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Chapter 868: Bbc Underworld Filter

Chapter 868

"This situation... is simply unbelievable!"

Whether it was Black Candle or the sage Swan, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them.

After all, they are the ones closest to the "soul" in power, and they know how difficult it is to shape the soul into shape.

Although the golden goblin is made by them, its principle still has to be achieved through the special technology and related instruments mastered by the star gods.

But this man... no, God, he just used his hands to transform the beast's soul into a human shape.

This is like an instrument that must be made with a mold, but another person directly squeezes it out by hand, and it is even better than the mold!

In fact, Bai Chen's ability is more than that.

He can also use the knowledge of Kabbalah to directly rub out a new soul with his hands.

Of course, Bai Chen didn't bother to do such a waste of effort.

However, after being stunned and stunned, the sage Swan was the first to recover, and turned to look at the crazy country.

If so, wouldn’t everyone be saved?!

There will be no more disasters from beasts, and the residents on the floating island don't have to worry about being attacked by beasts.

For his former compatriots, Swan has confidence.

But he seems to have forgotten that back then, his 660 compatriots, even the creator of mankind, could kill without hesitation.

In the end, it also led to the accelerated extinction of human beings.

The ending is somewhat ironic.

"not enough."

Bai Chen shook his head.

"It's just fabricating the soul of a beast into a human being, but he doesn't seem to have any memories of the past."

The lifespan of beasts is very long, and a mere five hundred years is not enough for them to flow through their time.

If you just simply turn beasts into people and don't care about other things, then of course it's very simple.

But this is not what Bai Chen wants.

After all, if this is the case, there will be many follow-up questions.

No memory of the past, plus no common sense of life and an adult body.

It's hard to imagine how chaotic the world will be in the future.

Coupled with the attitude of the inhabitants of the suspended continental group towards human beings.

It is still far from Bai Chen's vision.


Hei Zhugong showed a puzzled expression.

As one of the three earth gods who protect the star god, he also experienced the process of the star god transforming the beast into a human.

So, he opened his mouth and said.

"At the beginning, my masters stuffed their own knowledge into the soul fragments. In this way, although those people have no memory, they are born with master's knowledge

If you also bestow knowledge on these new humans, you may be able to change the status quo. "


Bai Chen directly refused.

If you want to get his knowledge, you don't have to think too much about the humans in this world.

After all, he is a god, not a nanny.

Therefore, what he has to do is to restore the state of the beast to the state before the extinction of mankind.

This is theoretically possible.

After all, the process of transforming humans back into beasts was sudden.

In his view, the process of human becoming a beast is like human being infected with a biochemical virus.

As long as the virus in the body can be eliminated, it is not a big problem to restore the original personality and consciousness.

"I need more experimental subjects."

Bai Chen opened the mouth and said.

He needs to conduct repeated experiments many times before he can ensure the success of the soul transformation technique, and then obtain a human being who can retain the original personality.

Afterwards, Hei Zhugong and the others immediately arranged a quiet room for Bai Chen, and then they stood beside [Looking quietly like elementary school students waiting for the teacher to ask questions.

At first, they were surprised by Bai Chen's methods, but after hundreds of experiments, they gradually became numb.

The idea of ​​"the other party is a god from another world, since he is a god, isn't it simple to do this kind of thing" came to his head.

Bai Chen could feel their inner thoughts, but he didn't bother to explain much. (cbcg) Creation is far more difficult than destruction.

Even though it is much easier for the star gods to create humans, what they did was wrap their own soul fragments after suicide in beasts and forcibly change the form of beasts into humans.

In essence, those human beings who lived on the earth are still beasts, just covered with a layer of human skin.

It is equivalent to a special deformation magic.

The power of the Star God Fragment was exhausted, and the beast couldn't maintain its human form, so it became a beast again.

Compared with Bai Chen's method, the transformation method of Xingshen is still too rough.

Chat group at this time.

Blue Slime: "Open the door! If you have the ability to travel through time, you can open the door! Aunt Xue's face.jpg."

Golden Goblin: "What does that mean?"

Blue Slime: "It's a live broadcast, it's rare to watch it again! But the boss didn't start the live broadcast!"

Little Spider: "I'm ready to record and broadcast."

The Spirit of Time: "Don't rush, maybe Bai Chen is busy over there."

Butterfly Ren: "Yeah, after all, this time I'm not going to fight, but to solve the problems in Miss Cordoli's world."

I don't want to see a ghost: "Just looking at the setting before, I know that it will be troublesome to solve it."

Blue Slime: "That's what I said, but... that's right! @金的首鬼, wouldn't it be enough for Ms. Keduoli to start the live broadcast?"

Chaos Evil: "You can have this! After all, it won't bother the boss!"

Little Spider: "It only takes one thought to provoke it."

Golden Fairy: "Okay, then I'll try."

Unable to resist the group friends' request, Cordoli opened her group live broadcast.

【Group reminder: The group member "Golden Fairy" started the live broadcast, come and watch it~~~】

Soon, the group members who were still in the water group filed in.

But this time, it was no longer an earth-shattering scene, nor was it extremely cool.

What appeared before their eyes was just a room.

The light in the huge room is dark, only the center has a bright and soft light source.

In front of something like an operating table, there is a black-haired young man in a white coat.

Because his back is facing the camera, people don't know what he is doing.

But the occasional slight hissing and the sound of limbs being ripped off can make people feel creepy inadvertently.

Super electromagnetic gun: "What kind of underworld filter is this!"

The Genie of Time: "The special filter for BBC has been hammered!"

Little Spider: "This figure from the back, could it be the boss?"

Bai Chen: "That's right, it's me."

Teacher Loli: "???"

Blue Slime: "Huh???".

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