Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 869 Dimensional Collapse

Chapter 869

After Cordoli explained in the group, the group members quickly learned what Bai Chen was doing.

Non-staff individual: "Is it necessary to be so troublesome? If it can be changed, just change it directly!"

Little Spider: "nonono, so Miss Jibril, you are a group of combat units. There is a reason for the boss to do this."

Blue Slime: "I have an idea, no-don't know if I should say it or not."

I don't want to go to hell: "Mr. Rimuru, please come in!"

Blue Slime: "Since it is so troublesome to re-transform the soul, why not travel back to five hundred years ago to prevent the extinction of human beings at that time? In that case, at least it will be much simpler than it is now."

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "I also think this method is feasible."

In the eyes of others, Bai Chen's efficiency is indeed much slower than before.

Things that can be solved by time travel, but they are so troublesome.

The Spirit of Time: "Traveling back to the past may temporarily solve the problem, but...if it is not necessary, it is best not to interfere with the normal trajectory of time, which will cause many inestimable counts."

Blue Slime: "Huh? But I remember that last time, the mad third sister and the boss also traveled back to the past together?"

Bai Chen: "That's because I controlled the variables that may change. As Kuangsan said, interfering with time is very troublesome. In a better situation, at the moment of changing history, the world lines will diverge and a new parallel world will appear."

Blue Slime: "What about the bad situation?"

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Let's explain it. The worse situation is that the world falls into an endless loop, and later the world collapses completely due to failures that cannot break out of the endless loop."

Blue Slime: "What kind of Honkai method?"

Bai Chen: "Collapse on the physical level, and then lead to the death of all creatures in the other world.

This happens a lot in Marvel.

People in the parallel universe die just like playing.

Of course, the worst possibility is that the moment the world line collapses, it will cast a curse of an era on the instigator.

In the heavens and myriad realms, if you want to live a more comfortable life, it is best to carry less burdens.

Of course, this is just speculation.

Bai Chen: "Of course, there is a slightly milder bad situation. I went back to the past to prevent the extinction of human beings, but in that case, the floating islands and golden goblins that appeared based on avoiding the attacks of beasts would have no reason to exist."

As for asking the past Black Candle to create a Cordoli with soul fragments.

But whether that Cordoli will be the current one remains to be determined.

After all, each personality is independent.

Even Bai Chen currently has no way to violate the law of time, from the timeline where the disaster did not happen, to exchange the personality of Cordori on the timeline when human beings are extinct.

That directly violated the rules of the entire world.

Time, space, and various laws of cause and effect.

Even if the double digits of Hakoniwa come, they can't do it.

Irreverent white-haired loli: "In that case, the cute fairy lady will disappear. Anyway, we don't like this kind of ending." 1

As Shiroyasha, of course, the more beautiful girls in the world, the better.

The Spirit of Time: "One more thing, since Miss Cordoli has disappeared, it is impossible for her to join the chat group or even issue a commission."

Fubuki of Hell: "Ah...it seems to be in an endless loop."

Bai Chen: "Ten thousand steps back, Cordoli is still there, but other lives that are still alive in this world will disappear under the correction of time force."

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "That's why, even the god of time will not rashly interfere with the past, of course... If the time span is a little closer, you can try to change it, but if it is five hundred years, there are too many variables in it."

Blue Slime: "Ah... time is such a scary thing? I thought I could do anything!"

Bai Chen: "Of course, there is the last one, as long as I don't worry about the consequences, I am invincible.

Bai Chen: "Okay, the experiment has reached the final step, I can't be distracted."

After quitting the chat group, Bai Chen continued to conduct soul experiments.

...asking for flowers......

He has completely figured out the principle of the star god turning beasts into humans.

Just like what he said before, the star god just provided a container that didn't last very long.

And the development process of human beings after birth is in line with an idiom that Bai Chen knows.

——Pull the seedlings to encourage them to grow.

Such a result, although it will make the seedlings look good, but it will accelerate the death of the seedlings.

Humans used to be pretty much the same.

There is no survival of the fittest through nature, and there is no development process from primitive times to modern civilization step by step.

Its end is death.

Therefore, the human civilization in this world developed extremely rapidly and became the largest race that ruled the world in the past, but it also died very simply. Even after struggling, nothing could be changed.

But Bai Chen's soul transformation technique is to directly restore the beast's soul to a human's soul, and at the same time erase the animal instinct in it.

In this way, not only can the memory and personality of the previous life be guided, but it will not affect the next generation.

Because the soul is changed, the human being is changed in nature.

Although there are many beasts among them, because of Bai Chen's technical problems, the souls are shattered.

But as a famous game character said, "This is a necessary sacrifice."

"nailed it."

Bai Chen sensed the time.

It's been an afternoon.

But this is already a miracle for the sage and Hei Zhugong who have been watching.

In just one afternoon, he found a way to turn him back into a human being.

This level has completely surpassed their achievements in guarding the floating island for hundreds of years, and incidentally solved the mess left by the Star God.

"One last step."

Bai Chen walked out of the room and left Heizhugong's palace.

With a simple swipe, the rain clouds and thunder clouds that surround the floating island all year round will be dispelled.

Some passing airships all opened their eyes wide in surprise after seeing the thunderclouds in the sanctuary dissipate.

However, before they were ready to approach and take a peek, they discovered

The sky above the head seems to have become smaller. .

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