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Chapter 931 Are You Implying Me?

Chapter 931

Speaking of "Summer Reappearance", the setting is somewhat outrageous.

After all, theoretically speaking, Hiruko can be copied into any existence in the material world. After all, in the comics, it is a higher-dimensional life that is more advanced than human beings.

But even though it is a high-dimensional creature, its individual strength is not strong.

Although he has a physique and reaction beyond ordinary people, he will also be injured when attacked by firearms, and his strength is not enough.

Even before the feature film started, Nami was seriously injured by a military plane bombing and had to eat people to regain her strength.

But on the other hand, when the plot of the summer festival is progressing, it can flow out of the black mud substance that human beings will completely disappear just by touching it.

Bestselling Novelist: "You Know So Much..."

Super electromagnetic "310" cannon: "Don't ask, asking is reasoning.

The Spirit of Time: "How strong are those shadows?"

Bai Chen: "Ordinary shadows are average in strength, and anyone in the group can handle them, but the only thing that needs to be noted is that zhizi is a high-dimensional creature.

Chaos evil: "What happened to the high-dimensional creatures?"

Bai Chen: "Have you heard of dimensionality reduction strikes? Although the strength is mediocre, theoretically speaking, high-dimensional creatures are crushing to low-latitude creatures, just like us, as three-dimensional creatures, can easily tear apart the portraits on the two-dimensional plane."

The Spirit of Time: "Is it so dangerous?"

Bai Chen: "It's just a theory, and it may be very weak."

Bai Chen: "By the way, the mastermind behind the shadow, Miss Nanfang, you should know."

Bestselling Novelist: "I...Know?"

After thinking about it, Nan Rihe couldn't think of a reason.

However, the image of a white-haired girl vaguely appeared in my mind.

Could it be... could it really be her?

Bai Chen: "You should have guessed it, all the shadows are made by that girl named Bo Dao.

Hearing the name that was almost buried in his memory, Nanfang Rihe was stunned.

Then his face became ugly.

Wave rice on the shore.

When she was still in junior high school, the first friend she met on that small island was from outside school.

Nanfang Rihe knew that Bo Dao was a "monster" different from ordinary people, but he didn't expect that she was also the culprit.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Ah... the plot suddenly becomes a bit old-fashioned, I feel like I have seen a lot of movies where my friend is the ultimate villain. y

Bai Chen: "Actually, there is something even more bloody. The newcomer met Bodao Kishi, who was the first human being copied by Zhizi, but because the copied body had feelings for another person similar to his father, but that person just wanted to use the shadow to live forever, so he pretended to get along with Bodao. Later, after Bodao was seriously injured and couldn't copy the shadow, he just abandoned her."

Best-selling novelist: "?"

Spirit of Time: "?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "What kind of bloody romance drama is this?"

Little Spider: "Suddenly changed from a horror movie to a romance movie."

Lord is so cute: "In just a few words, the amount of information is huge. Didn't you say that leech is a high-dimensional creature? Why do you still have emotions for humans?"

Bai Chen: "After all, emotions and consciousness are completely copied, and it is normal to be affected."

In fact, when Bai Chen saw the truth, he also wanted to complain a little.

The final big boss of this article can use this method to clear up this plot turning point, and there is no one else.

However, before the truth is revealed, the process of the protagonist group and the villain's battle of wits and courage is quite exciting.

Although the final ending is a bit blunt, it is overall flawless.

Nanfang Rihe: "So, as long as you can kill Bodao, will you be able to end everything?"

Bai Chen: "You can, but I advise you not to be so impulsive."

Bai Chen: "Zhizi's IQ is not guaranteed, plus you have other helpers, you will most likely be killed on the first day of landing on the island.

Ordinary shadows may still be solved, but there is no chance of winning in the face of the "four hands" in the original play.

Bai Chen: "By the way, you died a total of nine times in the timeline that was planned but never happened..."

Nanfang Rihe: "Can you even see the future?"

Bai Chen: "It's just the most basic reasoning and budgeting through information. It can be used as a prophecy. As a novelist, you should understand what I mean.

Bai Chen: "Speaking of which, I'm very interested in that high-dimensional creature. If you plan to do it, you can send an entrustment in the group. I'll take the time to go there. It's a win-win situation.

The Spirit of Time: "It is indeed the most suitable for Mr. Bai Chen to pass by. After all, he is a high-dimensional creature, and it is very likely that he has abilities that we don't know about."

Bai Chen: "Indeed, that creature still has the ability to go back hundreds of years and change history, and the consumption is not too great."

Spirit of Time: "?"

The Spirit of Time: "Bai Chen, are you implying me?"

Bai Chen: "No."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Oops! The beautiful Gcup girl is about to fall into someone's clutches again."

Whenever this time comes, Shiroyasha hates himself so much that he can't leave Little Garden casually.

Electromagnetic Gun: "After completing the commission, you can also get double points."

Chaos Evil: "Win-win, means that Bai Chen wins twice."

Best-selling novelist: "Is this really okay?"

Bai Chen: "If you really want to solve it yourself, it's fine. I have two proposals. One is to get powerful 5.3 powers or props through a lottery, and the other is to contact your government and send a plane to bomb the island directly."

Bai Chen: "Although the zhizi is a high-dimensional creature, its essence has not changed. It will be seriously injured if it is hit by a shell. It is a real crispy skin."

Best-selling novelist: "Please allow me to think about it, and release commissions require points, right? I'll try my best to see if I can get it."

Bai Chen: "If you can't get it together, you can chat with me privately, and I will provide funds."

As long as the principles spread to more worlds, Bai Chen can continuously strengthen himself.

This is the main reason why he is so keen to go to the new world.

As a traveler, seeing different scenery and encountering different encounters is also one of the purposes. .

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