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Chapter 872: The Classic Father, Loving Son And Filial Piety

Chapter 871

This is the salvation of the living.

It is also the beginning of a new world.

Not only those human beings who were happy to be redeemed, but even those sub-races on the floating island were still immersed in the shock of God.

At this moment, in the live broadcast room.

Blue Slime: "No matter how many times I see this scene, I still feel a little moved.

Little Spider: "Ji Fuck, sit down!"

Teacher Loli: "Seeing this, I always feel that Bai Chen is more and more like God than in the past. Is he really going to the Holy Trinity?"

Grandpa is so cute: "I can't understand it, but it doesn't stop me from thinking that the boss is very powerful!"

Fubuki of Hell: "Unknown.jpg.

Elegant and decent young lady: "I don't know what to do.jpg."

Elegant lady: "Although, in the past, the star gods were also the creators of mankind, but in the end, human beings still turned against the star gods. Isn't Mr. Bai Chen worried about this?"

Elegant young lady: "I think it's better to be careful."

Although Rin Tohsaka sympathized with the humans in that world, he didn't feel sad about their extinction.

After all, this kind of feeling is like killing a father with one's own hands, isn't human being a rebellious son?

It's really the classic father's kindness and son's filial piety.

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Are you worried about backlash? Although this possibility cannot be ruled out, at least consider the strength gap between the two parties."

The strength gap between Star God and Bai Chen is not even a little bit.

If you want to match that level of power, wait for human beings to develop a level of civilization like EXE.

Bad woman: "There is no need to worry about such things. The master has already taken care of himself and will not let those humans betray him."

For example, the Calendar of Domination owned by Bai Chen.

It is simply impossible to resist.

Bai Chen: "Even if they don't have a backup, it's impossible for them to resist me."

Elegant lady: "Why?"

Bai Chen: "Because people are like this, they will expect a powerful existence to help them arrange all their present and future destiny. That existence can be a person or a god. As long as it can make the people live and work in peace and contentment, most of them are even willing to give their lives to maintain the existing life."

Bai Chen: "Different from us extraordinary people and even gods, ordinary people only pursue a stable state."

Bai Chen: "The old have something to depend on, the young have something to grow, don't pick up things on the road, don't close the door at night, widows, widows and lonely people, they all have something to support.

Bai Chen: "Just imagine, if you are mortals, are you willing to maintain the rule of the troubled times, or are you willing to entrust your destiny to such a ruler?"

It seemed that they were shocked by what Bai Chen said, and the other group members fell into short-term thinking.

Blue Slime: "There really is such a world, please give me one! No! Ten!"

If he could live in such an era, how could he be called a "community animal" in the past, a species that people dislike dogs.

Little Spider: "I want to too, woohoo!"

The memory of the spider is the memory of Wakaba Hime when she was a dead house.

She also wanted to go out and communicate with people like that, but she was rejected, so she could only immerse herself in the virtual world to find herself.

Irregular white-haired loli: "Under our rule, the Eastern District is thriving."

Having said that, it has to be said that there is still a big gap between the East District of Hakoniwa and the Datong society that Bai Chen used to describe.

The Spirit of Time: "It is already foreseeable how future generations of humans will worship Mr. Bai Chen."

Ordinary people want to achieve that level, it is like a fantasy.

But the gods have that kind of power.

No, Bai Chen has it.

Bai Chen: "By the way, Miss Tohsaka Rin, I will give you an inscription, "Father is kind and son is filial." Take it, and you can savor it carefully."

Elegant and decent lady: "Father is kind and son is filial? Wait, isn't this used to describe the human beings in the past? Why do you want me to taste it?! Explain it clearly to me!"

But no matter how much Rin Tosaka yelled, Bai Chen didn't respond to him.

Fall back to No. 2 suspended island.

Heizhugong and the sage Shiwan knelt and worshiped, maintaining the posture of longing for God.

Seeing Bai Chen back, they suddenly realized who they were.

After standing up calmly, the sage Shiwan asked nervously: "My lord, after hundreds of years have passed, will human beings turn back into beasts like they did in the past?"

"No, they have been transformed by me in essence, and they are the true people of God, so how could they become that chaotic and evil thing?"

Bai Chen's words naturally moved this past human being greatly.

In this case, there is nothing to say.

He knelt on the ground again and even kowtowed his head.

Cordoli couldn't understand the inner feelings of Swan, who was once a human being, but she was also happy from the bottom of her heart.

In particular, the Datong society mentioned by Bai Chen is really fascinating.

However, unlike other people's excitement and excitement, Bai Chen didn't have many emotional fluctuations.

Of course, this is not because he has weakened humanity because of divinity, but because such things are not so difficult.

This is like 283 raising pets.

Give it good food, drink and shelter, and the pet will feel happy, but the owner will not have much psychological fluctuation.

At most, it will smile when the pet wags its tail at its owner.

Of course, this is just a description, Bai Chen did not raise these humans as pets.

If it's something that really makes him happy.

Probably only his reason is gradually spreading in this world, and Cordoli and the others.

After all, it always makes him happy to put himself in the shoes of a beautiful girl.

"The rest, you can take care of it yourself."

Bai Chen said.

The world is still in ruins, but with personalities and memories, those personalities will surely rebuild civilization in the short term.

As for the thoughts and attitudes of other sub-races on the floating island, Bai Chen didn't bother to care about them.

What's more, the creatures of the whole world have looked up to his glory.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have too many ideas, mainly those in power.

However, it doesn't matter.

Launching a war will only destroy the current situation. Without waiting for Hei Zhugong and the others to do it, their own people will expose those war criminals.

So, for Bai Chen.

The next problem is to deal with the physical problems of the golden goblins like Cordoli. .

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