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Chapter 925: The Day Of Wrath, The Overbearing God

Chapter 925

However, it didn't work.

Because before that, the energies of the Overlord's Light Wheel and the Golden Spear cancel each other out.

The conflict between the aurora and scorching heat cleared the sky, and the giant peak was destroyed only by the aftermath.

The vortex of power equal to the conflict between the stars and the stars smashed everything into pieces.

Rubble scattered all around, broken down smaller than atoms.

Avesta, still can't start.

Facing this meteorite-like scene, Azdakaha did not show resentment and unwillingness like other enemies defeated by Bai Chen in the past.

Just because of its destiny and trials, it was born to be overcome by others.

Now, Azdakaha's mission has been completed, facing the impending doom, he showed a happy smile instead.

That smile was so steady and hearty that it didn't look like it came from a monster.


With the last words.

With a pure white body, three ferocious dragon heads, and ruby-like eyes, the figure that everyone fears is like a fairy wand that has been burnt to the end, and then disappears with a brilliant light.

The crimson banner that was originally draped on the three-headed dragon, showing "absolute evil", quietly changed, and returned to its original banner as the key to the seal.

It depicts the banner of the "Arcadia" alliance, which symbolizes the maiden of freedom and the hill.

The worn-out flag fell with the ashes and was picked up by Bai Chen in his hand.

After a short period of silence, enthusiastic cheers comparable to a volcanic eruption came from the City of Flames, which was mostly in ruins.

Thousands of people in the lower floors of Xiaoting Garden are all watching this earth-shattering battle.

Seeing that the demon king was wiped out, after a short period of thinking and precipitation, the invigorating and mighty cheers spread throughout the abandoned city, as if to indicate that not only gods and Buddhas can make a sound that shakes the world.

Some people are simply happy that they are still alive.

Some people shed tears because their companions were still alive.

Some people cry to mourn the death of a friend.

Others are full of hope for the future and look up to the sky.

"Master Bai Chen actually did it! Knock down that demon king!"

Looking at the golden figure in the sky, the black rabbit who is busy resisting the two-headed dragon, its beautiful eyes are shining.

Those three-headed dragons were the culprits who destroyed most of the Arcadia Alliance's combat power in the past.

Although the flag was not taken away by him, after that battle, the strength of the Arcadia Alliance was empty, which led to it being taken advantage of by other demon kings.

Numerous members have been displaced or even exiled to the outside world, so far they do not know whether they are alive or dead.

And the enmity of the past can be avenged today.

If Bai Chen appeared in front of her at this moment, Heitu would have jumped into his arms immediately to thank this benefactor.


As for Leticia, her eyes were equally brilliant.

She had also fought this demon king in the past, and lost too many companions in that battle.

But it's all over.

Until this moment, Maoticia was completely captured by Bai Chen physically and mentally.

Even Jiu Yuan Asuka and the others.

When seeing the young man surrounded by golden light, the delicate face also showed traces of pink.

Girl Muai.

Not to mention the brave man who defeated the Demon King of Evil.

"This guy actually did it single-handedly!"

Bai Yasha on the upper level saw Bai Chen's figure clearly through the live broadcast, and was severely shocked.

She was already prepared for Bai Chen's defeat, and she was ready to go to the lower level to liberate the gift game immediately.

"What happened? From the very beginning, your expression has become weird."

At this time, Loli, who had blond hair like ears of wheat, frowned and asked.

"I'm just feeling... in this day and age, should we old guys really be eliminated?"

The boulder in his heart fell, and Bai Ye's mood was unprecedentedly good.

After this battle, although there were some sacrifices, the lower classes were able to grow.

And she also thoroughly recognized the ruthless face of the upper gods.

Especially led by Buddhism and Christianity.

The relocation plan of the new Hakoniwa seems to have been brought up by them.

And she was previously warned not to go to the lower level without permission, otherwise she would be an enemy of the Heavenly Army.

"I don't understand what you're saying at all."

The blond girl scratched her cheek.

"Let me tell you, the three-headed dragon has been dealt with by my friends, and then I told those bastards that Hakoba can live well even without the support from the upper echelons!"


Shiroyasha's golden eyes shone slightly.

And the other side.

Bathed in the endless victorious cheers of thousands of people, Bai Chen felt the breath of Hakoniwa Central.

After this battle, Bai Chen has accumulated enough fame and achievements in Hakoniwa.

Lingge naturally rose to three digits.

This is a natural result.

However, the changes don't stop there.

The "reason" that has been stagnant for a long time in the small garden can be loosened at this moment.

Bai Chen turned into light.

In the eyes of others, the brave man who defeated the devil is surrounded by golden particles.

Holy, sublime and terrifying.


The world seemed to change at this moment.

All things are eclipsed.

Like the holy water being boiled in the Holy Grail, the brilliance of gold quietly diffuses like the ocean.

The City of Flames, which had been reduced to ruins, was covered in gold in the blink of an eye.

In the perception of the world, space and time have lost their meaning, and everything they touch loses their original color and turns into the most primitive golden chaos.

When people come to their senses, they find that the original world has disappeared.

In its place was the majestic City of Gold.

Then, people seemed to hear the sound of water dripping.

The figure of Bai Chen appeared in the city of gold, aware of the golden truth that began to slowly spread towards the Little Garden, and recited the spirit of words casually.

【Day of wrath, time of the end】

【Everything in the world, turn to ashes】

【People in the world, even if they are trembling and waiting, the judge will surely come】

[Everything is alive, the salty general will severely punish and correct the soft, beautiful tunes, resounding and falling down the star of the general army's war

【Soldiers under your command should gather under this jade throne】

【Tears and sins will be punished that day. All my lords, you should die from the embers]

【To those who are profoundly merciful, promise their eternal rest today】

【Overflowing from chaos, the day of wrath】

At this moment, Bai Chen stepped into a higher level of "outflow".

Its god name is no longer the "God of Judgment" given by Hakoniwa, but the new domineering Kamikawa flowing out of "creation". .

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