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Chapter 859 I'm Going To Start The Lottery Draw

Chapter 859

"Ingewell sings very well, how about following behind Mo Qi from now on?"

Bai Chen asked.


The purple-haired girl nodded her head slightly, a little happy.

Compared with Qi Qi, she has normal emotions, but because of sleeping for too long, coupled with childhood experiences, her personality is slightly dull.

After learning that she had been asleep for five hundred years and that her family members from the past were gone, she also felt a little sad.

Bai Chen is willing to take her in, and she is very grateful.

However, Ingewell was a little worried that he could not do anything well, disappointing the rare people who were willing to take him in.

And when he heard that all he had to do was sing, Ingewell breathed a sigh of relief.

She can't do anything but sing.

It's like a skill imprinted deep in the soul.


Li Qi looked at Bai Chen and gave him a faint smile.

She knew that this was the companion that Bai Chen specially found for her.

No matter what, she will cherish everything now.

Afterwards, Bai Chen didn't ask about other things, and temporarily entrusted Ingewell to the girls to take care of them, assigning rooms, teaching her how to use the modern appliances in the mansion and some common sense of life.

After that, he went out.

Liliana and the others' skill in taking care of people is improving day by day. Although Erica, Alice and the others usually tease others occasionally, it's all good intentions.

Ingewell is kind-hearted and has no complaints about the goddess Nix who manipulated her.

The same is true for Maki.

Qiang Shenya completely used her as a tool, but until the end, the girl still didn't hate him.

This kind of extremely simple character really only exists in the second dimension.

Fortunately, they met themselves, not the male lead, otherwise, the child would be several months old now.

Before lunch, Bai Chen brought the great red to familiarize himself with the world with Orpheus.

As dragon gods, they naturally couldn't be willing to be a canary like Ingewell.

At least, go out for a walk every day.

Therefore, Bai Chen arranged the dimensional gap brought from the Devil's High School between the dimensional walls.

The Realm of the Halloween Queen works pretty well.

This covers almost all realm-related abilities.

Space spells are just the foundation.

Soon, Bai Chen was set up, and Orpheus was full of enthusiasm, and immediately turned into a dragon and rushed to the sky.

It was also the first time for Bai Chen to see the real body of Orpheus.

Slender body, majestic shape and a pair of wings growing on the back.

The shape resembles the Feathered Serpent God in the mythology of Mesoamerican civilization in the past.

As for the great red, it is a typical image of a western dragon.

Large winged lizard.

lunch time.

Orpheus reluctantly returns from the dimensional gap.

However, she had made a contract with Bai Chen before, so she could only obey obediently.

However, after serving the table, Orpheus was soon captured by Athena's cooking skills.

In the world of Devil's High School, she has very low requirements for food, as long as she can fill her stomach.

But after tasting the delicacy from the hands of the goddess, as if a new world has been opened, the black eyes are full of surprises.

The same goes for the Great Red and Inglewell.

"The food in the world is so delicious."

Great Red felt that he had lived in vain for tens of thousands of years.

"This is not human food, but my family's queen rice cooker."

Unsurprisingly, Bai Chen who said this was given a blank look.

But Athena was not angry.

She possesses the godhead of the Earth Mother Goddess, and is closely related to dragons and snakes.

After seeing the real bodies of those two people before and realizing the simple characters of these two dragons, their goodwill naturally increased.

"By the way, how about going shopping in the afternoon?"

Princess Alice makes a proposal.

"There may not be underwear suitable for the three newcomers here."


"I... don't understand."

Big Red and Orpheus gave exactly the same reaction.

"Yes, from the style, material and shape, and the most important use, there is a lot of knowledge in it."

Erica herself has a lot of winning underwear, but has never had time to put them on.

"I... don't wear underwear."

Orpheus got up from the chair, and then lifted the black skirt while talking.

Liliana on the side hurriedly stopped.

"Neither have I. It would be very uncomfortable to wear that kind of thing."

Great Red frowned.

"So you're still a vacuum pie?"

Bai Chen said unexpectedly.

It is completely invisible from the outside.

...asking for flowers......

"Don't wear what's uncomfortable."

The great red is concise and concise, and I don't think there is any problem in it.

If she didn't know some common sense in the world, she wouldn't even want to wear any clothes.

"This... this is not acceptable, girls must wear good clothes and underwear!"

Mariya Yuri opened his mouth with a flushed face.

Conservative, it is hard for her to imagine what it would be like not to wear underwear.

Although there was a tradition of not wearing underwear under the bath towel when attending festivals in the past, but in modern times, almost no girl does not wear it.

"That's it...then I can give it a try."

Orpheus is receptive to new things.

Now she has obtained the dimensional gap and has no other pursuits.

"In that case, let's all go together in the afternoon.

Afterwards, have lunch.

After resting for a while, the girls went shopping with great interest.

But Bai Chen didn't go, but stayed in the manor all afternoon.

after a few days.

Bai Chen lay on the sofa and watched the screen.

The group is talking about unimportant things.

Little Spider: "During this time, there seem to be fewer bubbling people."

I don't want to see a ghost: "Who are you talking about?"

Little Spider: "Of course it's Ms. Fujimaru who is going to save Renli. Compared to before, the frequency of bubbling is much less, and Lord Luna, Maqima and the others are also there,"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Ah...it's actually normal, isn't it?"

I don't want to see hell: "After all, everyone has their own things to do, and there is no way to chat all the time, especially in a high-intensity water group like ours."

Blue Slime: "High intensity? I don't think I've talked much."

I don't want to see a ghost: "That's because most of the time we talk about unnutritive topics? It's like fishing at work. I always feel that time passes quickly, but when I really work hard, time seems to have stopped."

Chaos Evil: "I don't speak because I need to train. The enemies in the singularity are becoming more and more difficult to deal with. It's hard!"

She is now learning magic, exercising, and collecting materials to redeem points, so she is too busy.

Until the next ten consecutive days, I will have to smoke a lot of meat and vegetables.

Railgun: "Comrades! I'm going to start the lottery!! and!".

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