Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 861: Cordoli's Wish

Chapter 861

No one knows what happened to Sister Pao in the chat group, but it is foreseeable that this lottery will definitely be engraved on the pillar of shame of Sister Pao.

The Elf of Time: "@金的首鬼, by the way, how is the situation on your side?"

Golden Fairy: "The situation? Well... I don't know how to describe it, but just a few days ago, another floating island was captured by beasts, but fortunately, the residents living on it were able to evacuate early."

Teacher Loli: "I remember the monster over there is called "Beast", right?"

Golden Fairy: "Well! It is the sixth beast that attacked the floating island, and only they have the ability to fly.

Shuttle through the sky like sharp swords, only their golden goblins can keep up with their speed.

The Elf of Time: "It seems that the situation is not very optimistic. Apart from the golden goblins, Miss Cordoli's armies called the Winged Army can't fight the beasts, right?"

Golden Fairy: "If you just fight with beasts, you can do it."

The golden goblin: "But the main force is our golden goblin, after all, no one else can fly freely in the sky at 21 like us.

Of the races currently living on the floating island, only the golden goblin has the ability to fly.

Other organizations, such as the Winged Army, can only rely on airships to operate in the air.

But that kind of slow-moving thing is impossible to fight the sixth beast.

Only before the start of each battle, support on firearms will be provided.

Once the ammunition runs out, it's nothing to do with them.

Bai Chen: "If the situation permits, it's best to avoid using the power of the goblin in the future, otherwise, you know the consequences, right?"

The golden goblin: "As expected of a god, you know such things.

I don't want to see the hell: "What's going on here?"

Yotsuya Miko is at a loss, has a new setting been added?

Bai Chen: "You should have read all the information I uploaded before, it said that the essence of the golden goblin is the fragment of the star god's soul.

If we say that the human beings in that world are the lives born after the fusion of the soul fragments of the star gods and the beasts.

Then the golden goblin is the soul of the star god itself.

Little Spider: "So, this is the reason why Miss Cordoli and the others can use the holy sword left by humans?"

Bai Chen: "That's right, both human beings and golden goblins are based on the soul of the star god. Although the essence of life is not the same, it's pretty much the same."

Little Spider: "Hey!!!"

The Spirit of Time: "But Mr. Bai Chen just said, try not to use that kind of power, what's the matter?"

Bai Chen: "Golden goblins are not human beings after all. They don't have beasts as their carriers, so they are quite fragile. The more they use magic power, their personality and body will collapse faster and faster, until they die and reincarnate into new golden goblins."

Bai Chen: "Because the souls of the star gods are very resilient, even if the golden goblins die, their memories and personalities will still remain in the original soul fragments, and the greater the frequency and intensity of using magic power, the easier it is to affect the soul itself, so that the past golden goblin's personality will erode the golden goblins of this generation. Do you understand this cycle?"

Blue Slime: "So the golden goblin will never really die?"

Bai Chen: "Theoretically speaking, as long as the soul is immortal, the goblin is indeed an immortal existence, but the more the number of cycles, the easier it is for the newly born golden goblin to collapse.

Bai Chen: "After all, there will only be more and more personalities in the soul. If you think about it carefully, if dozens of personalities are filled in one head at the same time, will you go crazy?"

Blue Slime: "Is it so scary?"

After being explained by Bai Chen, other people in the group also understood the seriousness of this problem.

At the same time, she became more and more sympathetic to what happened to Cordoli.

After all, they have been used as weapons since they were born, but in the end they have to usher in such a self-destructive ending, which is really miserable.

I don't want to see a ghost: "It's uncomfortable, being used as a tool, and eventually the personality will be destroyed. Miss Cordoli, have you ever thought about escaping from that place?"

The golden goblin: "No, but I personally don't worry too much. It's just a pity that many things I want to do have not been able to do it in time."

As a member of the Golden Goblin, Cordoli never thought about running away from battle.

However, after each battle, never-before-seen images kept appearing in her mind, and the girl also felt the imminence of death.

She is not afraid of death.

I just hope that the day of death can be postponed a little later, so that she can complete the things she always wanted to do but couldn't do.

Like...go and see the ocean.

Take a nap in a garden full of petals.

For another example, taste the feeling of being in love.

These things she knew from the novels on the shelf.

"The taste of love is sweeter than honey".

Cordori always remembered this sentence.

What is the taste of love sweeter than honey?

Cordoli's experience makes people can't help but think of Mo Qi.

197 After all, both identities are tools.

The only difference is that Mo Qi's emotions are thin, and even one of the members of the chat group has a very weak sense of existence. Keduoli is much richer in emotion, but her words can make people feel the cruelty of another world.

Human beings all over the world have been wiped out, and the survivors on the floating island linger on.

Perhaps it was a mistake to choose to be born in that world.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the chat group became depressing and desolate, the spider jumped out immediately.

Little Spider: "What's the big deal? As long as the big boss comes out, is this still a problem?"

It wasn't until then that they suddenly reacted.


It's nothing more than personality erosion, as long as Bai Chen gets involved, wouldn't this kind of thing be resolved in a matter of minutes?

Bai Chen: "It's really not a big problem."

The Spirit of Time: "Has Mr. Bai Chen figured out a solution?"

Bai Chen: "It's not a big problem."

It was nothing more than a transformation of the soul and body. This kind of thing that seemed irreversible to others was as simple as eating and drinking in Bai Chen's eyes.

Blue Slime: "The boss is mighty!"

The Spirit of Time: "But even if Cordoli's problem is solved, it's only a temporary solution, not the root cause.",

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