Chapter 921

Overlord's Light Wheel.

This is a gift that can summon the power that becomes the detonation point of eschatology, and turn that power into heat.

The three-headed dragon compressed the flame in its mouth, and then spewed out suddenly.

And while Azdakaha was accumulating strength, Algar also liberated his strongest gift.

Like a magic star descending, the purple starlight seems to cover the world.

At the same time, a graceful singing voice like a sea monster erupted from Alger's mouth.

The girl released a brown light.

——The majesty of the Gorgon.

This is the fundamental reason for Algar to be on the throne of the Demon King.

Covering everything including the sky and the earth with brown light, and transforming them into gray stars, the Celestial Calendar.

Everything swept by the light turns to rock.

A few two-headed dragons on the ground were swept across "Nine Seven Three" by the brown light, and they couldn't resist the process of turning into rocks.

Afterwards, the highest level petrification gift collided violently with the strongest flash gift. ,

Conflict drastically changes the environment.

The expansion of energy burns like the setting sun, and the temperature rises to the point where you think you are in the center of a volcano.

Severe changes in air pressure cause tornadoes.

When this impact fell to the Capital of Flames, it was resisted by several figures with all their strength.

Bai Chen looked, it was Leticia, Jiu Yuan Asuka, Hei Tu and others.

Although they can't join the frontal battlefield, they can block the attack of the two-headed dragon together.

Coupled with Jibril, Estes, Tokisaki Kuangsan and the three daughters, compared to the original book where the city of flames was almost destroyed, the current situation is still under control.

Conflicting brilliance keeps the balance and even threatens to break the eternal principles of the world.

However, within a few seconds of the confrontation, the balance of power began to tilt.

"Woo! This ugly lizard!"

The gift of Shihua Weiguang was overwhelmed by the Overlord's Light.

Alger groaned in distress.

But the result is normal.

Although she is the most special protoss, her strength is stronger than that of White Yaksha who has the Yaksha godhead, but four digits are four digits after all.

The Overlord's Light Wheel is the strongest blow of the three-digit demon king.

It is already a miracle that Alger can contend in this way.

The body of the girl protoss kept retreating, and she kept muttering: "Ugly lizard! Don't think that you are better than Al-chan!"

This is force majeure.

It's just that her spirit has been degraded, it's definitely not that she is weak.

"Look out, big lizard! Al-chan is going to use his nirvana!"


Hearing this, Ayinkaha had a proof in his heart.

Having reached this level, does this protoss still have a hidden nirvana?


After all, this woman is a demon king older than him, and she is the strongest species that has lived with the heaven and earth since the birth of Little Garden, before the gods moved to Little Garden.

But even so, it is impossible to compete with his strongest gift!

"Accept destruction!"

The three-headed dragon roared.

The speed of Aurora's reversing is faster.

At this time, while Alger was struggling to support, he made a spiritual connection with Bai Chen through the contract.

"Master, this big lizard is too skinny, my spirit has not yet fully recovered, and all the cards at the bottom of the box have been restrained! So..."

"speak English."

Bai Chen responded.

"Dear master, don't you want to save the cutest, most beautiful, and most beautiful Al-chan in the world?"

"Have you played enough?"

"Enough is enough."


The moment Alger heard the reply, she returned to her usual smile.

With a voice that can be heard throughout the battlefield, he announced to the three-headed dragon.

"You are dead, my master said!"

Just when the fire of the end of the world was about to engulf Algar.

Space is broken.

The space in front of Algel was cracked like glass.

The light collapsed towards the recessed hole, and then a slender right hand protruded from the hole, which looked like an ordinary human's right hand.

However, this is no ordinary right hand.

This is the right hand of Bai Chen, the right hand of the God of Gold, the right hand of "Li" that flows from many worlds.

Not only that, but in his right hand, he also held a golden gun.

Facing the flashing light wheel that was powerful enough to detonate the world and bring about the end of the world, the golden gun overflowed with a liquid-like golden streamer.

Then, after a short blink of an eye.

When the light wheel hit the ground, it was enough to destroy Hakoniwa Mountains and Rivers. In the collision with the golden gun, the huge force was counteracted, and finally disappeared...

In the City of Flames, the guards of Salamanda, Jiuyuan Asuka, Black Rabbit and others, after seeing the strongest blow of the Demon King dissipate, stared wide-eyed in amazement.

And the most astonished person was the three-headed dragon himself.

"You bastard, did you actually block my sure-kill "Overlord's Light Wheel"?"

The tone seemed to come from the depths of hell, making people creepy.

And anger comes from hurt self-esteem.

The strongest favor he possessed was blocked, and the demon king, whose dignity was insulted, was also determined not to let him go.

"It's just a gift of the flash heat system. Is it strange that someone can block it?"

Accompanied by the uncontrollable anger of the three-headed dragon, Bai Chen's complete figure emerged from the gap in space.

"Even if you are a devil king, don't be too conceited."

Initially, when Bai Yasha joined the group, Bai Chen was worried about whether he could get around the three-headed dragon.

For this reason, I have been working hard to travel through more worlds and pursue a higher realm.

However, now that he has stepped into the exile class, after facing the rumored Demon King who is capable of rivaling millions of gods, he doesn't find it difficult to deal with.

Although the three-headed dragon's spiritual capacity is three digits, in fact, its own strength is only at a medium level in terms of the entire Hakoniwa.

The reason why Azdakaha was undefeated against Hakoniwa Million Gods, and even gained the upper hand, was because of the simulated star creation map he held - the Avis 5.3 tower.

Without this simulated star creation map, Az-Dakaha, like most eschatological threats, will be defeated by the brave men trained by the gods and Buddhas in the future.

Not only that, but since Az-Dakaha was sealed twice, it is enough to prove that his own strength is not very good at the three-digit level.


Feeling the helplessness in the other party's tone, Azdakaha, who was extremely calm from the beginning to the end, showed a more vigorous anger than before.

"This is a fact, there is no need to deny or cover up."

Bai Chen looked at Azdakaha who spread his wings.

Gently caressing the body of the gun with his right hand, he asked with a light smile.

"The Demon Lord Azdakaha, right? Are you interested in becoming my stepping stone to a higher level?"

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