Chapter 923

However, this kind of battle still spread to the lower world.

Everyone who was fighting fiercely had to stay away from the battlefield to prevent being affected.

That is to say, only the existence with a spiritual level or strength of around four digits can barely resist the impact.

And in the chat group at this time, the group friends were also extremely shocked by the strength displayed by the three-headed dragon.

The pure white demon king pierced the sky, and the three-headed dragon, which was supposed to be at a disadvantage, gradually caught up with Bai Chen's speed.

There is no doubt that this is the power of Avesta.

If a spirit rank is a level, then gifts are equipment and skills.

However, the "Simulated Star Creation Map-Avesta" mastered by the three-headed dragon is actually the seventh divine attire besides the six divine attire.

And this set of divine outfits has far higher attributes than other equipment.

It can even be called a plug-in level.

Electromagnetic Cannon: "This is too strong! It is stronger than the God of War, the creator of those Flügel at that time!"

Little White Cat: "Obviously not the teacher's opponent at the beginning, but after using the thing called the Simulated Star Creation Map, it became so powerful."

Goddess of the Moon: "Could it be that using that thing stimulated the potential in the body?"

Fubuki of Hell: "It may also be similar to some kind of booster device, which can temporarily increase the attribute by a large amount."

Blue Slime: "It's too strong. Fortunately, I didn't go there. Otherwise, with my slime's body, I'm afraid I won't be beaten into a pile of liquid on the spot."

Chaos evil: "Don't be so inferior, at least you can still fight against the two-headed dragon, unlike me, weak one!"

Golden Fairy: "I hope you can return safely!"

Die Qi: "Yes."

Black-haired loli: "Big brother is the strongest!"

Little Spider: "Hey! You guys don't set up flags anywhere, okay?!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Damn! What happened before?!"

Die Die Ren: "Miss Bai Yasha, you finally appeared."

Irregular white-haired loli: "I just left for a short time, why did it suddenly become like this!.||?"

Electromagnetic Cannon: "It should be the people of the Devil King Alliance who released the three-headed dragon. Bai Chen predicted this result before, and he is currently fighting the Devil King.

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "The Devil King Alliance? Those people are so quick to attack?!"

She who had just retrieved the Bai Ye Lingge showed a shocked expression.

As Bai Ye, she has just publicized the threat of the Demon King Alliance to the gods and announced the arrest of Demon King Maxwell.

Unexpectedly, the three-headed dragon was released just after doing this kind of thing?

Bai Chen: "It's really fast."

Butterfly Ninja: "Huh?"

Little spider: "Huh, huh?!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Huh?! Aren't you fighting a three-headed dragon?! Why do you still have time to chat?!"

Bai Chen: "For the time being, it's still manageable, but Avesta's power is indeed a bit troublesome."

Hold the Holy Spear horizontally upwards to block the sharp claws that can tear open space, and at the same time quickly turn the Golden Spear to temporarily contain the three-headed dragon's claws from an incredible angle, and at the same time hit the three-headed dragon's mouth with a knee that exceeds the strength of a supernova explosion.


The dull loud noise spread loudly.

Space and atmosphere shatter at the same time.

The sound of bones breaking could be vaguely heard.

Under this blow, the body of the three-headed dragon soared into the air, accompanied by a pure white aura, and flew towards the direction outside the Capital of Flame like a meteor.

A moment later, the three-headed dragon crashed to the ground.

The heavy impact spread, and the already cracked scorched earth was further shattered, raising sand and dust all over the sky.

Even though the pain was enough to make the three-headed dragon miserable, the balance of victory was still tilting towards him.

Avesta's power is still filling his spirit grid, and the three-headed dragon is getting stronger every second.

This scene was seen by Bai Ye through the live broadcast.

Compared with other group members' confidence in Bai Chen, only she knows Avesta's horror best.

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "It's good that you know the trouble. That guy's simulated star creation map can construct a dualistic phase-contradictory simulated star creation map at the fastest speed. As long as he has that gift, no matter how strong the opponent is, the three-headed dragon has a winning rate of more than 50%."

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "As long as you activate that, your skills and gifts will be imitated. It is almost impossible to win him."

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "If you see something is wrong, retreat quickly, I will find a way to solve this three-headed dragon.

Bai Ye involuntarily grasped the hem of the kimono.

The most troublesome part of the three-headed dragon is the simulated star creation map of Zoroastrianism.

That thing can imitate all hostile performances, and can completely counter it back.

It is almost impossible to defeat him.

The first two seals cannot be called victory, but only temporarily delay the time limit for the final trial of mankind.

Bai Ye naturally had no way to destroy it.

However, if the gift game is launched, the three-headed dragon may be able to seal the three-headed dragon into the extreme day of the eternal scar in one breath.

As long as she doesn't die, the three-headed dragon will never appear again.

But relatively, in order to maintain the effect of the gift game, she can only be sealed together with the three-headed dragon.

Bai Chen: You don't need to sacrifice for this kind of thing. "

Bai Chen knew what Bai Yasha was thinking.

For the little garden she loves, the usually inconspicuous old Si Ji can dedicate herself without hesitation.

Bai Chen: "If you are sealed together with the three-headed dragon, the happiest person will not be the people at the lower level, but the gods and Buddhas at the upper level."

Bai Chen: "If I'm not mistaken, is there already a group of gods planning to leave Little Garden?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "..."

Bai Chen: "That's why I said that your sacrifice is meaningless, but it will make those gods and Buddhas celebrate with each other."

Little Spider: "How do you feel that the gods and Buddhas in Hako Garden are all good and bad?"

Bai Chen: "Rather than saying it's bad, it's better to say that everything is based on profit."

Fearing that they would not be able to cross the three-headed dragon, the final test of mankind, which would lead to a wave of decadence, the frightened gods decided to abandon the lower levels and completely get rid of all eschatological threats.

As for whether the decadent wind will follow the past, it is not within the scope of their discussion.

It's a big deal to move again later.

So even if Bai Yasha intends to die with the three-headed dragon.

In the future, those gods will try their best to abandon the old Little Garden.

Irregular white-haired loli: "Do you have a solution?"

Bai Chen: "Of course, otherwise, why would I, a member of the group, fight against such a vicious devil king without any rewards?

After finishing speaking, Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

Want to deal with the analog Chuangxing Tuhe.

According to its own setting, it needs to use the same gifts of humans or Zoroastrianism to counteract.

The first thing Bai Chen thought of was the "Golden Sword" captured from Welleslana.

Or, even the theory of outflow he holds is definitely outside of all the cosmology recognized by Hakoniwa Central. .

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