael, after she brings back Valerie Tepesh from the vampire, let her revive your mother.

"Vampires... I remember they were tough."

Himejima Suzaku frowned.

It is almost completely closed to the outside world, and has no contact with the outside world at all, exactly the same as the five major clans in the past.

"Don't worry, Michael will convince them with my order."

Bai Chen didn't find it difficult.

Strictly speaking, the ancestors of vampires in the past were human beings cursed by the gods of the Bible.

Light is their greatest enemy.

Because of his appearance, Tianjie has now become the largest force in the world. It is just a group of vampires whose power is smaller than the five great clans. How could they dare to refuse his wishes.

"4.9 really, thanks a lot!"

Akeno Himejima bowed deeply to Bai Chen, tears of gratitude filled her fair cheeks.

After that, Bai Chen was not up to the weight.

Take a walk downtown with the girls in peace of mind.

Until it was time to leave, I went to heaven.

Knowing that the main one was leaving, the four Seraphs cried out again, which made Bai Chen feel a little embarrassed.

Then, he carved a stigmata in Nix's body, so that she would follow the kitten's instructions on weekdays, so as not to start making troubles secretly again after he left.

After dealing with all the trivial matters, Bai Chen left this world with the great red of Ingeville and Orpheus who was not very affectionate.

[Group reminder: The entrustment of group member "Little White Cat" has been completed by "Bai Chen". 】.

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