Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter Eight Hundred And Seventy Fourth Commission Completed

Chapter 874

The purpose of wandering is just to experience the customs of different worlds.

Although it is a civilization built by sub-races, the shadow of human civilization can still be seen everywhere.

But I have to say that the romance film with the theme of lizardman is quite "top".

Cordoli covered her eyes the whole time, but judging from her cheeks that were flushed as if she was about to be familiar, she should have seen a lot.

However, for Bai Chen, who is still dominated by humans, some parts of the film are still a bit strange.

"Miss Cordoli, while I still have time, if you have any unfulfilled wishes, please tell them together."

Bai Chen, who had turned off the live broadcast room while watching the movie, looked at the blue-haired girl beside him.

"But... In that case, isn't it something other than commissioning? You have to collect some holy swords as a reward.

The dead-headed Cordoli spoke.

"It's just a free gift when buying a product, anyway, it doesn't make any difference to me.

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

"Of course, if you don't have a wish, then pretend I didn't say it."

"If you wish, of course you have it, and there are many more, but will it really not trouble you?"

Cordoli 843 asked with some embarrassment.

"Until I leave, anything is fine.


Cordoli didn't understand Bai Chen's meaning, but as an elf soldier who knew she was dying soon, she did have many unfulfilled wishes.

"Then...then my first wish is to see the floating island from a higher and farther place!"

The next second after the voice just fell.

Bai Chen used the power of the realm to transfer him and Cordoli to Zhengchen, the largest floating island city, at the same time.


After the initial surprise, the girl stared at the city below her with wide eyes, and sighed with vivid emotion.

Although the level of civilization on the floating island is far inferior to that of modern cities, the street scene that looks like a mess from a close look looks like a delicate pattern if you look down from a high place.

The appearance of the dinner party developed naturally without planning in the laneway has a sense of dynamism that resembles a real creature.

At the pier on the edge of the city, there are airships docking or taking off to go to other islands.

"That's all you want to see?"

Bai Chen felt a little surprised.

"(cbcd) yes."

Cordoli said with a smile.

The hair with the same color and luster as the sky stretches in the wind, flowing like a waterfall.

"Although I have seen the floating island from a higher and farther place, so far, I haven't had a good view of the whole city from above the city."

"Because there is no order, you are not allowed to approach the city casually, right?"

Bai Chen asked.

"Yes, my lord."

Cordori nodded emphatically.

"So I used to think, I should see it at least once before I die!"

"However, you still have a long time in the future, hundreds or even thousands of years."

Because it is based on the soul fragments of the star god, the golden goblin has a very long lifespan, but this characteristic was covered up by the symptoms of previous life erosion.

"In that case, won't you become an old woman?"

Cordoli pouted, and began to fantasize about becoming an old lady.

"If I become like that, I won't be as beautiful as I am now."

"You fairies' appearance shouldn't change too much with age, so don't worry about becoming an old lady."

Bai Chen explained with a chuckle.

Then, Bai Chen took Cordoli to fulfill her wishes one after another.

Watch the sea, watch the mountains, and even dive into the depths of the ocean.

In the end, the girl leaned on the railing, which seemed to have more warning meaning than actual meaning.

"A lot of good things happened today, all thanks to God's blessing!"

Cordori said with a smile.

"If you want to see my world, just chat with me in private, my side is much more interesting than here, and my house is very big, so you can go to bed when you are tired from playing.

It is refreshing, except for the floating island, there is no other place that impresses Bai Chen.

"Really?! Great!"

Cordoli, who was invited, smiled in surprise.

"However, before that, I may have to stay here for a while, after all, those children in the goblin warehouse still need my care.

"The promise is valid at all times."

Bai Chen nodded.

Anyway, there are chat groups to contact at any time.

"That... Lord God..."

For some reason, Cordoli's voice lowered a lot.

Bai Chen, who was much taller than the girl, looked down at her, and what came into view was a head of hair as blue as the sky.

"What's wrong?"

"...thank you."

"It's nothing more than a little effort, we are all members of the group, and we should help each other.

Bai Chen smiled.


The girl let out a slight "hmm", and her expression became mixed with loss and shyness at that moment.

Sure enough... I still don't have the courage to say that.

Love, or the taste of kissing.

But when the words came to his mouth, it was a bit difficult to say, and in the end he could only swallow them all in his stomach.

However, Cordoli quickly regained her composure.

After all, their fairies' physical problems have been resolved.

There is still a long time ahead.

There will always be a day when I say it!

[Group reminder: The commission of the group member "Golden Fairy" has been completed by Bai Chen, and the reward settlement is in progress. 】

[Group reminder (private): The commission is completed perfectly, and reward points +10000. 】

After returning from the world of Cordoli, Bai Chen returned to simple daily life.

Of course, this daily life is certainly not the same as the daily life in the eyes of ordinary people.

The relationship between the dragon god Orpheus and the great red is at odds, and they fight in the gap between dimensions every day.

But basically, the Great Red gave way to Orpheus, otherwise, the result would be as the Great Red said before, and Orpheus could be pressed to the ground and rubbed.

Athena cooks and cooks.

After the arrival of Orpheus and the Great Red, Luo Hao became addicted to cultivation, needless to say, he knew that he was stimulated.

The other girls continued their training as knights or witches.

Maki and Ingwell can be regarded as the only quiet girls.

And these two have also become Bai Chen's queen singers. Every night, Bai Chen will let them sing to him in his room and monitor their training results. .

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