Chapter 873

"Come out with me, there's a lot of beautiful scenery out there, and a lot of people you haven't met. 11

Bai Chen is persuasive and persuasive.

"You get a lot of good food and fun toys.


Listening to Bai Chen's description, Eluke seemed to imagine that beautiful world, and her eyes showed eagerness.


A person who has stayed in the enchantment since birth and has never seen the outside world.

Those who can communicate are limited to those three earth gods.

After death, although you can see the life stories of different goblins through the relationship with the soul fragments, you can still only watch them, not actually feel them.

In other words, I didn't think about the past feelings.

In fact, Elu can be resurrected through the body of the golden goblin.

However, this loli has been watching them in her dreams.

Cheer for their fighting spirit, and feel sorry for their death.

Bai Chen was full of sympathy for such a little lolita.

If we talk about simplicity, then there is no one in this world who is pure to please Eluke.

Even Bai Chen can't see any "original sin" in her body

Like a blank sheet of paper.

Even after his home was intruded by a human hero and stabbed to death by the holy sword, he never hated humans, but he still had extreme longing for the human hero who "fighted to protect others" and killed himself.

Even in the late stage of the original track, Cordoli's personality erosion became more and more serious, and even when her personality began to collapse and destruction, she directly pulled Cordoli's consciousness into her own spiritual world, thus protecting Cordoli's personality from further collapse.

Not only that, but when Cordoli insisted on going out to save others, she also said words of encouragement like "Come on".

"of course it's true."

Bai Chen nodded.

"So you want to go out and have a look...?"

"Okay! Of course I have to go out and see!"

For the world described by Bai Chen, Eluke's eyes light up.

In fact, she has long been bored, but she kept in mind what her elders said to her in the past, "I will bring harm to the world", and stayed here all the time.

"Then let's go."

Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

Eluke's answer was within his expectations.

This is a simple loli, so simple that he will believe what others say.

Although he could take her out directly without her consent, but in that case, he always felt that there was something missing.

But the result is the same.

The next thing is much easier.

Bai Chen searched Eluke's body sealed in the coffin by humans through her consciousness.

After taking her back, she woke up.

After that, Bai Chen brought Eluke back to the floating island.

Hei Zhugong was shocked at first, and then the huge black skull lost its composure and screamed strangely.

"Eluke! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

"Shut up, you useless thing!"

Red Hu Bo, who was in the form of a big red fish, reprimanded him arrogantly.

"What have you done in the past five hundred years?! I'll forgive you for using the master's soul to protect the world, but why hasn't the starship been repaired after such a long time?!"

A starship is an aircraft used by the Star Gods to travel across the universe.

"I...I can't help it, I lost all my strength, and this body is still the power given by Lord Bai Chen!"

Hei Zhugong was full of grievances.


When Bai Chen was mentioned, Hong Hubo's voice also weakened significantly.

"There is no need to repair any starships, Elle can stay in this world as long as she can."

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

"Yeah, I don't want to go anywhere, because I like this world very much!"

Eluke said happily.

It can be seen that when she came to Xintiandi, she was full of strong curiosity about everything.

"Moreover, Brother Bai Chen invited me to visit his world, and Eluke also agreed to come down. If the starship is repaired, I won't be able to see Brother Bai Chen."

Said strange and innocent things.

Regarding this, Heizhugong and Honghubo both looked at the alien god with strange expressions.

This lord...could be because he fell in love with their little master?

Bai Chen didn't look at their inner world.

But even if they knew what they were thinking, they just laughed it off.

He is not interested in Elle who is too young.

Even if there is, it is nothing more than the sympathy and love of the cute loli.

He also intends to let Eluke be a queen in the next human world and enjoy the offerings of humans.

After all, the human beings in this world owe her too much.

But that's all for the future.

Next, after Bai Chen asked Eluke to disconnect from those golden fairies, he gathered all the golden fairies in the world to deal with their problems in a unified way

Because the golden goblin is a soul product, it is easier to operate.

Separate the unerased...previous personality in the soul, then fix the current personality and soul of the golden goblin, and completely cut off the connection with Eluke.

You're done.

In this way, when the golden goblin uses magic power, it will no longer have symptoms of personality erosion.

So did Cortori.


In the eyes of everyone, this world is gradually heading for disintegration. Under Bai Chen's single-handed operation, the countdown to destruction is forcibly cleared and everything is moving towards a new beginning.

(De Nuohao) "Mr. Bai Chen, I seem to have failed to accomplish anything with this commission."

Cordoli said festivity in a daze.

Although Bai Chen acted swiftly and resolutely from the very beginning, during the process of execution, Cordoli didn't feel any urgency, but when everything was settled, she suddenly realized that everything was over.

It's not that she's dissatisfied with the result, she's just a little embarrassed.

It was clearly his own world, but he seemed to be a bystander from beginning to end.

"Don't think too much, your commission has been completed, my goal has been achieved, we are a win-win situation, we all have a bright future, don't we?"

Although the difficulty of this entrustment is a bit tricky, overall it is not bad.

"Before going back, let's go shopping on the floating island together."

It took less than a day to solve the problem.

For the rest of the time, of course Shiratori had to relax a bit. .

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