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Chapter 909 Why Is It Only 70%?

Chapter 909

No wonder Shiroyasha would ask such a question.

After all, under normal circumstances, many things can be resolved in private chat.

"It's true that I need to ask you in person, but before we get to the point, can you tell me what the news is about?"

Bai Yasha glanced at it, snorted, and said disdainfully: "This, it's just malicious slanderous news, just watch it for fun."

"You don't mean to care?"

Bai Chen was a little surprised.

No matter how you say it, Bai Yasha is still the ruler of the Eastern District class today, so he still has to give face.

"We also want to take care of it, but this newspaper is backed by that stinky woman, and the news of this newspaper is very popular among the lower classes. In addition to lace news, it will also publish some useful information. It is very useful for businessmen and some weak communities to collect intelligence. Do you think we can take care of it?"

White Yaksha sighed helplessly.

"That's really out of the question."

Bai Chen nodded.

Little Garden is just a paradise for gods and demons, and the people at the bottom are still living the same life as the outside world.

Although there are many "omniscient" or "omnipotent" Shura gods and Buddhas in Little Garden, in fact, those things have nothing to do with the lower levels.

The newspaper office with the backing of the Halloween Queen has naturally become the main channel for the lower classes to obtain the latest information.

After all, realm authority is indeed convenient.

"By the way, the Queen of Halloween sent someone to look for you before, but they were blocked by us, what should I say?"

White Yasha was a little proud.

After the Harvest Festival in the South District ended, the Queen of Halloween sent people to the East District to inquire about Bai Chen.

Some time ago, I even went directly to the dry eye branch to buy Bai Chen's information, but was fooled by Bai Yasha, and a lot of money was slaughtered, so I felt very happy.

After all, Shirayasha and the Halloween Queen are deadly enemies who have been feuding since the dawn of Hakoniwa.

It was rare that the other party wanted something from her, so naturally he was extorting a lot of money.

"Seven three?"

Bai Chen said.

"Why is it only 70%?"

Shiroyasha opened his eyes wide.

As a mature woman, she naturally knew what Bai Chen would say.

"Seventy percent of it is mine. After all, you sold your dearest group members."

"Ah this..."

Speaking of this, Bai Yasha knew he was wrong.

But just when she reluctantly agreed (cbci), Richen suddenly laughed.

"Just kidding, the matter of the community resident is enough for me to repay the favor."

"Hey! It's all trivial matters. That guy Luos is ignorant, and he deserves the Perseus community for this sake."

Speaking of this, Bai Yasha suddenly lowered his voice.

Chatted with Bai Chen privately in the chat group.

"Actually... the reason why I gave it to you for free is partly because of Athena. She agreed to give you the former residence for free. You recruited it truthfully. Did you meet that goddess secretly? Is it her old lover?"

"Athena's idea?"

Hearing this, Bai Chen's expression became strange.

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Could it be that you are her illegitimate child living outside?"

Bai Chen: "It's not as good as a lover raised outside."

Irregular white-haired loli: "You can do it, you got Athena so quickly."

Bai Chen: "Okay, I have something important to ask you."

Back to reality.

Alger didn't know that it was Athena's idea, otherwise everything would be uproarious now.

"Before you said that the Queen of Halloween was looking for me, I think it was probably the induction between the powers of the realm, after all, the power in me was originally hers.

Bai Chen said.

"So you have to be careful. That woman has small eyes. She has been unable to find you so many times. She may be angry now. The person she is targeting has no good fruit to eat.

White Yasha said.

"But with your current strength, you can still compete head-on with that woman."

The four-digit extraordinary power is also outstanding in the entire Hakoniwa.

"It's just that there are some deficiencies in the spiritual level."

"That's what I came here for."

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

Hearing this, Bai Yasha opened his eyes wide: "Are you planning to advance to triple digits?"

"That's right."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Bai Yasha sat up straight, and his tone was full of wonder: "How long has it been? It's been less than half a year, and you're ready to advance to the Almighty Domain. If other main gods know that there are people in this world who can upgrade so fast, I'm afraid they will vomit blood and die on the spot.

"For us, this upgrade speed is not too fast."

Bai Chen said.

"That's right, after all, your luck is even worse than that of Lady Luck."

Bai Yasha lamented the magic of the chat group.

Countless props and abilities from the heavens and worlds are stored in the lottery pool.

As long as one is lucky enough, even a mortal is enough to soar into the sky.

As long as there is enough time, it is no problem to pile up a bunch of omniscient and omnipotent.

"Let's get down to business, before that, do you know what the Almighty Domain means?"

"Is it what it means to have all the fields of ability? I think I have already achieved this.

The branch of the Kabbalah tree of life is called omnipotent. If Bai Chen chose to take another path at first, it might not be so easy to advance.

"That's right, but although Literally obtained all the abilities, Hakoniwa is unable to truly achieve omnipotence because of the suppression of the paradox of omnipotence. Although he can arbitrarily change the universe into what he wants in the material world, but conceptually, he only grasps all the concepts within a certain limited domain, and then uses the mutual interference between concepts to achieve omnipotence in reality."

"Starting from the three-digit number, it involves the power of a certain cosmology, and this is also the core of the three-digit power."


Bai Chen nodded.

The meaning of Shiraiyasha is probably the three-digit omnipotent field, not omnipotence in the true sense.

Instead, it depends on whether you have grasped a certain concept that constitutes a certain cosmology.

For example, if the cosmology is established based on the four elements of earth, wind, water, and fire, then as long as you grasp the existence of the relevant concept of one of the elements, you will be a three-digit, omnipotent existence.

However, because he has only mastered one of the four elements, it seems that he cannot be omnipotent.

But the actual situation is that if you master one of the elements, such as the wind element, you can use the wind element to interfere with other elements in the universe, and finally you can indirectly interfere with all the elements in the universe, so as to achieve the fact of omnipotence. .

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