Chapter 857

Ultra-Railgun: "Everyone! There is still time to run!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "No, it's too late, when this guy said this."

I don't want to see a ghost: "It's really too late, but aren't everyone already used to it?"

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "Get used to it? No! How can you get used to this kind of thing!"

The Spirit of Time: "Sure enough... I guess it's been so long, and it's time for the lottery draw."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "What should come has finally come..."

Elegant lady: "What's wrong? Could it be something important?"

Seeing the tense atmosphere in the group, Tohsaka Rin in the peeping screen couldn't help but get nervous.

I just thought that something big would happen to the group members.

After all, joining a chat group is like a pie in the sky for her.

If she is the group leader, she will definitely add some restrictions while the group members enjoy the benefits.

For example, hold a confrontation event similar to the Holy Grail War, and those who stand at the last moment will have a chance to make a wish to the chat group.

Golden Goblin: "Really...really?"

The innocent Cordoli was also taken astray.

Bai Chen: "Don't mislead newcomers, it's just a lottery, and I'm not the kind of person who likes to show off.

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Shit!"

Railgun: "Who will believe you when you say that?"

The Spirit of Time: "Are you sure you don't post cards?"

Chaos Evil: "Are you sure you don't post cards?"

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Are you sure you don't post cards?"

Goddess of the Moon: "Are you sure you don't post cards?"

Blue Slime: "Are you sure you don't post cards?"

In the chat group, except for some group members who respect Bai Chen and some new group members, almost everyone keeps up with Solitaire.

The largest seal in the group claims not to post cards, who will believe this?!

Bai Chen: "I'm not a person who likes posting cards at all. I just want to share the joy of each shipment with you. After all, drawing cards is a beautiful thing. Naturally, everyone should share good things together.

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Tsk! Sure enough, the real purpose is revealed!"

The only non-chief in the group scoffed at Bai Chen's remarks.

Bai Chen: "Trust me, I'm really just sharing the joy.

The Spirit of Time: "This sentence is so straightforward that it almost makes me want to do something to Mr. Bai Chen."

Teacher Loli: "Indeed.

Railgun: "Indeed.

The queen who wants to be in love: "Indeed."

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "I believe you ghost!"

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "And you guys can ship every time? In fact, even if you ship now, there is no way to hit me. I am already immune

Bai Chen: "But I really didn't think about it that way..."

He is very helpless.

Obviously just want to draw a prize.

Looking at the more than 50,000 points in the balance column, Bai Chen chose the resident pool as usual.

At the same time, the double function is selected.

Originally 5,000 once for ten consecutive chances, now 10,000 once for ten consecutive chances.

Correspondingly, however, the probability of shipment will double.

Although the probability of 0.001% is not different even if it is multiplied by ten times, one still has to have a dream.

After calmly selecting the 10th resident pool, Bai Chen started the lottery draw.

Ambilight, lottery special effects are still cool.

However, Bai Chen chose to skip the cutscene.

Soon, the chat group gave hints.

[Congratulations on your acquisition of the Holy Relic (R)*4, Artifact-The Smile of the Virgin (SR), Power-Huang Liang Yicooking Dream (SR), God Extinguisher-Extreme Mist (SSR), Thunder God's Heart (SSR), Katir-Orthodox (SSR), Ophiuchus Sun Sovereignty (SSR). 】

Seeing the shining brilliance that occupied half of the page, like a habit engraved in DNA, Bai Chen completely subconsciously sent the screenshot to the group.

Bai Chen: "Screenshot.jpg"

Bai Chen: "I'm posting screenshots just to spread the joy, please don't make unreasonable associations with certain group members."

Railgun: "Are you still a human?"

Little Spider: "It's not a person, it's Camille!"

Loli teacher: ""

The Spirit of Time: "It's outrageously home!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "This is unscientific! Is there something wrong with my eyes?! How come there are so many SSRs!"

Bai Chen: "Having said that, none of them are what I want."

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "... Are you speaking human words?"

After all, the current general rewards are hard to match his current strength.

Even if it is the sun sovereignty of Ophiuchus, he doesn't like it.

After all, this sun sovereignty was artificially produced later, not the orthodox sun sovereignty.

Although the strength is not low, it lacks the most important role of being able to create a new Hakoniwa.

On the contrary, the power "Yellow Liang Yicooking Dream" has a good auxiliary effect.

After opening, it can make the civilization and technology of the surrounding humans develop rapidly.

The economy, the fields are harvested.

If it is in a strategy game, it is definitely the strongest cheat.

This power will be of great benefit to building a community in Hakoniwa in the future.

As for the "Cartier-Orthodoxy".

The source is the Noble Phantasm of the forbidden British royal family.

Equivalent to the modern version of the Sword in the Stone, as long as the holder is in the UK, he can exert the same power as Michael.

According to Bai Chen's (Li's) record, the "full-dimensional cutting technique" attached to this sword is described as possessing the power to completely cut the earth and the universe regardless of whether it is high or low.

However, the description of this thing is most likely the result of hippo bragging.

After all, similar remarks appear endlessly in the original work of Moban.

After all, even Accelerator's Black Wing said in the original text that "there is no one in the whole world who can withstand the attack".

And after the fire on the right liberates the power of the holy right, the narration describes "the fire on the right now can win as it pleases"

This is the same as the sharpest spear and strongest shield in the fable.

Apart from Demon God and Aleister's hole cards, Bai Chen doesn't believe that the Forbidden World has other descriptions worthy of the "universe".

But take ten thousand steps back, even if Katir-Orthodoxy can't cut the universe, it shouldn't be too difficult to cut the earth. .

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